The Great Baby Deficit

Most of the biggest countries in the world have birth rates below replacement level.

Henry Kissinger, 1923-2023

The most important and controversial American diplomat of the postwar era is gone at 100.

Netanyahu Joins Chief Rival In Call For Unity Government

With election results showing his Likud Party falling short of a majority, Benjamin Netanyahu is joining his chief rival in vallsfor a unity government. Getting there would be complicated, though,

Israeli Election Too Close To Call

As many expected, the initial returns from the Israeli elections are too close to call.

The Declining Market for Freelance Writing

Ring Lardner said he would “rather write for the New Yorker at five cents a word than for Cosmopolitan at one dollar a word.” A century later, he’d be lucky to get those rates.

Former Secretary Of Nobel Committee Says Obama’s Peace Prize Was A Mistake

Nine years later, at least one member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is admitting what seemed at the time a rather obvious fact.

Former Israeli Prime Minister And President Shimon Peres Dies At 93

One of the last survivors of Israel’s founding generation has passed away.

Ariel Sharon, Israeli General, Defense Minister, Foreign Minister, Prime Minister, Dead At 85

After eight years in a coma, Ariel Sharon has passed away.

UK Defense Secretary Tough on Iran, Tougher on Europe

Philip Hammond addressed the Atlantic Council this morning in advance of a meeting with Leon Panetta.

Obama Reiterates Statements On Israeli-Palestinian Talks In AIPAC Speech

President Obama doubled down in his speech before this year’s AIPAC conference. Why he did so only he understands.

Academia’s Liberal Bias

Yet another study finds conservatives wildly underrepresented in higher education.

Unpaid Internships Unfair, Just Like Life!

Unpaid internships aren’t education and give kids of wealthy, well connected parents even more advantages. Should we get rid of them?

Endless Elections

Buchanan on Palestine

Yasser Arafat Dying?