Tuesday’s Forum

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Grommit Gunn says:

    I am flying today for the first time since COVID lockdowns started. My foolish personage just realized that I did not pack a face mask. I haven’t worn them in day to day life for a couple of years, at least, but a confined metal tube with recirculated air… Heh.

  2. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Grommit Gunn: How long can you hold your breath?

  3. Bill Jempty says:
  4. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Haysoos chrispo:

    Bob Dean Jr on Monday received three years of probation – along with about $2m in penalties, court costs and restitution – after pleading no contest to eight counts of cruelty to infirmed people, five of healthcare fraud and two of obstruction of justice.
    Louisiana’s state attorney general, Liz Murrill, said prosecutors had unsuccessfully asked Judge Brian Abels to sentence Dean to least five years in prison and not “only probation”. Abels technically handed Dean a 20-year prison sentence but deferred it in its entirety in favor of probation…. Abels said the 70-year-old Dean’s age, lack of prior criminal convictions and the amount he had to repay all factored into his sentence, according to a report from the CBS affiliate WWL Louisiana.
    Dean sent 843 residents of seven Louisiana nursing homes to a squalid warehouse in the town of Independence, about 70 miles (110km) north-west of New Orleans, to ride out Ida as the category 4 storm took aim at the region.

    With winds of about 150 miles (241km) an hour, Ida caused widespread power outages and other devastation across south-east Louisiana in August 2021. Residents of Dean’s nursing homes were later found sleeping on mattresses atop a wet floor – without access to their medicines, sobbing and lying in their own feces.

    Warehouse conditions devolved after the failure of generators meant to provide electricity to the facility. Indoor temperatures soared to dangerous levels. The ceiling leaked, toilets overflowed and there was not enough food or water for residents who were packed in so closely it was impossible to comply with social distancing guidelines in effect at the time because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Officials ultimately linked five of the 26 deaths that occurred in Louisiana because of Ida to the warehouse in question. Ensuing investigations determined Dean had billed the federal Medicaid program for dates his residents were not receiving care, refused to move clients out of the warehouse and “engaged in conduct intended to intimidate or obstruct public health officials and law enforcement”.

    That last bit… Sound familiar?

  5. OzarkHillbilly says:

    PFAS widely added to US pesticides despite EPA denial, study finds

    About two years ago, an EPA research fellow identified PFOS in pesticides and raised the alarm. The EPA responded last year by taking the highly unusual step of publicly criticizing the research, and put out a paper attempting to discredit the findings. The EPA wrote it “did not find any PFAS in the tested pesticide products”, including PFOS.

    The paper’s methodology was called into question, but the new research that shows the EPA has approved PFAS to be added to pesticides “contradicts the EPA’s statements”, Bennett said. Moreover, in a Freedom of Information Act request that was part of the new study, researchers found documents showing the EPA had in fact found PFOS in pesticides but omitted those findings from the final study.

    The more I read of the EPA*, the more I think it is fundamentally broken. Regulatory capture run amok.

    *OSHA too. Over the years I saw more than enough to demonstrate that.

  6. OzarkHillbilly says:

    ‘Dark oxygen’ in depths of Pacific Ocean could force rethink about origins of life

    The international team of scientists sent a small vessel to the floor of the CCZ aiming to find out how mining could affect the strange and little-understood animals living where no light can reach.

    “We were trying to measure the rate of oxygen consumption by the seafloor,” lead study author Andrew Sweetman of the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) told AFP.

    To do so, they used a contraption called a benthic chamber, which snatched up a bunch of sediment. Normally, the amount of oxygen trapped in the chamber “decreases as its used up by organisms as they respire”, Sweetman said. But this time the opposite happened – the amount of oxygen increased. This was not supposed to happen in complete darkness where there is no photosynthesis.

    This was so shocking that the researchers initially thought their underwater sensors must have been on the blink. So they brought up some nodules to their ship to repeat the test. Once again, the amount of oxygen increased.

    Talk about a “EUREKA!” moment.

    “The conventional view is that oxygen was first produced around 3bn years ago by ancient microbes called cyanobacteria and there was a gradual development of complex life thereafter,” Owens said.

    Sweetman said the team’s discovery showed that “life could have started elsewhere than on land”.

    “And, if the process is happening on our planet, could it be helping to generate oxygenated habitats on other ocean worlds such as Enceladus and Europa and providing the opportunity for life to exist?” he said.


  7. Bill Jempty says:


    That last bit… Sound familiar?

    Florida Senator Rick Scott?

  8. Bill Jempty says:
  9. Tony W says:

    @Grommit Gunn: I first flew without a mask about 18 months ago, and have not had one on since that time.

    Unless you are struggling with auto-immune disease, or come in close contact with somebody who does, you’re probably just fine – as evidenced by the lack of masks everywhere on planes these days.

    Have a great flight!

  10. OzarkHillbilly says:

    ‘Maybe I lived a naive life’: New Orleans archbishop denies knowledge of widespread child sex abuse in 1970s

    Lawyers who have the largest contingent of clergy abuse claimants in that bankruptcy issued a statement Sunday saying it beggared belief for Aymond to portray himself as having been unaware of the predatory and abusive behavior around him during his rise in the church.

    “He is either deaf and blind, incompetent or a liar – and we know which one he is,” said the statement from Richard Trahant, Soren Gisleson and Johnny Denenea.

    I was gonna go with “Naive, stupid, willfully ignorant, or a lying sack of sht.”

  11. Franklin says:

    @Bill Jempty: I don’t want to watch that video, but I understand the officer involved moved between 6 different police departments in 4½ years, presumably due to being unfit. There should be a way to permanently flag someone like that.

  12. OzarkHillbilly says:

    I’m generally not much of a pedant but I do expect headline writers to do better than this:

    Could robot weedkillers replace the need for pesticides?

    C’mon, Really?

  13. CSK says:


    The police union is very, very strong.

  14. mattbernius says:

    While I have issues with police unions, the lack of tracking of officer discipline and dismissal records across jurisdiction is the broader issue here.

    If you are fired or forced out of one department, it’s very easy to move elsewhere in a State to find work.

  15. CSK says:


    Again, that may well be the strength of the union. It’s very hard to expel a bad cop. Sometimes the best you can do is transfer him or her to a place where he or she will do the least harm.

  16. Kathy says:


    Don’t overlook the biological wizardry.

    For the trip portions, the organic robots would hibernate and consume minimal resources. While in a system, they’d make use of other organic robots, which we call plants, to extract nutrients from a variety of native soils.

    It’s a story idea, not a serious scientific proposal. It doesn’t have to be possible, just sound possible.

  17. Thomm says:

    @mattbernius: I dunno…in most careers having a record of that many different employers in that short of a time period waves huge ones. Even in car sales it would be.

  18. Sleeping Dog says:

    Locally we had an example of rational, public friendly law enforcement. After a woman took a shot at her ex-boyfriend, the local LEO’s talked her into surrendering the weapon, rather than shoot her when she walked out of her apartment, pistol in hand.

  19. Grommit Gunn says:

    @Tony W: Thank you. I am attempting to get myself and my elderly mom (I’m the primary caregiver) out of Texas. Somehow she finally agreed to move, much to my delighted surprise.

  20. Kathy says:

    Continuing with AR/VR from yesterday, I’ve never really experienced it past some early stuff in the 90s. I wasn’t impressed.

    I’ve seen a number of Apple goggles videos, and I am impressed. What I don’t see is a regular use for such things, much less at the prices Apple charges. And one highly unimpressive feature is the virtual keyboard. I don’t think I could use a keyboard I can’t touch.

    Now, regular use I don’t mean wearing them all day, or even using them every day. Just enough times a week to be worth it.

    One possible case use is the ability to link or sync the goggles with a Mac, and both 1) see the monitor on the laptop, and 2) see other windows floating around. I could use that. But 1) not at that price, and 2) not with a Mac. Make it for Windows PCs, including desktops, lower the price to something reasonable, and I’m in.

    But then that would be a peripheral accessory, and the Apple goggles intend to be a “spatial computer.” hence the price.

  21. Franklin says:

    @Sleeping Dog: Nice! Sounds like they’ve actually heard of the concept of de-escalation.

  22. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Tony W: I didn’t have any issues in October of last year either, but I was flying out of the People’s Democratic Republic of Portland enroute to Incheon Airport in Korea, so that may have made a difference. Either way, safe trip, Grommit!

  23. CSK says:

    Greetings from boot camp, i.e. rehab. I was kicked out of the hospital yesterday and sent to a place called The Country (cute) for a bit of physical therapy. Nice place, but the cuisine is appalling.

  24. Matt Bernius says:


    Again, that may well be the strength of the union. It’s very hard to expel a bad cop. Sometimes the best you can do is transfer him or her to a place where he or she will do the least harm.

    “Transfer” suggests a level of connection between police departments and sheriff offices that doesn’t exist. The fragmented nature of law enforcement in the US (~18,000 disconnected arresting agencies) means that Department X doesn’t talk to Department Y about personnel issues.

    So, yes, unions can make it very difficult to fire troubled officers. But the movement of officers from jurisdiction to jurisdiction is something different. And that includes officers who were fired in one jurisdiction getting hired in another.

    For examples of this see: https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/more-than-300-wisconsin-officers-back-in-law-enforcement-agencies-after-being-fired-or-forced-out/

  25. CSK says:

    @Matt Bernius:

    Yes, I agree. I think I was suffering from a coffee insufficiency when I first replied to you.:)

  26. Sleeping Dog says:


    The details are a bit sketchy, as the reporting is based solely on the PD press release and the local press is pretty weak. It appears that the cops have had prior interactions with the woman, including one earlier that night, before she took the shot at her ex’s apartment door.

    I’ve a nodding acquaintance with the local chief, who seems like a good guy and a consummate professional, glad for him and the department that they aren’t going through the trauma of killing a civilian or burying one of their own.

  27. CSK says:

    Breaking from NBC: The director of the Secret Service has resigned.

  28. Matt Bernius says:


    Breaking from NBC: The director of the Secret Service has resigned.

    Good. Yesterday’s hearings were a rare example of well-deserved bipartisan outrage.

  29. Matt Bernius says:

    No worries at all… I do that all the time.

  30. Joe says:

    @Matt Bernius: I didn’t watch the hearings and I have no objection to the resignation, but I expect it was a “performative” change unless she had a direct hand inn the outrageously poor decision making at the Trump rally. It happened on her watch so I don’t object to her taking the hit.

  31. Bobert says:

    @Matt Bernius:
    Her resignation will “fix” anything, like staffing, resources, and judgement of field commanders?

  32. Eusebio says:


    It seemed inevitable after her interview with ABC two days after the shooting. At least a couple of her answers were obvious BS–that it was decided not to put personnel on a sloped roof because it was a safety issue, and that the local law enforcement was responsible for the outer perimeter. She later took back those answers.

    And good grief, now Comer is taking credit for her resignation. I wonder if she finally realized she had to go, or if Mayorkas or Biden told her to resign or be fired, or something in between.

  33. Eusebio says:

    @Bobert: Her resignation is likely a start to improving those things. Also, shortly after the shooting Biden directed that there be an independent investigation, but that will take some time.

  34. CSK says:

    I saw a good meme today:

    “I don’t care who dies in the movie as long as the dog lives.”

  35. becca says:

    @CSK: Tom Hanks attributed the box office failure of Turner and Hooch to killing the dog (Hooch).
    I never got over Old Yeller myself.

  36. dazedandconfused says:


    True, but they can’t force a dept to hire someone. The union ((if any -not all cops are unionized) couldn’t or decided not to protect this POS from being fired multiple times either. I would guess the problem is the oft reported current lack of LE officers in general. Somebody is learning the hard way the risk and the expense of a bad officer.

  37. Bobert says:

    @Eusebio: You think that her resignation will increase staffing? You think that her resignation will cause more money to flow into SS? You think that her resignation will improve the field command judgement?

    My point is that she is the scapegoat, and how we desperately need to find a scapegoat.

  38. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: Sometimes the best you can do is transfer him or her to a place where he or she will do the least harm.

    May I suggest a maximum security cell in Leavenworth?

  39. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Sleeping Dog: Hmmmm… Let me guess: She was white.

    Same thing happened a while ago in South Carolina. I forget the details but it was bad, I think they chased her for miles with shots fired and yet they managed to not shoot her.

  40. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: When my mother was in and out of ICU and rehab during her long goodbye, I would always stop at Ted Drewes and get her a Concrete (frozen custard).

    It was much appreciated.

  41. CSK says:


    I’m sure it was. The assistant noticed I hadn’t eaten but a few bites of the atrocious lunch and said she’d speak to the kitchen about getting me sandwiches. We’ll see.

  42. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: That’s a common problem is rehab facilities according to older friends and associates of mine who have been in rehab a lot (cascading joint replacement issues–one friend is about to get his final natural shoulder replaced). From my experience in wholesale food service, a lot of the problem centers on budgetary restraints that shape menu planning. And no, it doesn’t have to be that way, but hiring people who can actually cook from recipes rather than merely reheat the cheapest sh!t they can buys is also cost prohibitive, even if only falsely economical. 🙁

  43. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @dazedandconfused: Years ago in Washington State, it was common for teachers dismissed for sexually abusing children to simply move from one district to another (or even in more outrageous situations move to administrative positions in the same district). Part of the problem was that districts were inclined to not elaborate on the reasons for dismissal (some of which was driven by union influence but a significant amount was simply HR policy designed to shield districts from litigation as most such dismissals were entirely in house–no arrest report or other police involvement), but another part of the problem was that there were no administrative procedures requiring surrendering teaching licenses. The combination of effects became so problematical that not only did the state start requiring administrators to suspend the certificates of teachers dismissed for criminal cause but also the state started requiring teachers who transferred to another district to be investigated for sexual misconduct every time they changed jobs or contracts. As a substitute, I needed to fill out investigation authorization forms every year for each district I worked in (as many as 4 some years) for 6 years before I left for Korea and 6 more when I returned.

    My guess would be that law enforcement may well be plagued by similar problems and for similar reasons. I’m not intending to excuse the problem, merely to note that it may be more complex than “unions are bad and RTW is the solution to every HR problem.”

  44. CSK says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:

    Yes, it is a false economy, though this place doesn’t appear to skimp on anything else. The dining room looks like the Ritz-Carlton. Pity the food isn’t the same.

  45. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: My preference is general population in a state correctional facility, but I’m a flaming A$$ h0)3 and probably shouldn’t be deciding policy on matters such as this one.

  46. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: Table linens and such are easy to accommodate in settings where there’s lots of daily laundry to do. It really doesn’t cost more to add table cloths and napkins to the sheets and towels laundry already being done. And other elements of the care are closely monitored by the requisite state agencies because they are pretty thoroughly compensated.

  47. Lucysfootball says:

    Mike Lee, senator from Utah, must be a special kind of stupid:
    He fell for a hoax falsely announcing the death of Jimmy Carter. This was from the fourth paragraph of the announcement:
    Despite these successes as President, all his life President Carter considered his marriage to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter his life’s greatest achievement. At her passing last November President Carter said, “Rosalynn was a baddie. Jill, Melania, even throat goat Nancy Reagan had nothing on Rosalynn. She was the original Brat. She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.” They were married for 77 years.
    Throat goat Nancy Reagan, LOL
    The article says if you are unfamiliar about that reference, google it.

  48. Eusebio says:

    @Bobert: The answer to your questions is “no”. If the shooter had been successful, then she probably would’ve had to go regardless of the post-incident stuff. In this case, she should’ve at least had a draft briefing to work from, including whatever relevant information her team could assemble, so that she could explain the facts surrounding the incident. Being so unprepared for the House hearing was just too much.

    As the senior leader, she was always going to be the one to go if there were serious issues with the SS protection, so yes, she’s the scapegoat.

  49. Sleeping Dog says:


    Bing, bing, bing. But this is NH and the fact that she was white would go without saying.

  50. Barry says:

    @CSK: Ask tor cans of Ensure.

  51. dazedandconfused says:

    It’s the right thing to do. Takes the wind out of the sails of the political hacks. With a head on a plate they can say they did their job and are likely to be more prone towards observing the pros sort this out, as opposed to actively “helping” them.

  52. Kathy says:

    Reluctantly, here’s a link to another note that Bob Menendez will resign his Senate seat… a month from now.

    He still appears set to run an independent bid, which might simply lose his seat to the GQP.

    More telling is this at the end: “Waiting until August before going allows Menendez to receive another month of his Senate salary and health insurance, the New York Times reported, seen as crucial income sources at a time when his personal finances are in a state of collapse and his wife is undergoing cancer treatment.”

    If he’s hurting that badly for money, not minimizing his wife’s medical bills would be tough to pay without insurance, he may as well walk back his resignation and force an expulsion vote, to get paid a few extra days.

  53. Kathy says:

    It seems some AIs are overly sensitive to politics.

    I asked Copilot why Biden didn’t run in 2016, and got the “time to move on to a new subject”. I tried the same with Gemini (Google), and got a response that it is still learning to handle politics and won’t discuss the subject. At least that’s more polite.

    But, hey, I was asking a factual question.

    Later I asked Copilot what the salaries are for US senators, and again I got the gatekeeper lockout.

  54. Eusebio says:

    @Kathy: Menendez must be eligible to receive retirement pay and keep his health insurance while still paying his premium portion. It’s just that he makes more money while still an active senator.

  55. anjin-san says:


    I tried to engage chatGPT on the race last night and it was pretty much a waste of time. All it did was refer me to resources I already know about.

  56. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Sleeping Dog: this is NH and the fact that she was white would go without saying.

    Acchh, you’re right of course.

    @Kathy: I’m sure the good folks at Obama Care can help him.

  57. MarkedMan says:

    @Kathy: One thing that has really stuck in my mind from all the Apple Vision reviews I’ve read is pretty trivial but perception shifting. It’s based on the fact that the device is spatially aware and not just a 3D projector. So you can, for example, pin a spreadsheet to a particular place on your wall or desk. Turn away or walk away and it stays there. Leave the room and when you com3 back it’s still there. So this one reviewer had a habit that annoyed him. He would start a load of laundry, intending to switch it out to the dryer and start another one, but he usually forgot and never got back to it. So he pinned a giant countdown timer to the entrance to his kitchen. Whenever he got up from his desk and went to get a cup of coffee or a snack, he couldn’t miss this giant reminder. Like I said, trivial, but I find it fascinating for some reason.

  58. Kathy says:


    I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still on the take.


    I haven’t used the ChatGPT at the official website for a while. As I recall, it’s stuck on sources up to 2022 and doesn’t search the web. Copilot, which is based on ChatGPT, does search the web.

    The generative part of generative AI is still lacking. The bots don’t have ay imagination as far as I know. And they lack some critical skills. The other day Copilot claimed the copyright to Asimov’s works was held by an AI developed accidentally in the mid 90s.

    I followed the source link, and found a humorous, satirical post saying just that.

  59. Mimai says:

    I’ve noticed a fair amount of, um, skepticism about AI expressed around here. I don’t have a problem with that, per se.

    I do, however, want to note that in my little corner (basic and clinical science at the intersection of neurophysiology, psychology, and social factors), AI is accelerating and enhancing our work.

    I’ve been using such tools for well over a decade, before the latest bonanza. So I do feel like I had a head start of sorts. Even still, this has been a great few years for our work.

    Also, I’ve been co-leading a summer seminar/workshop on AI use cases for a group of PhD students, postdocs, and early career scholars. As part of this, each participant develops a use case to implement in their own work. We then share these amongst the group, show them off, and stress test them.

    The use cases thus far have been super cool and, more importantly, value added. They’ve inspired new ideas and helped me (and others) to solve problems we’ve been experiencing separately in our own work.

    I just wanted to provide that n=1 perspective. That is all.

    Oh, and if you’re looking for a beginner’s guide that is thoughtful and [antonym for condescending], I recommend Co-Intelligence by Ethan Mollick.

  60. Mister Bluster says:

    John Mayall 90
    Steppin’ Out

  61. Mister Bluster says:

    That was more Clapton than Mayall.
    Here is Medicine Man.

  62. anjin-san says:


    I’m not down on AI, I’ve been using it at work every day for over a year now. That being said, I am also running into the limitatations of an immature technology on a regular basis.

    The book looks good, I will pick up a copy.

  63. Mimai says:

    Limitations of immature technology meet limitations of “immature” users.*

    Progress on the former is outpacing (to put it kindly) progress on the latter.

    *You and me excepting, of course.