Biden’s Garbage Comment

For want of an apostrophe . . .

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III briefs the press from the Pentagon Briefing Room, Arlington, VA, Feb. 19, 2021. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III briefs the press from the Pentagon Briefing Room, Arlington, VA, Feb. 19, 2021.

Austin Hid Cancer Diagnosis

“This is not the way it is supposed to go,” indeed.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023

The Case of the Missing SECDEF

A truly weird story.

America’s Forgotten Empire

Our Pacific territories are giving more than they’re getting.

Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel

College for Convicts

A massive expansion of the Pell Grant program for prisoners goes into effect next month.

The free high-resolution photo of pedestrian, road, traffic, street, city, new york, cityscape, downtown, taxi, transport, red, nyc, usa, yellow, lane, yellow cab, art, infrastructure, metropolis, urban area , taken with an unknown camera 03/26 2017 The free high-resolution photo of pedestrian, road, traffic, street, city, new york, cityscape, downtown, taxi, transport, red, nyc, usa, yellow, lane, yellow cab, art, infrastructure, metropolis, urban area , taken with an unknown camera 03/26 2017

Why So Many Die on American Roads

Traffic deaths are going down in most of the world. Not here.

SCOTUS Declines to Declare American Samoans Citizens

The court, rightly, punted the issue to Congress and local leaders.

Democrats Punt on Primary Order

They’re going to wait until after the midterms to decide whether Iowa and New Hampshire stay at the front of the line.

Fort Liberty and Other New Monikers for Confederate-Named Bases

Some great suggestions, same lame ones, and some missed opportunities.

The Identity Politics of Identity Politics

Who gets to claim Latino heritage?

Coronavirus Relief Funds Diverted to Pet Projects

Because of course it was.

People Moving for Politics?

It seems that some Americans are relocating to be with people who share their social and cultural views.

Heir’s Property and FEMA Relief

Another example of structural racism.


A startling number than may understate the problem.

The Senate’s Rural Skew

Injecting data into the conversation.

Is the American Government Legitimate?

A long-winded and esoteric discussion about an elusive idea.

Is Federalism the Real Problem?

A fundamental building block of our system makes it nearly impossible to fix.

Puerto Rican Statehood Possibilities

Statehood is on the ballot this November.

Why I am Where I am on Reform

More on SCOTUS expansion and other issues.

SXSW Latest Victim of Coronavirus

Conferences, sporting events, and even school has been canceled to avoid spreading the pandemic.

Bloomberg’s Billions Buying Ground Game

An unprecedented spending blitz is upending the campaign.

Why Democrats Have to Play By Different Rules

The Republicans are playing a different game.

Julian Castro Ends Presidential Bid

Another one bites the dust.

Trump Reverses Decision To Hold G-7 Summit At His Miami Golf Resort

After coming under fire for a decision designed primarily to benefit himself and his family, President Trump has decided to walk back the decision to hold the next G-7 Summit at one of his properties.

Trump Seeks To Enrich Himself By Scheduling G-7 Summit At Trump Property

In what seems to be clear violations of the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, the President is seeking to enrich himself and his family,

Are We Headed For Another Shutdown Over Trump’s Border Wall?

Once again, a fight is set to brew over funding for the President’s border wall. Will he force another shutdown in an election year?

Trump Diverts Money From Military Families To Pay For Border Wall

The Trump Administration from projects to build on-base schools and daycare facilities to spend on his border wall.

DT and the Cat5’s

So weird.


This timeline is just so weird.

Puerto Rico Gets Its Third Governor In A Week

Thanks to a ruling by the Puerto Rican Supreme Court, the island Commonwealth has its third Governor in less than a week.

Puerto Rico Has A New Governor. Maybe.

Embattled Governor Ricardo A. Rosselló has stepped down but succession issues surround the man who took the oath of office late yesterday.

Who Wants To Be Governor Of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló is set to leave office on Friday, but his designated successor doesn’t want the job.

After Weeks Of Protests, Puerto Rico’s Governor Will Resign

After weeks of protests and years of frustrations, Ricardo Rosselló, the Governor of Puerto Rico, announced last night that he will be resigning from office.

American Public Strongly Supports Statehood For Puerto Rico

In contrast to the idea of granting statehood to the District of Columbia, the American public appears to strongly support statehood for Puerto RIco.

New York Law Makes It Easier For Congress To Get Trump’s Tax Returns

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed into law a bill that will make it easier for Congress to get President Trump’s tax returns.

Trump Administration Caves On Census Question On 2020 Census

In the wake of an adverse Supreme Court ruling, the Trump Administration has decided not to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Congress And White House Headed For Another Shutdown Showdown?

There are several months to go before a budget must be passed but there are already signs that the White House and Congress could be headed for an impasse.

Trump Won’t Rebuild Military Bases if He Has to Rebuild Puerto Rico, Too

A months-long standoff is stopping hurricane relief.

calculator storm trooper calculator storm trooper

Lying With Statistics

Are people fleeing blue states to avoid repressive taxes? It depends who you’re asking.

Voters Voting Voters Voting

On Democratic Responsiveness

A lesson from Puerto Rico and further reasons why the EC is a problem.

Trump and Aid to Puerto Rico

A reminder that over 3 million citizens have no effective influence over the federal government.

Spring Forward? Fall Back? Let’s Just Pick A Time And Stay There

It’s that time of year again, and once again people are asking if it isn’t time to drop the whole ritual of changing time every six months altogether.

Elizabeth Warren Pledges [Something, Something] Wealthy Donors

The populist Democrat won’t be hosting fundraising dinners. Until the general election campaign, at least.

New York Democrats Looking At Potential Challengers To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has managed to become a media star, but she has a lot to learn about politics.

Does Tulsi Gabbard Have A “Natural Born Citizen” Problem? No, She Doesn’t

Tulsi Gabbard was born in American Samoa, an American territory whose residents are generally not American citizens from birth. However, she is nonetheless a “natural born citizen.”

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro Enters Presidential Race

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro is the latest addition to the growing Democratic Presidential field.

Trump Backs Away From ‘National Emergency’ Option As Shutdown Enters Record Territory

President Trump appears to be backing away from the idea of declaring a national emergency to get his wall built. But the other options he’s considering aren’t much better.

As Shutdown Continues, Trump Inches Closer To Declaring ‘National Emergency’

The government shutdown has now entered historic territory, and the Trump Administration is moving closer to a “national emergency” or other extra-legal means to get money for his wall.