The Muslims are Coming!

The Muslims are quietly taking over our banks and imposing Sharia law on our financial system.

Would you believe that this is a good thing?

Read my New Atlanticist piece, “Islamic Banks Surge, Thanks to Financial Crisis” to see why.

FILED UNDER: Economics and Business, Religion, , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    The Muslims are quietly taking over our banks and imposing Sharia law on our financial system.

    Since the muzzies don’t believe in interest, it’s likely they have taken over the Fed.

  2. odograph says:

    Did you do this all to attract “The International Muslim Matrimonial Site” to your sidebar?

    (the web is weird)

  3. caj says:

    I would say it would make a change from the Jews owning everything…we have room for other cultures to own things too I hope.
    But maybe we can’t because we see all Muslims as terrorists don’t we?

  4. mike says:

    I only think that the muslims who blow things up or themselves up are terrorists.

  5. RC4B says:

    I have worked and lived in the Islamic world since 1999 and just returned from 3 years in the ME. Muslims are no different from anyone else. Proper oversight and transparency are the keys to avoiding criminal activity regardless of Muslim or Western financial institutions. By the way, what about some transparency by American banks in how they are handling bailout funds…..

  6. aljuk says:

    I have worked and lived in the Islamic world since 1999 and just returned from 3 years in the ME. Muslims are no different from anyone else.

    Well I’ve spent roughly 3 times that in muslim countries all over the globe (including the ME), and I’d say the exact opposite. In the eyes of any muslim you will never be an equal, and you will always be an infidel. However much a muslim calls you their friend, to their way of thinking you belong in hell, and the quicker you get there the better.