Matthew Whitaker as NATO Ambassador
Stop me if you have heard this before, but he is unqualified for the job.
Stop me if you have heard this before, but he is unqualified for the job.
A massive follow-up to the exploding communications devices.
Progressive activists are preparing to “democracy-proof” the country.
Public perception is not aligned with the top level data.
They average more than any other occupation and considerably more than their European counterparts.
We’re getting weird policies almost nobody is asking for.
Sanctions and a costly war are taking their toll.
A free panel on how transparent social media platforms should be about government requests
“Cooking with gas” could become a thing of the past. But it probably won’t.
A new Census definition has changed classifications slightly. It doesn’t go nearly far enough.
An impasse over schedule flexibility could have widespread impact.
The retired general and think tank president is in hot water.
Can it overcome demographics and decoupling to sustain its current unprecedented growth?