Marco Rubio Becomes The Main Target At Eighth Republican Debate

Marco Rubio was the man in the cross hairs in last night’s Republican debate.

After More Than Three Decades, Americans Held Hostage In Iran To Receive Compensation

After more than three decades, the men and women held hostage in Iran for 444 days will receive at least some compensation.

No, We Shouldn’t Use The No-Fly List To Decide Who Can’t Buy A Gun

The no-fly list is a flawed, arbitrary mess that has kept innocent people from flying for years. Using it to deny people rights recognized by the Constitution is, quite honestly, insane.

George H.W. Bush Highly Critical Of Rumsfeld And Cheney In New Book

In a new book, former President George H.W. Bush is highly critical of two of his son’s closest advisers in the White House.

Lindsey Graham Promoted Twice As Absentee Reservist

Lindsey Graham recently retired as a colonel in the Air Force Reserves after 33 years of service. He missed most of the last twenty.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

America’s Top Law Firms Have Declined To Defend Bans On Same-Sex Marriage

Many of America’s top law firms have declined to accept cases defending bans on same-sex marriage, and that’s okay.

Everyone Hates The Cable Company, But This One Isn’t Their Fault

A tale of Kafkaesque torture by Comcast Customer Service reveals that the person who really made the mistakes here was the homeowner.

George W. Bush Gets CIA Award

President George W. Bush had a running battle with the CIA throughout his eight years in office. Now, they’ve given him an award.

Did 24 Help Make Torture Acceptable?

In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on C.I.A. torture, some have suggested that eight years of Jack Bauer helped make torture more acceptable to the American public.

Sowell Deploys a TTBS

On Ticking Time Bombs

The “ticking time bomb scenario” is a TV trope and, therefore, is a terrible guide for making policy.

The Amorality Of Dick Cheney And The Right In Response To The Truth About C.I.A. Torture

Vice-President Cheney’s amoral defense of torture has come to define how most conservatives view the issue, and that’s a problem.

Rationalizing Torture

Torture Report’s Long Shadow

What now?

Senate Intelligence Committee Report Reveals A Dark and Regrettable Time In American History

A dark and regrettable time in American history is finally seeing the light of day.

How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Imperial Presidency

A critic of the imperial presidency becomes an imperial president.

Has Obama Institutionalized Bush’s Worst?

Dan Froomkin says Obama is as bad as Bush, if not worse.

Germany Lowers Retirement Age

How long should we expect people to work?

Can Someone Without A Filter Be A Viable Presidential Candidate?

Brian Schweitzer has a reputation for saying things that most politicians wouldn’t, but that may be just what he needs to get attention if he runs in 2016.

Why It Matters That Obama Didn’t Follow The Law In The Bergdahl Release Deal

Good intentions and good results aside, the President’s disrespect for the Rule Of Law should concern everyone.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

Did Obama Violate The Law With The Bergdahl Release? It Sure Seems Like It

Good intentions aren’t an excuse for failure to follow the law.

Meet Egypt’s New Military Dictator

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is a name we’re likely to be seeing in the news for some time to come.

Hate Crimes, Freedom Of Speech, And Equal Protection Of The Law

Continuing the discussion from earlier this week on hate crimes.

Jeremiah Denton, Vietnam War Hero, Dies

Jeremiah Denton, a Vietnam War hero and one-term US Senator from Alabama, has died. He was 89.

Don’t Support the Troops?

Virginia Tech English prof Steven Salaita implores us to “Stop saying ‘support the troops.'”

Peter King ‘Not Ruling Out’ Presidential Run; He Should

An overweight Republican from the northeast is thinking about running for president. No, not that one.

On The Coup In Egypt And The Future Of Democracy

The events of the last week in Egypt raise a whole host of questions.

Millions Of Egyptians Protest Morsi Regime As Military Sets Deadline For Action

Yesterday saw some of the biggest protests ever to rock Egypt. Where does it go from here?

David Gregory Asks If Glenn Greenwald Should Be Prosecuted

Does David Gregory consider Glenn Greenwald to be a reporter deserving of protection, or “just a blogger” who may be a potential criminal?

When Is A Leak Not Really A Leak? When It’s Beneficial To Those In Power, Apparently

Outrage over leaks like those that Edward Snowden makes doesn’t exist when its politicians doing the leaking.

Too Early for 2016 Talk?

We’re actually not speculating about who might be running any more than we used to.

No, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Not An Enemy Combatant. He Is A Criminal.

The Boston Marathon bomber must be tried in a court of law.

Transgender Individidual Arrested For Exposing Breasts Jailed With Men

If you expose your breasts in rural Georgia but have a penis, jailers are liable to think you’re a dude and make fun of you.

Yes, Bush Administration Used Torture

A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.

Report: U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11

A new report confirms that the United States did engage in torture in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

Shooting Sprees vs Organized Terrorist Attacks

We treat violence by lone individuals differently than organized violence. Race, religion, and national origin have nothing to do with that.