Most of the biggest countries in the world have birth rates below replacement level.
Most high-income Congressional Districts are Democratic and low-income Districts are Republican.
Three-and-a-half years and almost 6 million tax dollars have produced nothing.
The term that kicks off today could undermine our entire system of government.
Democratic backsliding appears to be spreading to another European country.
An unlikely source argues that it’s too big and poorly targeted.
Who should have the final say on the law of the land?
The Democrats have lots of problems. Salesmanship is pretty far down the list.
The President seems to have persuaded the progressives in his party to settle for half a loaf.
The President is looking for any leverage he can to get refuseniks vaccinated.
The collapse is not his doing. But he’s accountable for the poor planning.
What was mere signaling under a Republican Senate and President could now become law.