Trump Calls Putin To Exchange High-Fives Over End Of Mueller Probe

President Trump’s obsequious effort to please Russian President Vladimir Putin continues.

Trump Selects Kentucky Coal Executive Kelly Knight Craft As Ambassador To U.N.

The former Kentucky coal executive, Republican fundraiser, and Ambassador to Canada would replace Nikki Haley in what used to be a position dominated by more experienced diplomats.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

North Korea Billed The United States $2,000,000 For Otto Warmbier’s “Medical Treatment”

The United States agreed to pay North Korea $2 million for “medical treatment” for Otto Warmbier. Did the Trump Administration actually pay the bill? They aren’t saying.

The Trump Administration’s Goals For North Korea Talks Are Out Of Step With Reality.

The Trump Administration still doesn’t have realistic goals for its negotiations with North Korea.

North Korea Rebuilding Missile Testing Site

In the wake of the failure of the Hanoi Summit to reach any agreement at all, North Korea appears to be returning to old form.

Trump Cancels Korean Military Exercises, Gets Nothing In Return

Once again, President Trump gets taken for a sucker by the North Koreans.

Bolton Cites the Monroe Doctrine Regarding Venezuela

He conjures the imperialist past with such comments (and he doesn’t even use the term correctly).

Trump’s CPAC Speech May Have Guaranteed His Re-Election

Reason’s Nick Gillespie makes an interesting case but I don’t buy it.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

Line of the Day: NK Denuclearization Edition

And a link to a worthwhile read.

The Hanoi Summit Failed Because Trump Is Pursuing The Wrong Goal

In the end, the reason the Hanoi Summit failed is because the Trump Administration is pursuing an unattainable goal.

Once Again, Trump Becomes An Apologist For A Dictator

Once again, President Trump proves that in the face of evil he is a coward and a disgrace.

Donald Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Study in Contrasts

The President of the United States and the most-talked-about freshman Representative in ages could not be more different.

Michael Cohen Hearing Paints Trump In Horrible Light

Michael Cohen pulled back the curtain and revealed much about the true nature of Donald Trump yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture.

Hanoi Summit Ends Early With No Agreement

The second summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un ended early without any kind of agreement, signalling that no real progress has been made in talks between the two countries.

Tensions Flare Between India And Pakistan

While the rest of the world looks at other events, tensions are flaring in a long-standing global hot spot.

Trump And Kim Headed To Second Summit. It’s Unlikely To Accomplish Anything.

President Trump and Kim Jong Un hold their second summit in Hanoi later this week, but it’s unlikely anything significant will happen.

Trump And Trumpism Are Endangering The Future Of The GOP

Thanks mostly to it’s complete and enthusiastic embrace of Donald Trump , the Republican Party faces a bleak demographic future.

A Reminder about North Korea

And a reminder about how little the current POTUS understands.

Who’s Afraid of Donald Trump?

In his business career Donald Trump relied largely on fear and intimidation to get his way on business deals. As President, he’s finding that nobody is afraid of him.

Second Trump-Kim Summit Set For End Of February

The date and location of the next summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un have been set, but it’s hard to see what can really be accomplished.

Trump Talks Unity While Preaching Hardline Partisanship At State Of The Union

The President’s second State of the Union began and ended with calls for unity. In between, it was filled with the divisive partisanship that has marked his Presidency.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Foreign Policy Ignorance

More than any recent President, Donald Trump displays a tremendous amount ignorance about the world. Even worse is the fact that he seems proud of it.

Trump And Kim Jong Un To Meet Again Next Month

President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will meet again in February, but it’s hard to see why.

Kim Jong Un Sends A Message To Trump On Denuclearization

In his annual message, Kim Jong Un sent a message to President Trump on denuclearization and the future of the Korean Peninsula.

James Mattis Resigning As Defense Secretary In Rebuke To Trump’s Policies

In what clearly appears to be a rebuke of the President, Defense Secretary James Mattis is retiring as Secretary of Defense.

North Korea Makes It Clear What It Means By ‘Denuclearization’

The North Korean government is making clear what it means when it speaks of denuclearization, and its far different from what the United States means.

Senate Overwhelmingly Repudiates Trump On War On Yemen, Khashoggi Murder

In a small, but meaningful, step, the Senate has rebuked the Administration’s policies toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Bush Funeral Inevitably About Trump

Honoring the 41st President cast a poor light on the 45th.

The Trump Doctrine

It isn’t about foreign policy, it is about self-serving manipulation of the public.

The Complexity of Korea

Not one war, but five.

The North Korean Deception

As expected, the North’s nuclear development continues.

Donald Trump The Saudi Apologist

President Trump is serving as a knowing apologist for a despotic regime.

Faced With Evil, Trump Is A Coward And A Disgrace

Donald Trump is a coward and an apologist for evil around the world.

At The General Assembly, Trump Preaches Isolationism And Evokes Laughter

President Trump’s second speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations wasn’t much better than the first, but it it did get the world laughing at us.

Defining Totalitarianism

A quick hit and run post to provide a proper definition.

James Mattis On The Way Out? It Sure Looks That Way

Reports about tension between Defense Secretary James Mattis and President Trump are becoming louder, and it’s being suggested that Mattis could be out of office after the midterms.

Nikki Haley Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley’s Lavish New York City Digs Give Rise To A Faux Controversy

As part of her position as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has use of a rather lavish private residence. This is not a real controversy.

Despite Singapore Summit Hype, North Korea Is Still Making Nuclear Weapons

Three months after the Singapore summit, evidence grows that North Korea is still making nuclear weapons.

Trump Wants Dept. Of Justice To Investigate Source Of Anonymous Op-Ed

President Trump wants Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department to investigate the anonymous Op-Ed published earlier this week even though there doesn’t appear to have been a crime committed.

Bob Woodward’s New Book To Detail Explosive Accusations About Trump White House

A new book by legendary Washington reporter Bob Woodward appears to contain explosive revelations about the President and the operation of the White House.

Trump Acknowledges Problems with North Korea

Who could have seen this coming?

Two Months After Singapore, Few Signs Of Progress With North Korea

Two months after the Singapore Summit, there’s no sign that anything substantive has been accomplished on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump Administration Accuses North Korea Of Breaking Promises It Never Made

The Trump Administration continues to insist that North Korea is violating promises that it clearly never made.

Don’t Let The Trump Administration Get Away With Lies About North Korea

The Trump Administration is falsely claiming that the North Koreans made commitments at the Singapore Summit that they clearly didn’t agree to.

Despite Trump’s Overhyped Summit, North Korea Is Working On New Missiles

Yet another sign that the Singapore Summit didn’t really accomplish much of anything.

Koch Political Network Distancing Itself From Trump’s Republican Party

A powerful political network is distancing itself from the Trump-dominated Republican Party.

Parsing a Key Phrase from the Trump-EU Press Conference

Trade deals take more than an afternoon chat.

Why Should Iran Trust The United States?

The Trump’s Administration’s rhetoric and actions have given the Iranians no reason to trust the United States going forward.