On the Number of Parties 1: Basic Counting, Part 1

Counting is not necessarily as straightforward as it may seem.

A Republic, not a Constitutional Monarchy

Barbados provides an illustration of a frequently misunderstood concept.

Omicron Cometh

Yet another COVID-19 strain has emerged.

Mort Sahl, 1927-2021

The first modern stand-up comedian has died at 94.

G-7 Approves Corporate Tax Floor

A major first step to solving a longstanding global issue.

Naomi Osaka Quits French Open Rather than Face Reporters

A star player has opted out of a Grand Slam, citing “mental health.”

More on Social Policy and Comparisons

Mostly about how not to do it.

Ralph Puckett Gets Medal of Honor 70 Years Too Late

The 94-year-old legend is finally getting his due.

Walter Mondale, 1928-2021

Jimmy Carter’s Vice President and the 1984 Democratic nominee has died at 93.

United States Less Democratic Than it Used to Be

Multiple indicators point to a decline in the representativeness of the American system.

What’s a Republic?

What meanings might the Founders have had? How should we understand the term?

A Timeline of Denial and Incompetence

A non-exhaustive tour of Trump’s utterances on the pandemic since January.

Bolton: Trump Asked China to Help Re-Election

Some explosive charges in the former National Security Advisor’s book.

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An American Health Service?

A progressive idea that could win conservative support.

COVID-19 and the Trump Administration

The administration’s handling underscores its poor governance skills (and the degree to which it doesn’t matter to supporters).

No, Mr. President, COVID-19 isn’t a Democratic Hoax

Donald Trump is once again trying to deflect reality.

Ginsburg Says Start Over on ERA

A feminist icon offers some advice her allies will not want to hear.

Kim Jong-Un Announces End Of Testing Moratorium

With one speech, Kim Jong-Un has demonstrated the Trump Administration’s North Korea policy to have been an utter failure.

North Korea Treated Trump Like A Chump, And He Fell For It

New reports indicate that the North Koreans never took any of the steps to reduce their research programs that President Trump claimed they did.

New Year Likely To Bring A “Gift” From North Korea

The DPRK is promising a “gift” to the United States. The only question seems to be what form it will take.

Conservatives Score Historic Win In British Elections

Boris Johnson and the British Conservative Party scored a huge win in yesterday’s General Election, while Labour walked away with its biggest defeat in a generation.

It’s Official, Trump’s Policy Toward North Korea Is A Failure

WIth North Korea’s end of the year deadline for progress on talks quickly approaching, it is clear that the Trump Administration’s policies with regard to the DPRK have failed.

Trump’s Brain Dead North Korea Policy

With the clock ticking down to the end of the year and a deadline imposed by the DPRK on talks with the U.S., the Trump Administration’s North Korea policy is in a shambles.

Trump Fine With Letting His Foolish Trade War Continue Past 2020 Election

President Trump said this morning that he’s fine with letting his trade war with the rest of the world continue all the way to the 2020 election.

Farm Bailouts

The costs of irresponsible policy.

The Trouble With Trump’s Pardons For War Criminals

Donald Trump’s pardons of soldiers convicted of war crimes sends the wrong message to the military, to our allies, and to the world.

North Korea Not Interested In Any Talks With U.S.

The Trump Administration’s strategy in North Korea is an utter failure.

Trump Clears American Soldiers Involved In War Crimes

Against the advice of his top military advisers, President Trump has cleared three American soldiers of war crimes, sending a horrible signal to the world and to the troops in the field.

North Korea Throws Cold Water On Future Negotiations

North Korea appears to be pulling back from any future negotiations over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, leaving the Trump Administration’s Korea policy in shambles.

Trump Now Asking China To Investigate Joe Biden

Donald Trump is now committing his crimes in public.

American Public Mostly Ignoring War In Afghanistan

Eighteen years after it started, the American public seems to be mostly ignoring the war in Afghanistan. But that isn’t an excuse for not bringing it to an end.

Bolton Was A Bad Consigliere, But Trump Is A Bad Don

John Bolton was not a good National Security Adviser, but the real problem with Trump Administration foreign policy comes from the man at the top.

Japan To Return To Traditional Name Order

At least in official government documents, Japan will return to the tradition Asian style of placing the surname before an individuals given name.

North Korea Sends Another Warning To The Trump Administration

Meanwhile, on the Korean Peninsula…..

Law & Order: Exterrestrial Unit

We may have the first known case of a crime committed in space.

Trump Has Repeatedly Asked Advisers Why We Can’t Just Nuke Hurricanes

President Trump continues to have an odd obsession with nuclear weapons.

Trump Thinks Russia Should Be Readmitted To The G-7

Once again, President Trump is doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding.

Trump Announces New China Tariffs

President Trump announced a new round of tariffs on Chinese goods set to take effect on September 1st Another stupid move in a very dumb trade war.

Ronald Reagan v. Donald Trump On Immigration

How times have changed, and not for the better.

Donald Trump, Great Britain, And The Special Relationship

The Trump Era is raising doubts about many things, including America’s most important alliance.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling That Trump Can’t Block People On Twitter

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a District Court ruling that President Trump cannot block Twitter users from accessing his account.

Lee Iacocca, Who Headed Two Of The Big Three Automakers, Dies At 94

One of America’s fist celebrity CEO’s has passed away at the age of 94.

U.S. Ready To Give Up ‘Denuclearization’ In North Korea Talks?

Is the United States finally ready to give up on the fantasy that North Korea will surrender its nuclear weapons?

Trump And Kim Stage Another Photo Op Summit At The DMZ

President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un met at the Demilitarized Zone for what amounts to their third summit in a year. As with the previous two, there was nothing of substance accomplished.

Trump And Xi Agree To Resume Trade Talks

President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed to resume trade talks, but Trump’s ill-advised trade war will continue.

Now Trump Is Attacking America’s Alliance With Japan

Not content with taking a wrecking ball to America’s trans-Atlantic alliances, the President is attacking our trans-Pacific allies as well.

Supreme Court Hands Trump Administration A Loss In Census Citizenship Case

In a clear defeat for the Trump Administration, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that the Federal Government could not ask about citizenship on the 2020 Census.

Stephanie Grisham, Aide To First Lady, Named New White House Press Secretary

Stephanie Grisham, presently a top aide to First Lady Melania Trump, has been named the new White House Press Secretary and Communications Director.