Could Democrats replace their oldest Justice before it’s too late?
Taking a closer look at Cooper, Kelly, and Shapiro
A relatively strong performance doesn’t change the narrative.
The 2000 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee turned maverick is gone at 82.
Steamboat Willie is about to be ripe for exploitation.
The DeSantis crackdown on academic freedom is having its desired effect.
All states but one receive more in federal money than they pay out in taxes.
It turns out that the candy flavored booze at the grocery store isn’t even bourbon.
The margins for 2024 are likely to be slim. But that hides a larger story.
Many young, progressive Jews are feeling unwelcome in young, progressive circles.
They’re going to wait until after the midterms to decide whether Iowa and New Hampshire stay at the front of the line.
A disease spreading mostly among gay men is now infecting small children.
Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban may or may not be back in effect.
The Kenosha Police Department is still holding his weapon, clothing, and other property for no apparent reason.
We’re likely to see more instances like the Capitol Riot and the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings.