House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself
After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.
After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.
Iraq is falling apart for reasons that have nothing to do with President Obama or his policies.
The Iraqis need to learn to govern themselves, and conservatives blaming President Obama for renewed violence need a history lesson.
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is bemused that the generals who worked for him lived more lavish lifestyles than he did.
Charges that the Obama administration leaked classified information about the Osama bin Laden raid for political gain are bunk.
Two groups of former special operations soldiers are opposing Obama. Their military bonafides are not their most interesting credentials.
Conservatives are rejecting Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek essay out of hand, but they ought to pay attention to what he’s saying.
Philip Hammond addressed the Atlantic Council this morning in advance of a meeting with Leon Panetta.
President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.
Romney’s VFW speech was filled with tropes and bromides but nothing that should raise eyebrows.
The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.
Should President Obama do whatever General Petraeus wants in Afghanistan?
President Obama is expected to announce the withdrawal of the 30,000 Surge troops.
My first piece for The American Conservative, which they’ve titled “War Isn’t for Everyone–The military needs civilian control, not citizen soldiers,” is in the May issue.
The uneasy coalition that coalesced around action in Libya will be strained by decisions to come.
Marine Commandant James Amos is going all-out to keep gay Marines in the closet, saying allowing them to serve openly could get men killed.
Despite the Defense Department releasing its study showing that the effects of allowing gays to serve openly would be minimal, Senator John McCain isn’t convinced.
Conservative Republicans who are typically deferential to the military are ignoring the advice of the military leadership on the new START Treaty.
Bob Woodward reports that President Obama was looking for options other than staying the course in Afghanistan. The military didn’t provide any.
According to a new book from Bob Woorward, American policy in Afghanistan is the result of a decision making process that can only be described as chaotic at best.
The effort to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell suffered a setback in the Senate today that likely delays any further moves on the issue until after the midterm elections.
The prospect of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell before the November elections is in doubt thanks to a threatened filibuster led by Arizona’s John McCain.
Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has proclaimed, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.” Is he right?
Does it matter if the controversial McChrystal comments were “off the record” ? No, it doesn’t.