OTB Status Update

OTB’s Future

There’s a fork in the road.

Yevgeny Prigozhin Assassinated

The Wagner chief is presumed dead after his plane was shot down.

Comment Editing Redux

Continuing to work an annoying issue that WordPress doesn’t care about. At all.

User Registration

The simplest solution to the editing issue.

Microsoft Going All-in On AI

The future is here, whether we like it or not.

Craziness, Disconnectedness, and a Toxic Political Climate Equals Violence

The attack at the Pelosi house should surprise no one.

subscribe, registration, signup, software, applications, tablet, device, subscribe button, login, account, business, coffee, smart, security, credential, information, user, password The free high-resolution photo of subscribe, registration, signup, software, applications, tablet, device, subscribe button, login, account, business, coffee, smart, security, credential, information, user, password, gadget, technology, electronic device, product, electronics, display device, multimedia, smartphone, mobile device, mobile phone, tablet computer, personal computer, communication device, brand @mohamed hassan, taken with an unknown camera 07/13 2018 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. subscribe, registration, signup, software, applications, tablet, device, subscribe button, login, account, business, coffee, smart, security, credential, information, user, password The free high-resolution photo of subscribe, registration, signup, software, applications, tablet, device, subscribe button, login, account, business, coffee, smart, security, credential, information, user, password, gadget, technology, electronic device, product, electronics, display device, multimedia, smartphone, mobile device, mobile phone, tablet computer, personal computer, communication device, brand @mohamed hassan, taken with an unknown camera 07/13 2018 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

The End of Passwords?

One of the great annoyances of the Internet is slowly going away.

Comment Editing

A non-technical explainer about a recurring complaint.

Plug-in Weirdness [UPDATED]

Some upgrade-related wonkiness.

OTB Maintenance

There will be a short outage in the 9pm Eastern hour for scheduled maintenance.

On A Personal Note

Checking in after an extended absence.

OTB WordPress Update

Let us know if anything’s broken.

Happy 14th Blogiversary To Ann Althouse!

Ann Althouse hits a blogging anniversary.

WordPress Commenting Bug: Name Field Edition

If you have a non-alphanumeric character in your name, your comment goes into moderation.

Site Notes

The microdevelopment of the site continues apace.

OTB Site Refresh

The long-overdue redesign of OTB is now live.

OTB Site Update [Updated]

We’re slowly fixing the site.

OTB Admin Update

The redevelopment of the site that I posted about a few weeks back is underway in a phased approach.

Why Are All You People Such Jerks Online?

A new study looks at the reasons why people are so belligerent in their online communications.

Why Does Word Still Have a ‘Save’ Button?

Farhad Manjoo is trying the demo version of Microsoft Word 2013—which he likes—but notices something out of place.

OTB Site Issues

Commenting Issues

Social Network Omissions Reveal More Than You Think

Your Tweets, Facebook wall posts, and FourSquare announcements obviously provide a lot of insights into your life. But so does what you’re not posting.

Managing Online Relationships

What do you do when you’ve reached Twitter Terminal Velocity?

Social Media Sharecroppers

We’re all unpaid employees of Facebook.

Blog Bubble Bursting?

Is the blog bubble bursting? Only if you’re innumerate.

Continued Site Woes

OTB Redesign

Site Wonkiness

Caption Contest

Caption Contest

Caption Contest

Caption Contest

Caption Contest