Sugar Bowl Playoff Postponed After New Orleans Attack

The right call but a logistical nightmare.

On Qualification for Cabinet Positions

A general conversation and a lot of specifics about RFK. Jr.

College Football Playoff Chaos

The four-team Playoff will go out making a lot of folks mad.

When Does A University Stop Being a University?

West Virginia University may be the canary in the coal mine.

Herschel Walker and the Perils of Celebrity Candidates

More ugly revelations about the football hero turned politician.

Speaking of Poor Public Health Policy

Comparing the White House’s approach to that of sports leagues on testing.

Big Ten Cancels Football

A nation that failed to control the pandemic is going to be without college sports this fall.

Big Ten and ACC Change Fall Sports Schedules

More dominoes are falling. They won’t be the last.

Investigation Finds Ohio State Doctor Abused At Least 177 Students

An investigation has found that a doctor linked to Ohio State’s wrestling program abused more than 170 students during his time at the school.

Valerie Plame, Ex-CIA Operative, Running For Congress

Valerie Plame, the former CIA agent whose identity was outed during the Bush Administration, is running for Congress in New Mexico.

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan Accused Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse At Ohio State

Jim Jordan, who heads the powerful House Freedom Caucus, is being accused of ignoring reports of sexual abuse by a team doctor while he was a coach at The Ohio State University.

Is All Money Good Money?

How ‘tainted’ must a funder be before a charity is obliged to reject the donation?

The Rug Rat Race

Paradoxically, the children of affluent parents are less happy than those of the poor.

Pennsylvania Court Reinstates Jerry Sandusky’s State Pension

This is likely to outrage a lot of people, but it may not be incorrect under the law.

Joe Paterno’s Wins Restored

A victory for evil.

ESPN’s Conflict of Interest

Can ESPN cover sports while partnering with the sports leagues?

Bill Cosby vs. Ben Roethlisberger

Chris Rock wants us to remember that Bill Cosby isn’t the only celebrity accused of rape.

The TMZification of Sports

Today’s sports media more closely resemble Court TV and TMZ than the SportsCenter of yore.

N.C.A.A. Lifts All Of Its Sanctions Against Penn State

Well, that punishment didn’t last for very long.

Federal Judge Dismisses Pennsylvania Lawsuit Against NCAA Over Penn State Sanctions

Set backs for Pennsylvania in its effort to reverse the NCAA sanctions against Penn State, and a new lawsuit from the Paterno family. The Sandusky story returns.

Pennsylvania Sues NCAA Over Penn State Sanctions

For some reason, Pennsylvania’s Governor has chosen to reopen the wounds from the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

Rioting Penn State Cadet Shocked to Be Kicked Out of ROTC Program

Justin Strine spent part of the summer in jail for violent mayhem but doesn’t understand why he’s unfit to be an Army officer.

Penn State Receives Accreditation Warning

Penn State has been reminded that there’s a third word in its name: University.

Peter Orszag: The Only Way To Save The Postal Service Is To Privatize it

The President’s former Budget Director joins the ranks of those calling for Postal privatization.

Penn State Plea Bargained to Avoid Death Penalty

Penn State was facing a four year suspension of its football program but worked out a less harsh punishment.

Bobby Bowden Not Rejoicing Over Career Wins* Lead

Bobby Bowden now owns the record for most wins by a head coach in college football’s top division, thanks to the NCAA taking 111 wins away from Joe Paterno. He’s quite rightly not excited about it.

NCAA Hits Penn State With Crippling Penalties

The NCAA more than lived up to the hype of “unprecedented” sanctions.

Joe Paterno Obituary Cartoon Do-Over

Rob Tornoe has revised his Joe Paterno-Bear Bryant cartoon in light of the Freeh Report.

Freeh Report Slams Joe Paterno, Other Penn State Officials, On Sandusky Scandal

The cover-up at Penn State was, if anything, worse than we thought,.

Penn State Investigation Into Sandusky Scandal Likely To Be “Very Tough” On Paterno

Joe Paterno’s legacy is likely to take a lasting and damaging hit when a report on Penn State’s handling of the Sandusky mess is released.

Penn State Officials Acted To Protect Sandusky Amid Child Abuse Allegations

Jerry Sandusky is in jail, but the evidence of the crimes that were committed to protect him continues to mount.

The SEC’s Dominance of College Sports

How dominant is the Southeastern Conference? It’s won more titles in the big sports since 2005 than all other conferences combined.