Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

A Strong, But Not Spectacular, Report On Economic Growth

The economy grew in the final quarter of 2017, but at a slower pace than earlier in the year and far slower than what the President has promised.

November’s Jobs Report Is Strong, But There Are Caveats

November’s Jobs Report was stronger than expected, but there are several caveats to keep in mind.

Twenty-Six Killed In South Texas Church Massacre

Another mass shooting.

House Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Bill

House Republicans unveiled their tax reform bill today, but its fate is far from clear.

Retirements By Capitol Hill Republicans Starting To Pile Up

A recent uptick in retirements from Congressional Republicans is leading some Republicans to become concerned about the party’s prospects in 2018.

Democrats Already Maneuvering For Support And Donors In 2020

We’re a long way away from the start of the 2020 election cycle, but Democrats are already maneuvering for support and money.

Who Could Have Seen this Coming? (Trump and Racial Politics Edition)

Who could have predicted we would be where we are at the moment in terms of racial politics and the White House?

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

Van Attack Outside London Mosque Kills One, Injures Ten, In Apparent Anti-Muslim Attack

A van struck a crowd outside a London mosque late last night in an attack by a man who said he wanted to kill Muslims.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Trump Signs Waiver Of Law Requiring Move Of U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem anytime soon.

First Quarter Economic Growth Better Than Initially Forecast, But Further Slowing Is Forecast

Economic growth in the first quarter wasn’t as bad as first estimated, but it still wasn’t very good. And the future is unclear at best.

Jeb Bush: I Told You So

Jeb Bush predicted that Donald Trump would preside over a “chaos Presidency,” and he was right.

Federal Judge Slaps Down Trump Executive Order On ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Another Federal Court has found another Trump Executive Order unconstitutional.

Seventh Circuit Rules Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation Barred By 1964 Law

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, but its reasoning is questionable at best.

At Least Three Dead, Twenty Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In London

An apparent terror attack outside Parliament in London.

Ben Carson: Slaves Were Immigrants

Ben Carson is back and he’s saying some pretty dumb things again.

Senate Approves Mnuchin For Treasury Secretary As Trump Cabinet Comes Together

With two votes last night, President Trump’s Cabinet is coming together.

Bureaucratic Insurgency

There are growing signs that the Deep State is seeking to thwart legal orders from President Trump. This is dangerous.

Betsy DeVos Confirmed As Secretary Of Education After Tie-Breaking Vote By Mike Pence

Despite two Republican defections, Betsy DeVos was confirmed today as Secretary of Education.

Trump Reverses Obama’s Course On Keystone XL Pipeline And Other Projects

President Trump reverses a decision made by President Obama just over a year ago.

Global Temperatures Set Another Record In 2016

The reality of global climate change made itself evident again in 2016.

Ringling Brothers Circus To Shut Down After 146 Years In Business

A long-standing staple of American culture will soon be no more.

There’s a Criminal Defense Crisis In New Mexico, And Nobody Seems To Care

Public defenders in New Mexico are overworked, underfunded, and outmatched, but then that’s true pretty much everywhere in the country.

Apparent Berlin Terror Attack Kills 12, Injures Dozens

Another attack in what has been a bloody 2016 for Europe.

Ben Carson Picked For HUD Secretary

An odd choice for HUD Secretary.

Solid November Jobs Growth Seems To Guarantee Higher Interest Rates In December

Another month of solid but not spectacular jobs growth seems to guarantee that the Federal Reserve will increase interest rates this month.

First Clinton-Trump Debate Confirms Low Expectations

Trump had a much lower bar than Clinton going in. Neither cleared it.

Sluggish Economic Growth, The Federal Reserve, And The 2016 Election

Another sign of a weak economy as the Federal Reserve considers rate hikes and the Presidential campaign moves forward.

Clinton Hits Trump On Demagoguery, Ties To Extreme Right

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton pointed out truths about Donald Trump that his fellow Republicans were too scared to point out during the primary..

“Compassionate” Protectionism

There’s nothing compasssionate about protectionism.

Hillary Clinton Picks Tim Kaine As Her Running Mate

As expected, Hillary Clinton went with the ‘safe’ choice, and has selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Law Granting Special Protections To Same-Sex Marriage Opponents

Mississippi tried to provide special protection to opponents of same-sex marriage and transgender rights. A Federal District Court Judge, properly, finds the law to be unconstitutional.

The Micro Economics of the Financial Crisis

The Financial Crisis was not a problem of macroeconomics, but a cluster of microeconomic problems all acting together.

Evaluating Hillary’s Short List For Running Mates

A purported ‘short list’ of potential running mates for Hillary Clinton is out. Here’s how the candidates stack up.

So…That Stimulus

A report card for the 2009 Stimulus Bill.

Release Of Inspector General’s Report Indicates Hillary’s Email Woes Likely To Continue

The Clinton campaign probably thought the email story was behind them. The new report from the State Department’s Inspector General shows just how wrong they were about that.

Morley Safer, Legendary 60 Minutes Correspondent, Dies At 84

A journalistic legend has passed away just days after his retirement was officially announced.

Federal Government, North Carolina, File Competing Lawsuits Over State’s ‘Bathroom Bill’

The political fight over North Carolina’s so-called “Bathroom Bill” has moved to the Federal Courts.

Majority Of Americans Oppose ‘Bathroom Bills’ Aimed At Transgender Americans

Surprising results from a new poll regarding “bathroom” bills and transgender Americans.

Democracy, Demagogues, and Populist Pandering

The rise of Trump and Sanders has resurrected a debate as old as Western civilization.

Clinton Campaign Looking Beyond Sanders, Looking At Potential Running Mates

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is beginning to look beyond Bernie Sanders and talk about running mates.