In honor of MLK, some dubious tweets & a lesser-known speech
Once again, today marks a day where folks who would never have supported Dr. King decide they should praise him
Once again, today marks a day where folks who would never have supported Dr. King decide they should praise him
Representatives Choosing Their Voters Rather than Vice Versa, Chapter 412.
Senator Romney and the latest edition of the senatorial pro-filibuster op/ed.
The President’s approval has plummeted, largely because of factors outside his control.
The Catch-22 of passing a massive spending bill in an undemocratic system.
Democrats and Independents are losing their enthusiasm. But some perspective is needed.
We’re all apes. And some are willfully stupid about their public duties.
The post really isn’t about Sinema as much as it about a theory of poltiics.
A special session looms. (And how this is not like the filibuster in the US Senate).
Even the smartest designers can’t anticipate all the flaws with the rules they write.
I think this underscores the problem with the 60-vote requirement.
It’s undemocratic and we should get rid of it. But doing so isn’t a panacea.