Want To Re-Elect Barack Obama? Support Donald Trump
A new Rasmussen poll shows fairly conclusively that Donald Trump would be a massive disaster as a GOP Presidential nominee, unless you’re a Democrat:
President Obama leads Donald Trump by 15 percentage points in a hypothetical 2012 match-up, but the president is unable to top the 50% level of support even against an opponent some are deriding as a joke.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that the president earns support from 49% of Likely Voters nationwide, while Trump attracts the vote from 34%. Given that choice, 12% would vote for some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Only 65% of Republican voters would vote for Trump over Obama. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 48% prefer Obama, 25% Trump, and 20% would opt for some other candidate.
Regardless of what Republican is matched against the president, Obama earns between 42% and 49% support. Trump doesn’t run as well against the president as the top tier of GOP candidates, but he does pick up more support than insider favorites Mitch Daniels and Jon Huntsman and entrepreneur Herman Cain.
Unlike several potential Republican candidates, Trump does not suffer from a lack of name recognition. Instead, he suffers from high unfavorable ratings. Most voters (53%) offer an unfavorable opinion of the reality TV star and businessman, including 29% with a Very Unfavorable view of him. Only 39% offer a favorable assessment, with 10% Very Favorable.
These are Sarah Palin numbers, but if Trump really does have it in his mind to run for President (which I still don’t believe), I doubt he’ll care about these numbers.
A Google image search for “rich douchebag” turned up a shot of Trump in first place.
But he does have some stiff competition.
The Trump “campaign” is mostly a MSM creation to block news of “real” GOP candidates and to boost Bambi’s reelection campaign. Trump has no intention of running unless, of course, he is secretly working for Obama.
Why yes, of course…it’s always a conspiracy…what a shame that “real” candidates like Sarah Palin are being blocked…
Why can’t they leave poor Donald alone?
Part of me wonders if this whole thing isn’t either a) the basis for a new reality TV show, or b) something for a documentary a la Joaquin Phoenix’s music career.
Really, if you listen to the man he sounds like a cartoon version of a GOP base candidate.
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that you just can’t parody the GOP candidate field any more… no matter what deranged whack-job you imagine, reality will go you one better. I shudder to think what we’ll see when the filing deadlines actually start to hit…
If he’s pulling a Joaquin, that might end up being viewed as quite brilliant. It would demonstrate that even a cartoon caricature of a right-wing candidate can earn considerable support from rank-and-file Republicans. It reminds me of the experiment scientists conducted years ago, where they managed to get a robotic bee accepted into a real hive.
Unfortunately, there’s one piece of evidence that doesn’t quite fit: Trump’s protectionism. It’s practically the only policy matter he’s talked about so far. While it might not be verboten with GOP voters (as Buchanan’s insurgent candidacy in the ’90s attests), it doesn’t strike me as the first trait someone going for Design-Your-Own-Whackadoodle-GOP-candidate would come up with.
Surveys like this make you wonder how long democrats are willing to stick with Obama.
If he can’t even pull over 50% against Trump, it’s obvious he doesn’t have a chance in 2012. Naturally, most liberals would like to avoid a bloody primary battle, but Obama’s ego will prevent him from stepping quietly aside in order to give the left a chance at winning.
“If he can’t even pull over 50% against Trump, it’s obvious he doesn’t have a chance in 2012. ”
Really? Not a chance?
Then how do you explain the fact that in all of these polls, none of the potential Republican candidates win against Mr. Obama?
Or does he not “have a chance in 2012” because of some mythical, dark-horse, waiting-in-the-wings, still-unknown Republican candidate?
Who would that be?
“Obama’s ego will prevent him from stepping quietly aside”
Yes, ego. No one else has that – just Mr. Obama.
Nevermind that conditions now may or may not be the same as those in the fall of next year…oh, and there is that billion dollars that will be spent to try to persuade people…
Well, we’ve already had Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich thrown into the mix…who could possibly compete with that stellar lineup…
You have to remember that when most Republicans say they want capitalism, they really mean they want mercantilism. Protectionism follows directly from the growing nativist streak in the GOP.
“These are Sarah Palin numbers, but if Trump really does have it in his mind to run for President (which I still don’t believe), I doubt he’ll care about these numbers.”
Good grief Dude, I guess you can’t help yourself; You had to get a Sarah Palin jab in there somewhere. I see you’re still suffering from Palin Derangement Syndrome even as Obama implodes before our very eyes. You can’t say you weren’t warned this guy Obama was in WAY over his head as you continue to be a sychophant for the guy. Oh well.
Ha! This from someone who would literally lick Sarah Palin’s pumps/snowshoes/sneakers…
Trump may not be very much favored by many but he can be a potential leader who can turn us away from the economic downturn in this country. Trump at least can find a way out of an economic crisis while Obama makes it worse. But whether Trump runs in the presidential election is still uncertain.