Tom Petty: Michele Bachmann Can’t Use ‘American Girl
When Tom Petty found out Michele Bachmann was using his "American Girl" to introduce campaign events, he issued a letter saying, in essence, "Don't do me like that."
When Tom Petty found out Michele Bachmann was using his “American Girl” to introduce campaign events, he issued a letter saying, in essence, “Don’t do me like that.”
Politico (“Michele Bachmann plays Tom Petty’s ‘American Girl’ again after a speech“):
Maybe Tom Petty’s cease-and-desist letter hasn’t arrived yet.
The singer was reportedly nonplussed that Michele Bachmann played his “American Girl” classic when she officially kicked off her presidential campaign in Iowa Monday.
Yet the song blasted over the loudspeakers again immediately following Bachmann’s Tuesday night speech in South Carolina.
After playing for exactly 29 seconds, it abruptly stopped.
There was just enough time for the lyrics: “Yeah, she was an American girl – raised on promises.”
While I don’t know how it feels to be an aging rock star whose music is repeatedly used by politicians with whom I disagree, I’m guessing Bachmann won’t back down. While Petty has some rights over the public performance of his music, he can’t stop someone from playing it. It’s arguable that a 29 second clip constitutes Fair Use. But, even if it doesn’t, the Bachmann campaign can license the rights under existing ASCAP arrangements.
This happens a lot: a Republican politician uses a popular rock song, and the rock musician is upset because he or she doesn’t want to be associated with that politician. It’s a reflection of the fact that most rock musicians are liberal, yet Republican pols don’t want to restrict themselves to country and Southern rock during campaign events. (They could use Ted Nugent, but I suspect that titles like “Strangle Hold” or “Stormtroopin'” wouldn’t exactly lighten the mood.)
Wang Dang Sweet Poontang!
Wow, “Stranglehold”. That brings back late night high school weekends. Bob Seeger’s “Night Moves” anyone?
Exactly what political positions of Bachmann’s do you disagree with? Mostly what we see is personal attacks and silly stuff, like this article. Rarely do we see posts about actual policy disagreements. We read posts about Bachmann minor gaffes, but, still waiting for the post about Obama’s major gaffe on Medal of Honor recipient Jared Monti.
@William Teach: It’s Tom Petty who disagrees.
As for me, I disagree with her on a wide range of social issues, on which I think she’s more extreme than typical Republican nominees. She’s also a global warming denialist
I’d have commented on the Monti gaffe had I been actively blogging at the time but it was old news by the time I got back into the swing of things. Mixing up two Medal of Honor recipients is embarrassing; he’s apologized profusely to the family and they seem satisfied.
The Bachmann John Wayne/John Wayne Gacy slipup was amusing, but not really important. The “Founding Fathers” thing was only an issue because she doubled down on it, trying to pretend that she was talking about 14-year-old John Quincy Adams’ service as a secretary to an ambassador.
But, even if it doesn’t, the Bachmann campaign can license the rights under existing ASCAP arrangements.
Mmmm, I’m confused about this. If this is true, why did John McCain and Charlie Crist end up publicly apologizing for using certain songs incorrectly? Did they just fail to license them?
I guess I thought ASCAP mostly related to radio stations, not other public events.
“Stranglehold” is actually the perfect song for GOP candidates circa 2011.
James, why bother to respond to Teach? He can’t even bother to read entire sentences.
While I don’t know how it feels to be an aging rock star whose music is repeatedly used by politicians with whom I disagree
It’s pretty clear what you’re saying there.
but, still waiting for the post about Obama’s major gaffe on Medal of Honor recipient Jared Monti.
Really, Teach? You just need this site specifically to post about it, or what? Are you having trouble finding apoplectic wingnuts like yourself? Somehow I doubt it.
Rarely do we see posts about actual policy disagreements.
How about the recents posts about Bachmann’s nonsensical position that marriage should be handled by the states, and the feds shouldn’t interfere, but we absolutely need a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? Not policy enough for you?
There is very little more insufferable than commenters who do nothing but whine about what bloggers choose to write about or not write about. Don’t like the topics? Don’t read the blog! There’s a nice free market solution to your problem.
lol here is my suggestion, again….
“Stormtroopin” seems like a good fit as well…
lol, ya for Obama…fits perfect.
The guy had one decent album in the 70’s with really only one good single (strangle hold was pretty good.)
Found Jesus, bought a ranch next to Dubya after he bought a fake ranch, then sold it as soon as Dubya sold his.
Seriously, Mike Huckabee should be ashamed but should the rest of us?
lol your crazy….about the singles I mean…
She could use this one:)
But I think it should be the new Honey Badger theme song, that would be more fitting…
Yet another reason not to hire a certain lawyer from Virginia. Seriously Doug?