Most of the biggest countries in the world have birth rates below replacement level.
Wherein I finally reveal my answer (spoiler: it is hardly surprising). And, also, wherein despite the goal of brevity, I fail at that goal.
The face of Fox News is not the bow-tied buffoon from his “Crossfire” days.
The weirdest goddamn story you’re likely to read today.
Stories, links, and brief observations from the week that never grew into posts.
The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.
It’s harder than a looks, especially given the limited size of the problem.
The aftermath of the January 6 Capitol riots runs into the First Amendment,
Peaceful protests were once again followed by nighttime clashes.
“Now this campaign is over, what is the will of the people? What is our mandate?”
President Trump is historically unpopular and has consistently trailed Joe Biden. He could still win.
Iowa Republicans have had enough of being represented by a racist buffoon.
Outside agitators, including white supremacist groups, are shaping public perception of the George Floyd protests.
Thinking about support for Trump and considering how recent events may influence that support.
At last week’s debate, Beto O’Rourke handed Republicans and gun rights advocates a nicely wrapped gift with his claim that he would seize guns from otherwise law-abiding Americans.
A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.
The 76-year-old Democratic frontrunner’s penchant for gaffes is raising questions about his fitness to govern.
Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.
Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.
America’s tradition of unlimited free expression increases the danger of violence.
There is a frustration and a growing sense that the American political system is illegitimate.
Madison was right about politicians and ambition. He just didn’t see the how it would all play out.
An essay from earlier in the year by Jacob T. Levy underscores some of the points I recently tried to make about democratic norms in the current era.
It is a fair question. But judging the Trump administration on tax cuts, Gorsuch, and the DJIA is to ignore a lot of profound problems.
It couldn’t happen to a nicer domain. But it’s a slippery slope.
Iowa Congressman Steve King is causing controversy yet again with his comments in support of far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders.
The murder of Jo Cox, MP is looking more and more like a politically motivated assassination, and that’s causing some in Great Britain to look inward.
It’s been obvious from the moment the news broke that the murders in Charleston were rooted in racism, but some Republicans have had trouble acknowledging that.