Making Imperialism Great Again

Greenland, Canada, and Panama. Oh my.

“Fox & Friends Weekend” Host for SECDEF

No, I am not kidding.

Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Conference, Tuesday, October 12, 2021 in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Conference, Tuesday, October 12, 2021 in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

News Travels Faster

Five minutes is an eternity in the current information environment.

Toby Keith, 1961-2024

The country music singer was 62.

Bill Richardson, 1947-2023

The longtime politician and statesman is gone at 75.

The U.S. Role in Ukraine’s Success

It’s much bigger than it appears.

David Kay, 1940-2022

A man made famous for discovering Iraq’s WMD program was virtually nonexistent is gone at 82.

Biden Pleads for Regime Change in Russia

The President commits a Kinsley gaffe.

Madeleine Albright, 1937-2022

A trailblazing diplomat has died at 84.

Very Quickly, Putin’s War Is Likely To Get Even Uglier

The disintegrating military situation is leading to escalating brutality.

It’s Not Time To Eulogize The Old Order

Pundits like Thomas Friedman struggle with premature prognostication.

Who Decides What’s Disinformation?

What if the “fake news” is really fake news?

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

Secrecy and Democracy

How do we know when our government is telling us the truth?

Max Cleland, 1942-2021

The Vietnam War hero and one-term Georgia Senator has died at 79.

Colin Powell, 1937-2021

The trailblazing soldier-statesman has died at 84.

Our Victory in Iraq

The wonders of hindsight.

Donald Rumsfeld, 1932-2021

He was both the youngest and oldest man to run the Pentagon.

Who’s to Blame for the War Dead?

The answer seems simple but it isn’t.

Evacuating the Afghans

President Biden has a second chance to do the right thing.

Brent Scowcroft, 1925-2020

The National Security Advisor to Presidents Ford and GHW Bush has died.

Intel Briefers Stopped Telling Trump about Russia

The President didn’t want to hear about bad behavior from Moscow, so he wasn’t told.

After the Protests: What Then?

How to translate understandable frustration at injustice into tangible reform?

Pressuring Venezuela?

In recent weeks the US has ramped-up pressure on Maduro.

Trump’s Threat To Sanction Iraq Is Ridiculous And Stupid

President Trump is making ridiculous threats against the regime in Iraq that are likely to draw it closer to Iran.

In Attacking Iran, Trump Is Losing Iraq (Again)

The assassination of a top Iranian official on a visit to Baghdad is having the expected negative impact on our relationship with Iraq and the fight against ISIS.

Iraqi Protesters Storm U.S. Embassy

Amid protests over American airstrikes, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has become a target.

Major Drone Strike Hits Large Saudi Oil Facility

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for a massive attack on an important Saudi oil facility.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

Trump Imposes New Sanctions On Iran. They Won’t Work.

The Trump Administration unveiled new sanctions against Iran yesterday. They’re unlikely to accomplish the entirely unrealistic goals the President claims to have in mind.

Ahead Of Potential Crisis With Iran, Trump’s Lack Of Credibility Comes Home To Roost

As we head toward a potential crisis in the Persian Gulf, the consequences of the President’s lies are coming home to roost.

Some Democrats Still Upset About Biden’s Vote In Favor Of Iraq War AUMF

A new poll indicates that at least some Democrats continue to hold Biden’s 2002 vote in favor of the Iraq War.

The Dangers Of U.S. Military Intervention In Venezuela

American military intervention in Venezuela would make the situation in that country worse, not better.

Walter Jones, Iraq War Supporter Who Became Anti-War, Dies At 76

Walter Jones, a former supporter of the Iraq War who became one of the most prominent anti-war voices in Congress, has passed away at the age of 76. He will be missed.

Trump To Order Withdrawal of American Troops From Syria

The Trump Administration is reportedly preparing to withdraw the small contingent of American troops from Syria. If it actually happens, this would be a good move.

Kofi Annan, Former U.N. Secretary-General, Dies At 80

Kofi Annan, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations at the dawn of the “War On Terror,” has died at the age of 80.

Trump Once Again Reveals His Horrible Foreign Policy Instincts

Donald Trump had to be talked down from considering military intervention in Venezuela.

Ahead Of Singapore Summit, The U.S. And North Korea Still Seem Very Far Apart

With the start of the Singapore Summit just hours away, it’s not at all clear what the respective parties can possibly agree to other than what amounts to a photo opportunity.

Trump Administration Argues It Didn’t Need Congressional Authorization To Attack Syria

Echoing the Obama Administration, the Trump Administration is arguing that it did not need Congressional authorization to attack Syria earlier this year.

Don’t Buy The Hype About North Korea Agreeing To ‘Denuclearization.’

South Korea’s President is saying that Kim Jong Un has renewed his supposed commitment to ‘denuclearization,’ but it isn’t at all clear what that means.

North Korea Moves Goalposts, Threatens To Cancel Trump-Kim Summit

Not surprisingly, the North Koreans are pushing back against American efforts to force them into a corner on denuclearization.

Bolton Sees Libya As Model, North Korea Likely Sees It As a Warning

The United States is apparently looking to Libya as a guide for upcoming talks with North Korea. The DPRK most likely sees the fate of that nation and its leader as a warning.

Attacking Syria Without Congressional Authorization Would Be Illegal

Without Congressional authorization, any attack on Syria would be illegal, but don’t expect Congress to do anything about it.

Trump’s Selection Of John Bolton Has The World Rightfully Concerned

From Europe to the Middle East, to Asia, America’s allies are concerned about what the selection of John Bolton as National Security Adviser means going forward. They should be, and so should every American.

Donald Trump Has Already Undermined Any Talks With North Korea

By threatening to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, Donald Trump is making it far less likely that any upcoming talks with North Korea will succeed.

John Bolton Is Foolishly Calling For Preemptive War Against North Korea

John Bolton is leading a cry for preemptive war against North Korea.

Trump Administration Claims It Needs No Legal Authorization To Keep Troops In Syria

Continuing a long-standard tradition, the Trump Administration claims it doesn’t need to get legal authorization to keep American troops in Syria.

Demanding Denuclearization Of North Korea Is A Non-Starter

Expecting North Korea to agree to diplomatic talks that are aimed at getting rid of their nuclear weapons is asking for the impossible, and ensuring there will be no progress on the diplomatic front for the foreseeable future.

The Growing Partisan Divide Over America’s Relationship With Israel

Americans were once largely united in their opinions about Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. That’s not the case anymore.

There Are Two Options When It Comes To North Korea, And Only One Of Them Makes Sense

On North Korea, there are two options, deterrence and war. And only one of those options makes sense.

Iraqi Kurds Vote Overwhelmingly For Independence, Prompting A Backlash

Kurds in Iraq voted overwhelmingly for independence in a non-binding referendum, and the result is threatening to create a new conflict in the Middle East.