Trump’s Arts Council Quits On Him, Sends Hidden Message
As part of the continuing response to President Trump’s Committee On the Arts and Humanities has been effectively disbanded thanks to the resignation of the vast majority of its members. They did so in the letter set forth below, which appears to contain a hidden message.
Here’s the letter (Click To Enlarge):
For those who can’t make it out, it spells out R-E-S-I-S-T. Somehow, I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
Do you think he even knew he had one before they all decamped?
@CSK: I certainly would be surprised to find out that he intentionally had one.
And does Melania realize that she was the honorary chairwoman?
@CSK: Terrific spotting of that little bit. Saw an interview tonight on MSNBC, some actor named Kal Something, who was involved. He said the members who quit yesterday were actually all named by Barack for terms that extended into the term of President #45. Apparently Trump has named no one to the panel. They hung around with some hopes they could save funding for the NEA and NEH. They failed in that and the proposals for the next budget have ZERO funding for Arts and Humanities. Whereupon the members began a social media ‘whispering campaign’ and – as the British say – ‘Bob’s your uncle’.
Kalpen Suresh Modi, who goes by the stage name “Kal Penn.” I knew him from the cast of “House,” which he left for a post in the Obama administration. He had previously been best known for his role in the “Harold and Kumar” movies.
Who knew those crazy artists were so creative!
R-E-S-I-S-T? What? The duly elected President of the United States? The duly elected Republican majority in the House and Senate?
I suppose we should applaud them finally doing the honorable thing and resigning. What were they doing the previous 8 months? Were they seeking to sabotage from inside or did they follow the policies of those elected in accordance with the Constitution to make policy?
Sadly, I believe you when you say that you do not understand what needs to be resisted.
I believe that Trump was ‘duly elected’ by the Electoral College – you probably remember the Electoral College from’ Animal House.’
Nah, that’s the wrong line of rebuttal. The best line is to note that we are giving Trump’s “duly elected by the people” status every bit as much deference as JKB and his party gave Obama’s much more convincing election…