This just in from ESPN:

Former Dallas Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders is battling an automotive shop over what he says Jesus told him to pay for a repair bill.

The owner of the repair shop says Sanders wanted to pay only $1,500 of the $4,265.57 bill, saying that Jesus had informed him that was all he needed to pay.

“It’s the ‘Praise Jesus’ discount,” attorney Ed Edson told The Dallas Morning News in Monday’s editions.

As Jen notes in the comments and mtpolitics notes in their post, this is atypical behavior for Christians. No argument from me–this is clearly Deion being Deion.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Meezer says:

    I *knew* it! I know the *wrong* Jesus! Mine just tells me to turn the other cheek and love those that depitefully use me (and if that doesn’t cover garage mechanics, what does?). And, and, be charitable and stuff. I especially hate the mote/beam thing. Although, ‘forgive as you wouold be forgiven’ is a close runner-up. Not one word about stock options or where to get the light bulbs that burn forever.

  2. Norbizness says:

    If Neon Deion also claims that Jesus is also his fashion consultant, this will be the elusive proof that there is no God that atheists everywhere have been looking for.

  3. jen says:

    This is the kind of crap that the average Christian hates for celebrity Christians to pull. It just give more ammunition for those who already question, mock, and scorn the Christian faith and those who believe.

  4. John Lemon says:

    Yeah, but I bet Jesus could make some really kick-ass coupons if he wanted.

  5. mtpolitics says:

    No argument from me–this is clearly Deion being Deion.

    I knew that’s what you were getting at, and I hope you don’t think that I meant otherwise. 🙂

  6. For what it’s worth — and not to defend in any way the “Jesus told me” argument, which I think is outrageous — I heard on one of the news programs this morning (it might have been Fox) that Deion was given a $1,500 estimate for the work and was subsequently charged much more than that. He apparently feels he should only have to pay what he originally agreed to pay. As someone who has been taken advantage of by auto mechanics, I can sympathize with that sentiment — Deion being Deion or not.

  7. James Joyner says:


    That makes sense. But then Deion should make that argument rather than the “Jesus told me” argument.

  8. Scott Harris says:

    Apparently, Deion denies making the statement.