What If Obama Loses?
Thinking ahead to November, I was trying to imagine how the Democrats, particularly Obama’s most ardent supporters, might react if he lost. As bad as they were at accepting Kerry’s loss, Obama’s loss would be far worse.
To begin with, his supporters will try to poison the well by claiming that some sort of cheating had occurred, regardless of how little actual proof there is (see Ohio, 2004). This will justify labeling McCain as illegitimate and the existing politics of demonizing one’s competitors will continue. To be fair, Republicans do this too: Republicans were harping on the fact that Clinton never got more than 50% of the popular vote, even though it means nothing. Democrats are far quicker, though, in making allegations of cheating.
Immediately afterward, Obama’s supporters will be saying hysterical things like “He was our only hope; all hope is lost!” and other such nonsense. This will be the most nauseating part for those of us who follow politics obsessively and aren’t in love with Obama. Obama is clearly a very intelligent man who is a wonderful speaker (see the Jefferson Jackson Dinner from Iowa) and is inspirational at times. However, his resume’ is paper thin and the emotional investment his most ardent supporters have in him is inexplicable, at least if you try to nail down specifics.
That will be followed by a great deal of petulance by the most ardent supporters mentioned above. Denial along the lines of Julia Roberts saying “He’s embarrassing, he’s not my president. He will never be my president.” about George Bush and other pissy-pants behavior.
Then the recriminations will start within the Democratic Party. The Clintons will certainly be at the forefront of these. The election will have revealed flaws in Obama and in retrospect he will appear to be a weak candidate, though there will be no way to have known this in advance.
Hopefully, at this point, acceptance will set in, but I doubt it.
If McCain loses it’s hard to tell how Republicans will react. My only misgiving will be that Obama will have a Democratic Congress; if the Republicans were in control I would probably vote for Obama.
How others will react is for another post.
I’m on record as suggesting that were Obama to lose in the primary, we stood a fairly decent chance of rioting. I dunno if that would happen in the general, but it does strike me as having a reasonably good chance of happening.
Not to mention the charges that he only lost because he was black and therefore America is a racist country.
If it is close they will push to get the decision maker be the Congress.
You can’t compare complaining about Clinton not having 50% which acknowledges that he therefore has no mandate for what he attempts to do (a legitimate complaint) with accusations of fraudulant voting – those are clearly confusing apples and oranges
Geebus. I thought it was going to be a bizarre election, but this is getting surreal. Fantasy scenarios, because there isn’t actually anything *real* you can run through the mud?
What odd hobbies.
If McCain loses, the GOP will crawl down to Louisiana on its hands and knees and beg Bobby Jindal to run in 2012.
You mean Fantasies like “Bush lied”?
You mean Fantasies like “Bush lied”?
You never fail to amuse.
Yikes. And with O spending five times as much—will that money help stimulate the economy? Or will the mob in Chicago be wanting their investment back?? And any guesses on what all they will be wanting to impeach McCain for? Thanks.
Hal, If you can prove Bush lied, do it, otherwise STFU. The odor of the stuff you are full of infects this site. Whereas your messiah, B. Hussein Obama pledged to take public financing. He reneged on that pledge. Does your simple mind question what else he lied about?
Yeah, well, that and THe Republicans pulling in about 5 times as much money as the Democrats last month… in fact, The republicans got more money from small donors last month, than the Democrats did in total.
And there’s still the massive debts Hillary Clinton racked up that have gotta be paid by someone.
This is going to be fun, I think.
Hal, If you can prove Bush lied, do it, otherwise STFU.
Yes, Bush is the only politician who has never lied.
In any event, it’s quite comical. I start off with the observation that spinning fantasy tales about events that may or may not ever happen is pretty frickin’ weird. Dr. B’s retort is a third grade playground gambit “I know you are but what am I”. Finally, Zelsdorf comes in with swooping cape, fog effects and ominous music booming from his portable sound system demanding to know the answer to what Dr. B really is or ELSE.
It’s like you guys are purposefully doing a comedy act or something.
Uhh… no.
That’s “if you’re going to play THAT game, you haven’t got any moral ground to stand on”.
Too Late, James.
Amazing, ain’t it?
Yep, ’cause dem negroes be all about the rioting…
Geeze dude, do you wear one of those sheets with the pointy head?
Well, let’s see.
I lived through the riots in the 60’s and saw entire sections of my city burn. Similarly, I saw other cities at other times, doing the same. LA, for a more recent example. I’d say there’s plenty of precedent to make the observation a reasonable one.
Yeah, rioting is a definite possibility.
I mean, remember what those evangelical Republicans did when the WTO met in Seattle? And how about the calls to recreate ’68?
Some people (not necessarily those people as some commenters will suggest I’m saying) will look for any excuse to unleash their ids. An Obama loss could be one such thing.
That’s “if you’re going to play THAT game, you haven’t got any moral ground to stand on”.
You really have a fevered brain. In case you haven’t noticed it was actually you, in the comments above, strumming your fantasies. Then you bring up something completely unrelated, something that I – personally – have never even claimed nor have said.
Then you have the amazing audacity to spit out “moral ground” while borrowing Zelsdorf’s fog machine and switch his iPod to the Wagnerian play list.
Really, dude. It’s like you’re working off of a Monty Python sketch. The whole “flashlight under the chin” bit is an especially nice touch but it really does get old. Need to find a new bit.
Oh, you bigot, you…. (grin)
You also leaped to the defense of the statement, I noticed, right on cue.
Now, look, this is fun and all, but I’m afraid you’re just going to have to find someone of your own limited mental capacity to play with. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was in your league.
By the way, there’s a little foam on your chin. Did you know?
Wow. Sad.
If Obama loses – that means McCain -gulp-wins.
If McCain wins – that means McCain -gulp-wins.
I have my write-in pen ready
America how could you do this to us and expect to survive as a great nation?
I’ve seen better candidates in elementary schools for class president.
DL; Cool your jets a bit.
I dare to submit to you that since government is naught but a necessary evil, that we are faced with the same choice we’ve been faced with in every election; The lesser of two evils.
Bush and the GOP led America into the worst policy decision of our life times. Completely Piss-Poor state-craft and you be advocates for rewarding this record. LOL – No SHAME. Pathetic losers.