He boldly went where no nonagenarian had gone before.
The annual gathering showed us what the Republican Party would become years ago.
René Auberjonois, a long time character actor best known for his roles on Benson and Star Trek: Deep Space NIne, has died at 79.
President Trump will get his Space force, but it won’t exactly be what he wanted when he first proposed that idea.
One of the people most responsible for the personal computer revolution has passed away at the far-too-young age of 65.
As much as we hate paying $200 a month for television, the future is likely going to be worse.
Harlan Ellison, who had a reputation for being as cantankerous as he was a great writer, has died at the age of 84.
Not an Easter song, exactly, but certainly evocative of some of the holiday’s major themes.
Stephen Hawking possessed one of the greatest minds in history, but he will likely be most remembered for not letting a debilitating disease stop him from contributing to our understanding of the universe.
The eighty year old mystery regarding the fate of famed aviator Amelia Earhart may have taken a step toward being solved if the results of a new forensic study are correct.
The actor best known for his run on M*A*S*H died Saturday after a battle with colon cancer.
Donald Trump Jr. spoke yesterday with Senate investigators, and his answers raise more questions than they answer.
Was Jim Comey fired in an effort to impede the Russia investigation? Trump’s own words are making it sound more and more likely.
American Astronaut Scott Kelly is back home after a year in orbit.
Remarks by a Democratic politician in Virginia regarding the Administration’s Syrian refugee program have brought up disturbing reminders of a shameful time in American history.
Rand Paul is carrying on a family tradition, winning the CPAC straw poll won many times by his father Ron.
Leonard Nimoy, the actor who became a household name as Mr. Spock with the “Star Trek” television series and movies, has died at 83.
One day after HBO, CBS announces its own streaming service. And the future approaches just a little bit faster.
The burgeoning science of additive manufacturing is on the verge of being able to print functioning human organs.
Not surprisingly, Russia’s acquisition of Crimea comes with quite a potential bonanza in natural resources.
About 1,000 same-sex couples married in Utah before the Supreme Court stay find themselves in an odd legal limbo.