President Trump tried to get into the Christmas spirit last night. He failed.
Just days after appearing to condone donning blackface in the style of a 19th Century minstrel show, Megyn Kelly is out at NBC News.
Some conservatives appear to believe that this year’s Starbucks coffee cops are “promoting a gay agenda.”
After news of the appointment of a special counsel in the Russia investigation, Donald Trump’s persecution complex was on full display.
The people who believe there is a ‘War On Christmas” tend to be the same ones who hold to the largely false idea that their religious beliefs are under assault due to a “culture war.”
A Colorado Republican Congressman has introduced a resolution meant to involve our nation’s representatives in the non-existent ‘War On Christmas.’
You may not be aware, but your local Starbucks is the new front in the ‘War On Christmas.’
Once again, a poll shows that large numbers of Americans, and most Americans, reject Evolution via Natural Selection as the explanation for humanity’s origin. How do we explain that?
“Reality” TV star says something dumb about gay people, gets suspended, usual pointless outrage ensues.
The Fox News Channel created “War On Christmas” officially entered the absurd zone last week.
You know the Defense budget is getting tight when we can’t spare a few measly fighter planes to escort an imaginary character.
It’s the return of the most absurd meme of all time.
The The Government’s Giving Away Free Stuff Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.