Nelson Mandela Dies At 95

The most important leader to come out of Africa in the 20th Century, and perhaps in all of history, has died.

No House Vote On Syria Resolution If Votes Aren’t There?

Would House Republicans really defer from voting on a Syria resolution to prevent embarrassing the President on the world stage?

Don’t Support the Troops?

Virginia Tech English prof Steven Salaita implores us to “Stop saying ‘support the troops.'”

Colonel Bud Day, American Hero, Dead at 88

Colonel Bud Day, who earned a Medal of Honor leading Vietnam POWs, had died, aged 88 years.

Lindy Boggs, Former Congresswoman and Cokie Roberts’ Mom, Dead at 97

Lindy Boggs, the Louisiana Congresswoman best known to many of us as Cookie Roberts’ mom, has died at the ripe old age of 97.

SECDEF Hagel on DOMA Ruling

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has wasted no time issuing a full-throated statement endorsing today’s DOMA ruling

End Military Funeral Honors for Veterans?

Bill McClellan calls for ending military funeral honors for most veterans.

Ted Cruz Unites Both Parties in Belief Ted Cruz a Jerk

Senator Ted Cruz has alienated his colleagues in record time.

David Petraeus Resigns As CIA Director, Admitting To Extra-Marital Affair

A surprise Friday resignation at the CIA.

Romney Campaign Refocusing By Focusing On, Well, Everything Apparently

The reported Romney “reboot” doesn’t look very impressive.

Politico: Obama Levels More Personal Attacks Than Romney

A POLITICO analysis finds that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.”

Commenting Policies: A Reminder

Challenge the ideas of those with whom you disagree, not their patriotism, decency, or integrity.

Navy SEAL’s Book Disputes Official Account Of Bin Laden’s Death

A new book by one of the Navy SEALs involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden differs significantly from the official version put forward by the government.

Chris Christie Lambastes Anti-Muslim Bigots In The GOP

Once again, Chris Christie makes one wish there were more Republicans like him.

Michele Bachmann’s McCarthyite Crusade Against Huma Abedin And Other Muslims

Michele Bachmann and several other Members of Congress are engaging in the despicable tactics of Joe McCarthy.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Hilary Rosen, Foster Freiss, And The Permanent Campaign Silly Season

Thanks to a media that focuses obsessively on irrelevancies, we now have a permanent political silly season.

Romney Scores Triple Primary Win, Santorum Campaign Becomes Quixotic Crusade

The race is over, Rick Santorum just won’t admit it.

Frank Gaffney Banned from CPAC

While I’ve expressed my dissatisfaction with the degree that CPAC has embraced the worst elements of the conservative movement in recent years, it does appear that there is a line.

Obama’s Second Term

“Democratic” pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen argue that President Obama should decline to run for re-election.

“We’ll Fight Against America For A Thousand Years If We Have To”: The Folly Of Afghanistan

The U.S. War in Afghanistan sounds disturbingly similar to the Soviet one.

No Football On 9/11?

Was it wrong for the NFL to schedule its opening Sunday on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks?

Honor Fallen SEALs by Questioning Their Mission

Honoring the fallen by ensuring that the didn’t die in vain is a recipe for getting more good men killed.

Choir Chastised for Singing National Anthem in US Capitol!

Alabama youth choir gets hand slapped for impromptu rendition of the national anthem.

Party and Country

Ppartisan politics no longer stops at the water’s edge. This is a bad sign for the Republic.

NBC Removes “Under God” From The Pledge. Who Cares?

NBC stoked a minor furor among the perpetually victimized by using the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bobby Jindal: Hating President Obama Is Foolish

Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal sent a warning to his fellow Republicans. Too bad they probably won’t listen.

Comments Alert

Our patience with those who repeatedly hijack the discussion thread to detract from the topic at hand has ended, effective immediately.

Blog Comments Redux

I have banned a couple of serial violators in recent days after various warnings, deletions, and other signals failed to do the trick.

Did Wikileaks Help Bring Down A Corrupt Arab Leader?

Information made public by Wikileaks appears to have played a role in sparking the protest movement that has brought down the President of Tunisia.

Elites: Americans But Not Of America?

Charles Murray argues that the Tea Party is right to complain about out-of-touch elites.

Alan Grayson Digs Hole Even Deeper

Seems Grayson’s getting desperate.

Singing National Anthem Illegal?!

You aren’t allowed the sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Lincoln Memorial.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Army: More Dangerous To Ourselves Than The Enemy

A review by the Army of its alarming spike in suicides blames it on the new strain of risk-seeking recruits who join during wartime and commanders who neglect to rein them in.

Why American Kids Don’t Know History

A lot of Americans don’t know that the US gained its independence from Great Britain. How can this be? Is it a liberal conspiracy?

Ugly Party vs. Grown-Up Party

Michael Gerson argues that the source of our polarization isn’t the Democrats and the Republicans but the Ugly Party and the Grown-Up Party.

Bachmann and Israel