Tamir Rice And The Question Of How The Law Should Handle Officer-Involved Shootings

The decision by a Cleveland Grand Jury to decline to indict a police officer in the shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice raises once again questions about how the law handles shootings involving police officers.

No, We Shouldn’t Use The No-Fly List To Decide Who Can’t Buy A Gun

The no-fly list is a flawed, arbitrary mess that has kept innocent people from flying for years. Using it to deny people rights recognized by the Constitution is, quite honestly, insane.

Supreme Court Bars Cops From Accessing Hotel Registries Without A Warrant

The Supreme Court ruled that police are not entitled to access to a hotel registry without a warrant.

Ohio Judge Finds Probable Cause For Murder Charges In Tamir Rice Case

A Judge in Cleveland has found that there is probable cause to charge a Cleveland Police Officer with murder in the death of Tamir Rice, but that is hardly the end of the matter.

Senate Renews, Modifies, Patriot Act

The Senate passed a bill that renews, and modifies, the Patriot Act

Baltimore Grand Jury Issues Indictments Against Police Officers In Freddie Gray Case

The six Baltimore cops charged in the April death of Freddie Gray have been indicted by a Grand Jury.

Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged In Death Of Freddie Gray

Big news out of Baltimore and, perhaps, the beginning of justice for Freddie Gray.

Supreme Court Limits Ability Of Police To Use Routine Traffic Stops To Search For Drugs

In a 6-3 vote that defied traditional expectations, the Justices have limited the ability of police to detain people on the side of the road for long periods of time.

South Carolina Police Officer Charged With Murder In Death of African-American Man

Thanks to one civilian with a camera, a police officer is facing charges in what appears to clearly be an improper shooting.

Only One Person Has ‘Blood On His Hands’ In The Deaths Of Officers Ramos And Liu, And He’s Already Dead

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot dead while sitting in their patrol car In Brooklyn. And those suggesting that anyone other than the killer has “blood on their hands” are being absurd.

Supreme Court: Police Can Make ‘Reasonable’ Mistakes Of Law In Executing A Traffic Stop

The Supreme Court says that police who have a “reasonable” misunderstanding of the law can still pull you over.

11th Circuit Strikes Down Florida Law Mandating Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients

For the fourth time in three years, a Federal Court has ruled that Florida’s law requiring drug tests for welfare recipients is unconstitutional.

The Eric Garner Case Is About Excessive Force And Unequal Justice, Not Cigarette Taxes

While conservatives have been generally as appalled as others with the news out of Staten Island, some of them are looking in the wrong place for blame.

Staten Island Grand Jury Refuses To Indict NYPD Officer In Chokehold Death

A New York City Grand Jury refuses to indict a cop who appears from all available evidence to choked a guy to death for no good reason.

Ferguson Grand Jury Returns No Indictment In Michael Brown Shooting

A not unexpected decision from the Grand Jury that investigated the Michael Brown shooting.

Ferguson, Missouri Braces For Probability Of No Indictment In Michael Brown Shooting Case

We appear to be just days away from an announcement from the Grand Jury investigating the Michael Brown shooting, and the consensus seems to be that there will be no indictment at all.

Scott Walker Wants To Drug Test Welfare Recipients, But It Doesn’t Work, And It’s Unconstitutional

A popular idea that does nothing useful while simultaneously violating the Constitution.

Virginia Judge Rules Police Can Compel Suspect To Unlock Phone Locked Via Fingerprint

The Fourth and Fifth Amendments do not prevent the police from compelling you to unlock your phone if you used fingerprint scan technology to lock it, Virginia Judge has ruled.

Report: Federal Civil Rights Charges Unlikely In Michael Brown Shooting Case

Reports from the Justice Department seem to be laying the groundwork for more disappointment for those hoping for charges against Officer Darren Wilson.

Evidence Presented To Michael Brown Grand Jury Appears To Support Officer’s Version Of Events

What if the Grand Jury investigating the Michael Brown shooting fails to indict Officer Darren Wilson? We may find out if newly leaked evidence is accurate.

F.B.I. Director Hints At Regulatory Action Against Apple, Google Over Encyrption

Law enforcement remains unhappy about the recent changes that will make it harder to break into a locked smartphone.

Court Rules That “Creepy” Photos Taken in Public Aren’t A Crime

A District of Columbia Judge has ruled that photographs of women taken in public do not violate the law.

Law Enforcement Claims New Apple And Google Encryption Policies Will Hurt Investigations

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are pushing back against Apple and Google’s efforts to provide greater privacy to users.. They’re wrong.

Apple Strikes A Blow For Privacy

A recent change by Apple is good news for advocates of privacy and civil liberties in the Internet Age.

What If “Justice” In The Mike Brown Case Doesn’t End In A Conviction?

There is a good possibility that Darren Wilson could be acquitted in the shooting of Michael Brown.. Are the protesters ready to accept that reality?

Government Spied on American Muslims Who May or May Not Be Bad Guys

The NSA and FBI are doing more spy stuff.

Supreme Court Allows Challenge To Law Against Election “Lies” To Go Forward

A hopeful First Amendment decision from the Supreme Court.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Warrant Required To Track Cell Phone Location

Should the police be able to track you without a warrant? One Federal Appeals Court says no.

Supreme Court Justices Try To Balance Technology, Privacy, And The 4th Amendment

Today’s oral argument before the Supreme Court on the issue of police searches of cell phones and smartphones left much up in the air.

Supreme Court to Rule on Cellphone Searches

The Justice Department thinks police should be able to search the smart phones of anyone arrested for anything.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Law Requiring Drug Tests For Welfare Benefits

From Florida, a small victory for Fourth Amendment rights.

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To N.S.A. Data Mining

Another Federal District Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the NSA’s data mining program, this time more favorable to the NSA.

Drug War Using American Phone Records More Than Terror War

Prism ain’t got nothin’ on the Hemisphere Project.

TSA Expanding Beyond Airports

TheTransportation Security Administration is expanding its purview to train stations and sporting events.

Federal Judge Not Buying Administration Arguments In Lawsuit Over Drone Killings

A Federal Judge wasn’t very pleased when Administration lawyers told her that she doesn’t have jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit over the President’s drone policy.

New Jersey Supreme Court: Warrant Required To Track Via Cell Phone GPS

New Jersey’s highest court gets it right.

“Border Security” And GOP Political Pandering

There are many fallacies contained within the GOP’s insistence that immigration reform must begin and end with “border security.”

The Fourth Of July And The Fourth Amendment

Contemporary Americans accept actions by the state that were once the cause for revolt.

FBI Admits It Uses Surveillance Drones In The U.S.

Thanks to one question from one Senator, we learned yesterday that the FBI has used surveillance drones inside the United States.

SCOTUS Fumbles On The Fifth Amendment

Yesterday, the Supreme Court narrowly decided a case on the right against self-incrimination that is likely to do great harm to individual rights.

NSA PRISM Story Overhyped

Not only do we not know the whole story of the NSA data mining operation, key details of what thought we knew are wrong.

NSA Data Mining: It Doesn’t Matter If It’s Legal

Just because NSA data mining is legal, that doesn’t mean it’s proper or that the American people should tolerate it.

NSA Data Mining Also Extends To Credit Card Transactions

Sadly, this is not surprising.

FISA, Blanket Searches, and the 4th Amendment

The government has your cell phone and credit card records. What can they do with that information?

NSA Mining Data From Top Internet Content Providers

Big Brother is doing more than just checking your phone records.

It’s About More Than Cell Phone Records, It’s About Liberty

The NSA’s data mining project is about more than just subpoenas for cell phone records.

Supreme Court: Police Can Take DNA Samples Before Conviction

Another body blow to the Fourth Amendment from the Supreme Court.

Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury? Probably Not

Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress is leading to accusations of perjury, but the argument that he did so seem pretty weak.

Judge Orders Google To Comply With Secret FBI Demands For User Information

Once again, national security wins and privacy loses.