FBI Director Wray to Resign Before Trump Inauguration

The move paves the way for Kash Patel or another Trump appointee.

Thoughts on Kash Patel for FBI Director

A dangerous choice that the Senate must reject.

Kash Patel to the FBI

Speaking of inexperienced cronies…

The Hur Report and Beau Biden

A new report puts the conversation in a different light.

Biden ‘An Elderly Man with a Poor Memory’

A special counsel has declined to prosecute the President but his rationale was painful.

[Documents taken in August Mar-A-Lago search] [Documents taken in August Mar-A-Lago search]

A Shameful Editorial

The Wall Street Journal failed a key test.

The ‘Crime of the Century’ Didn’t Happen

Three-and-a-half years and almost 6 million tax dollars have produced nothing.

Mar A Lago Mar A Lago

Politics, Law, and the Mar-a-Lago Search

That’s some catch, that Catch-22.

I love taxes police money Euros I love taxes police money Euros

Coming IRS Crackdown?

The Schumer-Manchin compromise includes a massive increase in the tax collection budget.

Clinton Lawyer Acquitted in RussiaGate Case

What does it all mean? It depends on who you ask.

But His Documents!

Former President Trump routinely broke the law with respect to protecting public records.

If It Was an Insurrection, Why Hasn’t Anyone Been Charged with ‘Insurrection’?

It doesn’t matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove.

Cancel Cancel Culture

The state of American debate is not strong.

More on Biden’s Low Profile

And some notes on Trump’s media exposure.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Justice Department Report Undermines GOP Conspiracy Theory On Russia Investigation

An internal Justice Department investigation fails to find any evidence of political bias in the Russia investigation.

The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

Trump Told Russians He Didn’t Care If They Interfered In 2016 Election

Not surprisingly, President Trump told Russian officials early on that he didn’t care if Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Fox News Now Little More Than Trump Propaganda Machine

Fox News Channel in general, and Fox And Friends in particular, have become nothing but a propaganda network for the White House and the President.

Congress To Investigate Payoffs To Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels

House Democrats are set to investigate the payoffs made to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Continue Career Of Lying For Donald Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed on with Fox News Channel to continue her career of lying on behalf of the President.

Stephanie Grisham, Aide To First Lady, Named New White House Press Secretary

Stephanie Grisham, presently a top aide to First Lady Melania Trump, has been named the new White House Press Secretary and Communications Director.

Backing Trump, The Right Sells Out On Trade And Tariffs

As it has in so many other areas, the right has sacrificed it’s previously held beliefs on international trade to feckless obedience toward President Trump.

Rosenstein Fires Back at Critics

The Deputy Attorney General has some things to say about Congress, the press, and others.

Post-Mueller Recriminations

The mea culpas and I-told-you-so’s are rather premature.

Legal Experts Weigh in on Barr Summary of Mueller Report

The Lawfare gang and Popehat weigh in.

Pelosi Demands Open Release of Mueller Report

The Speaker says she will reject any attempt to deliver it in a “highly classified” manner.

Mueller Report Coming Soon?

Robert Mueller appears to be winding down his investigation and getting ready to submit a report to the Attorney General.

Anthony Weiner Released From Prison

The ignominious saga of Anthony Weiner appears to have reached its end.

Rudy Giuliani: When I Said There Was ‘No Collusion’ I Didn’t Mean There Was No Collusion

Once again, Rudy Giuliani is contradicting his client.

Trump Talked About Withdrawing U.S. From NATO, Aides Say

Donald Trump continues to appear to advocate ideas that harm American national interests and benefit Vladimir Putin. Draw your own conclusions as to why.

Steve Mnuchin Becomes Trump’s Latest Target

With the economy appearing to sour, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is quickly becoming the President’s latest target of criticism.

Mueller Recommends No Jail Time For Michael Flynn

Citing substantial cooperation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is recommending no jail time for former Trump associate Michael Flynn.

Donald Trump v. The Federal Judiciary

President Trump’s latest attack on the Federal Judiciary prompted a rare rebuke from the Chief Justice of the United States.

Trump Once Again Displays His Nixonian Side

A new report indicates that President Trump wanted to use the Justice Department to target political enemies. The last time that happened, it led to Articles of Impeachment.

Trump Closely Involved In Payoffs To Karen McDougal And Stormy Daniels

New reports indicate that Donald Trump was closely involved in the efforts to buy the silence of a Playboy model and a former adult film star.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Fired

President Trump has fired his Attorney General, a move than many are interpreting as the precursor to a move against Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

More Gasoline On The Trump v. Justice Department Fire

A new report from The New York Times is likely to cause President Trump’s war on the Justice Department to heat up.

Cohen And Trump May Be In Deep Trouble Over The Stormy Daniels Payment

The latest reports about the circumstances surrounding the payoff to Stormy Daniels could pose big problems for Michael Cohen and his client.

Trump Revokes Brennan’s Security Clearance

The former CIA Director has been stripped of his access to classified information after repeatedly criticizing the President.

Trump Revokes John Brennan’s Security Clearance, Threatens More Revocations

In what appears to be a move based purely on vindictiveness, President Trump has revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.

Trump Launches Unhinged Attack On Robert Mueller And The Russia Investigation

Another morning, and another unhinged Twitter attack on the Mueller investigation by a President who claims the entire investigation is a “hoax” and “Fake News.”

Mueller Looking At Trump’s Twitter Feed As Part Of Obstruction Investigation

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking at the President’s Twitter feed as part of his ongoing investigation.

Trump Administration Considering Revoking Security Clearances Of Administration Critics

Based on what can only be described as pure vindictiveness, the President is apparently planning on revoking security clearances of former officials who have been outspoken against the Administration and its policies.

“But My Emails”

There was some degree of humor in the Dept. of Justice’s Inspector General’s report.

D.O.J. Inspector General Finds No Political Bias In F.B.I.’s Clinton Email Investigation

The Department of Justice’s Inspector General found that former F.B.I. Director James Comey was ‘insubordinate’ in regard to the Clinton email investigation, but found no evidence of political bias at the Bureau.

Trump: I Didn’t Fire Comey Over Russia. (He Totally Fired Comey Over Russia.)

President Trump is claiming that he didn’t fire former F.B.I. Director James Comey because of the Russia investigation, even though he admitted the exact opposite just weeks after it happened.

Trump Once Again Openly Humiliates His Attorney General

In an early morning Tweetstorm, President Trump said he would not have hired Jeff Sessions if he knew he’d recuse himself from the Russia investigation.

Giuliani Admits “Spygate” Allegations Meant To Undermine Russia Investigation

With the President’s “Spygate” allegations standing largely discredited, his attorney and at the moment chief spokesperson Rudy Giuliani admits that the entire conspiracy theory was created to discredit the Mueller investigation.