Trump’s Pick For New C.I.A. Director Has a Troubling Record On Torture

By all accounts, Gina Haspel is exceedingly well qualified to be the next C.I.A. Director, but she has a troubling past that the Senate will need to at least force her to answer questions about.

Former Secretary Of Nobel Committee Says Obama’s Peace Prize Was A Mistake

Nine years later, at least one member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is admitting what seemed at the time a rather obvious fact.

What’s The Next Step On The Korean Peninsula?

With the Winter Olympics over, the next step on the Korean Peninsula is utterly unclear.

Xi Jinping Solidifies His Hold On Power In China

China’s Xi Jinping solidified his hold on power well into the next decade over the weekend.

Anti-Taiwanese Discrimination in Australia

A mass wave of mainland Chinese immigration to Australia has led to discrimination against Taiwanese expats there.

Trump Announces New Sanctions Against North Korea, But They’re Unlikely To Accomplish Much

President Trump has announced a new round of sanctions against North Korea, but they are unlikely to work given the unrealistic nature of the Administration’s current policy toward North Korea.

Donald Trump’s Dereliction Of Presidential Duty Is Self-Evident

Donald Trump’s dereliction of duty in response to clear evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election is a staggering and flagrant dereliction of the duties he agreed to take on when he took the Oath Of Office more than a year ago.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.

European Allies Signal Trump On Iranian Nuclear Deal: We Don’t Support You

America’s closest allies sent a strong signal that they do not agree with President Trump on the nuclear deal with Iran.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Disbands ‘Voter Fraud’ Commission

President Trump has shut down the commission he established to investigate unsupported claims of “voter fraud” in the 2016 election.

Anti-Government Protests Spread In Iran

Anti-government protests are spreading in Iran.

Knicks Center Enes Katner To Be Tried In Abstentia For Criticizing President Of Turkey

New York Knicks Center Enes Katner is at the center of an international legal dispute for speaking out against the President of Turkey.

Robert Mugabe Resigns As President Of Zimbabwe

After nearly four decades in power, Robert Mugabe has stepped down after a military coup. What happens next is another, more complicated, question.

Mugabe Removed As Head Of Zimbabwe’s Ruling Party, Threatened With Impeachment

After more than thirty years in power, Robert Mugabe is on his way out in Zimbabwe, but that doesn’t mean things will improve.

Australians Vote Overwhelmingly In Favor Of Marriage Equality In Non-Binding Referendum

An overwhelming majority of Australians voted in favor of marriage equality in a non-binding referendum. The ball is now in the court of the nation’s legislature to move forward.

Trump’s Asian Trip Leaves Allies Wondering And Doubting

President Trump returns home from an Asian trip that wasn’t exactly impressive.

Saudi Arabia Will Finally Allow Women To Drive Alone

Progress in Saudi Arabia, but there’s still a long way for this backward, discriminatory society to go.

Laws That Forbid Americans From Joining In Boycotts Violate The First Amendment

Arguments advanced by those advocating a bill that would prevent Americans from participating in a boycott of Israel would not violate the First Amendment appear to be without merit.

Pair Of New Lawsuits Challenge Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

President Trump’s effort to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military faces two new legal challenges.

Arpaio in Context

The problematic nature of Arpaio’s tenure goes beyond just his contempt charge.

Donald Trump Continues His Despicable War On The News Media

President Trump continues his war on one of the most important guardians of American democracy.

Steve Bannon Is Out At The White House

Another one bites the dust.

A Quick Russian Translation

When the Kremlin Says ‘Adoptions,’ It Means ‘Sanctions’

Yet Another Russia Meeting from the Campaign

Add another example of an undisclosed Russia-linked meeting and Team Trump.

Democrats Battling Over Party’s Future

After seven years that mostly consisted of losing elections, there’s a battle going on over which direction the party should head.

Trump Reverses Parts Of Obama’s Opening To Cuba

Foolishly, President Trump is rolling back part of President Obama’s opening to Cuba.

Trump Considering Reversing Obama Policy On Cuba

President Trump is reportedly considering at least partly reversing one of the great foreign policy successes of the Obama Presidency.

Trump’s Muslim Speech Was A Change In Tone, But It’s Unlikely To Accomplish Anything

President Trump’s speech on Islam was a change of tone. However, as critics noted, it was short on substance and is unlikely to accomplish anything.

Trump To Keep Iran Nuclear Deal, For Now

During the campaign, Donald Trump promised to undo the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. Now his Administration is signaling that, at least for now, the deal will stay in place.

South Korea Elects New President Who Favors Dialogue With North Korea

South Korea has elected a new President who breaks with his impeached predecessor in favoring dialogue with the North.

Trump’s Revised Muslim Travel Ban Blocked By Two Federal Judges

Two more losses for the Trump Administration.

The Silent Secretary

Rex Tillerson, “the phantom of Foggy Bottom.”

Trump Administration Rescinds Obama Era Guidelines On Transgender Students

Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration has revoked guidelines to public schools that required accommodation of transgender students.

Washington Supreme Court Rules Against Florist Who Refused Service To Same-Sex Wedding

The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled against a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding.

Trump’s Defense of Putin

The President throws the US under the bus to defend Putin.

Protests And Court Orders Push Back Against Trump’s Muslim Ban

The first day of implementation of President Trump’s order barring immigration from certain Muslim nations did not go smoothly for the Administration.

Trump Imposes Ban On Travel From Several Muslim Countries, Halts Refugee Program

As expected, Donald Trump yesterday signed Executive Orders targeting Muslims and refugees.

Women’s March Draws Record Crowds: So Now What?

A movement motivated by hurt and fear turned into a political force eight years ago. Can another follow suit?

A “Republic v. Democracy” Lexicon

Concepts, basic applications, and even a bibliography! Merry Festivus, everyone.

French Court Strikes Down Burkini Ban

A high-level French Court has struck down the ban on the so-called ‘burkini’ adopted by many towns along the French Riviera.

French ‘Burkini’ Ban Provokes Backlash

For largely irrational reasons, French police are arresting women on the beach for wearing swimsuits that are compatible with their faith.

Former Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson Accuses Roger Ailes Of Harassment In Lurid Detail

If the allegations of a new lawsuit are true, things are truly lurid behind the scenes at Fox News Channel.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor, Author, And Human Rights Advocate, Dies At 87

A man who survived great horrors to become a tireless witness for truth and advocate for human rights has passed away.