Obama Ruins Commercials

I actually seldom watch commercials these days, owing to my DVR.  But we’re visiting my mother-in-law and doing it old school tonight.   Several spots have taken on unintended meanings in light of the Obama confirmation debacles.

Any TurboTax ad, naturally, makes me think of Tim Geithner.  They’re advertising wall-to-wall but, not surprisingly, have not taken advantage of the tie-in.

Particularly amusing was a spot earlier this evening — perhaps Connecticut local but likely national — that featured several people holding up signs bragging that they had, for example, owed the IRS $200,000 but paid only $30,000.   I was like, great, maybe they had a shot at Commerce Secretary.  Instead, they were trying to get viewers to call a toll free number for similar help for those over their heads with taxes.

UPDATE:  I’m reminded of teaching political science classes during the latter days of the Clinton administration, when it seems that it was impossible to go 15 minutes without committing an unintentional double entendre.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. steve s says:

    that featured several people holding up signs bragging that they had, for example, owed the IRS $200,000 but paid only $30,000. I was like, great, maybe they had a shot at Commerce Secretary. Instead, they were trying to get viewers to call a toll free number for similar help for those over their heads with taxes.

    It’s been known for years that tax enforcement is weak. There was even a move in Raleigh to post the names of tax delinquents in the paper to shame them into paying back taxes. Dentists who owed $100,000 etc. Personally, I was so confused about my pell grants and student loans etc that after I went to the IRS office in Raleigh and they refused to give me any advice for legal reasons, and I couldn’t afford a tax attorney, I just skipped paying income taxes for like 3 years. After that point, and I graduated, and had a simple W-2, I went back to paying, and the IRS never acted like anything ever happened. Hell, one year, they even sent me a letter saying that it looked like I qualified for EITC but didn’t claim it, and if I would do so, they’d send me a check.

    Tax problems are common, the solution is not always clear, and yes, there are organizations that can help you with them. So what?

  2. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    That is who you want for Secretary of the Treasury Steve?? I want someone squeaky clean for that job. He not only did not pay the taxes, he was given the money to pay them by his employer. If it were not for the nomination, he would never have acknowledged the debt at all. It is only slighly amazing the different standards liberal use for democrats and Republicans. That is unamerican.

  3. Maggie Mama says:

    Apologies, ZR III, I don’t mean to step on your toes but rather underscore your point.

    Geithner not only “was given the money to pay them by his employer” BUT HE SPECIFICALLY ASKED HIS EMPLOYER TO GIVE HIM THE MONEY TO PAY THE TAXES!

    Totally a “no-excuses” scenario.

  4. Bithead says:

    Shouldn’t shock anyone, James…. who wants to be associated with that level of failure?

  5. I’m reminded of teaching political science classes during the latter days of the Clinton administration, when it seems that it was impossible to go 15 minutes without committing an unintentional double entendre.


  6. Scott Swank says:

    Maggie Mama – Cite please.

  7. Drew says:

    …and with eyes squinting, lips pursed and finger wagging Geithner looked straight into the camera and sneered “now you listen to me, I did not avoid taxes to that institution – the IRS – I never asked my accountants to lie, and now I have to finish my TurboTax so I can go back to work for the American people…”

  8. C Stanley says:

    The photoshopped 1040-DEM that circulated for a while was pretty funny, but I’m surprised no one came up with a TurboTax style tutorial along these lines: “Now we’re going to ask you a few questions to see if you qualify for a Cabinet post.”

    The joke may be past its shelf life now, but it seems like with tax season upon us it might still have some life in it. I know I keep smirking everytime I see those commercials too.