You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
How can anyone, anywhere think this is okay?!? And the utterly classless author having lost all sense of decency, how could any editor or manager have let this attack on a toddler go live?
Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin….
“Why just celebrate tax day today, April 18th? It’s also Trig Paxson Van Palin’s 3rd birthday. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive,” writes Wonkette operative “Barbara_i,” reminding us of the occasion. “Sarah went to a whole lot of trouble to name him ‘Van Palin,’ a ‘Van Halen’ reference he will never get.” Indeed.
Andrew Sullivan’s bizarre obsession with Trig Palin is one thing. This is something altogether different.
In a rational world, Jack Stuef would be too ashamed to ever show his face in public again.
Where’s the attack on the toddler?
So what, you just discovered Wonkette or something?
This is beyond the pale. What a creep.
No it’s not OK, and might be one reason I never venture to Wonkette.
In Arizona, Jan Brewer cut funding for organ transplants, condemning hundreds of the state’s citizens to an excrutiating death, even though she was presented with several fairly painless options to keep the program going.
No outrage from Dodd.
Some idiot loser on a website says something stupid and mean about Sarah Palin’s kid.
Now Dodd is mad.
Right wing priorities in a nutshell.
Dodd was just trolling for some fool to defend “Jack Stuff” and Wonkette. I guess it says something about Dodd that he thought he’d find it here.
Dodd is a meme machine caught in his own backdraft.
john, michael, your Inspector Renault impersonation needs work. You need to be more convincing with your “shocked, shocked!” reaction.
mantis, props to you for not even trying to pretend this surprises you.
Naturally, this isn’t aimed at Trig, and he will never know about it. This is aimed at inflicting emotional stress on those who love him and care for him — luckily, they’ve had a lot of practice at protecting him and not letting him see when they’re hurting.
Say, does anyone know when Andrew Sullivan last demanded to know “the truth” about Trig’s birth? And are the Kossacks still pushing the theory that he’s actually Bristol’s son, fathered by Todd?
They give the cover to the folks at Wonkette and others to pull crap like this.
Van Palin? Really?
I so hope that is true that I refuse to do any research to verify it for fear that it might not be. Would someone please claim to have verified that.
mantis, props to you for not even trying to pretend this surprises you.
Yes, well, I’m familiar with Wonkette.
This is aimed at inflicting emotional stress on those who love him and care for him
Really? I thought it was aimed at the readers at Wonkette who find that kind of thing funny. You may have more info on the reading habits of the Palin family.
Say, does anyone know when Andrew Sullivan last demanded to know “the truth” about Trig’s birth?
Let’s have a look. Oh, he did so today.
Sullivan’s such a freakish obsessive loser. I can’t understand why anyone reads him, and not just because of the Trig stuff.
So much for leaving candidates kids alone and Sara isn’t even a candidate.
I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
1) I haven’t read Wonkette since it was the original Wonkette. The hot one.
2) I have a daughter with some learning disabilities. I don’t bring people’s kids into politics, and I don’t ever make a target of anyone’s kids. Period. So f— you.
Women should be allowed some leeway in how they handle their pregnancy. Cuts both ways, now doesn’t it, folks?
Well, then, michael, welcome to the “noticing how leftists treat the Palins like shit” club. You’re a trifle late, but I think I can still swing you the complimentary toaster.
Good lord, mantis, you’re right. I was almost facetious on that, but damn… the guy JUST WILL NOT GIVE IT UP.
Can we call him a “birther,” too? He’s running on even less than the “Obama birthers.”
No, Andrew Sullivan — a self-described conservative — obsesses over the Palin kids.
I criticize Palin herself. Because she’s an idiot. And so are the people who support her.
What you’re doing is trying to hide your candidate behind her children.
Sullivan’s obsession is not with Trig Palin. Never has been.
Sullivan’s obsession is with Sarah Palin, especially her inability to tell the truth.
And also with how the media lets her get away with it.
And I fail to see what’s wrong with that.
A lot of other people are able to write regularly about Palin’s difficulties telling the truth without going down the weirdo rabbit hole that is Sullivan’s absurd Trig theory.
Andrew Sullivan calls himself a conservative because he has to. Very few actual conservatives will, so he has to make up for it.
And I don’t have to “hide” Palin behind her children — dipshits like Wonkette keep shoving the kids in front of her.
Hey, mantis, you ever turn your Truth Gun on other targets? Such as, say, Obama, who just implied that the 2007 Minneapolis bridge collapse was because of poor funding for “infrastructure.” Or his “no signing statements” fairy tale. Or his “raising the debt ceiling is wrong” speech on the Senate floor. Or his “most transparent administration ever.” Or his “I oppose same-sex marriage.” Or his pledge to limit himself to public financing in his 2008 election race.
Or are you OK with the top guy on your side shading the truth, as long as it’s in service to The Greater Good — i.e., your side winning?
Obviously, you all are the real victims here.
I believe the most common term is “Trig Truther.”
What is Sullivan’s “absurd Trig theory”?
Sullivan’s theory is that Palin is lying about her magical flight back to Alaska, after her water broke. But that’s a “Palin is a liar” theory, not a “Trig theory”.
If the subject matter wasn’t so sensitive the contortions here would be amusing. BTW – did not know you had a child, Reynolds, with an issue. I’m sure you will manage it well, but that’s never easy.
Could we just say the following:
1. Sullivan is a despicable creep. So, apparently is this Wonkette thing. (Never heard of it before.)
2. Please spare us the outrage over Sarah Palin, her intellect and veracity. Joe Biden is dumb as a box of rocks. Nancy Pelosi? Harry Read?? Maxine Walters?? You gotta be kidd’n me.
And have we forgotten?? Come along with me, folks, to the days of yesteryore. Squint, look directly into the camera, and wag that finger………”I did not have sex with that women, Ms Lewinsky, I never asked anyone to lie…………..and I have to go back to work for the American people.”
Got it, dude.
This is exactly how liberals think and act. No surprises here.
1). Palin makes the kid an issue when she trots him out as a prop to establish her pro-life bonafides. She is the one who has made the young child, someone who by all rights should be off-limits, an issue. No one else.
2). She claims to have provided his birth certificate. To the best of my knowledge she has not. If I’m wrong – please show me.
3). The guy that wrote the quoted passage is clearly a douche-bag.
4). If the Van Palin part is true it may be the coolest name ever. Especially because Sarah’s running mate was born in – yes – wait for it – Panama.
Hey, mantis, you ever turn your Truth Gun on other targets?
My usual M.O. focuses on making fun of idiots and pointing out bullshit from bloggers. I’m not happy about a lot of things that the president has done in office. However, those things tend to be portrayed accurately here at OTB. No real need to say what’s already said. But before I get to your list, let’s back up a second. I believe all politicians are liars, and Obama is no different. It goes with the job. I was never a starry-eyed believer that Obama was somehow different from every other politician before him, even if that was his schtick.
I could go into how I believe Obama is far better for the U.S. than McCain would have been, but that shouldn’t excuse him from criticism. Anyway, on with your thread diversion:
Such as, say, Obama, who just implied that the 2007 Minneapolis bridge collapse was because of poor funding for “infrastructure.”
Oh noes! What will we do? As he pointed out in the same paragraph, our infrastructure gets a “D” from the National Society of Engineers:
So do I care about him “implying” that the bridge collapse was due to deteriorating infrastructure? No, but then again, he didn’t actually imply that. By the way, infrastructure funding can help identify design flaws like the one that contributed to the Minnesota bridge collapse, both before they are built and after.
Or his “no signing statements” fairy tale.
He never pledged not to use signing statements.
Or his “raising the debt ceiling is wrong” speech on the Senate floor.
He’s admitted he was wrong about that, but the debt ceiling has long been a place where congressmen could put up symbolic votes. I’m ok with politicians who admit they were wrong. Aren’t you?
Or his “most transparent administration ever.”
It is the most transparent administration ever. Far, far more transparent than GWB’s administration. It may not be as transparent as you or I would like, but it has made a lot of progress in that regard.
Or his “I oppose same-sex marriage.”
He has not reversed this, to my knowledge. There’s a difference between supporting same-sex marriage and defending an unconstitutional discriminatory law.
Or his pledge to limit himself to public financing in his 2008 election race.
That’s an oldie. Well, I never thought that was a good move to begin with. Glad he changed his mind, but he shouldn’t have promised it in the first place.
I mistakenly typed “…Palin makes the kid an issue when she trots him out as a prop to establish her pro-life bonafides…”
I should have typed “anti-choice bonafides”.
I do not think I know anyone who is not pro-life.
What is Sullivan’s “absurd Trig theory”?
That Trig is her daughter’s child. You’re unfamiliar with this?
However you want to spin Sullivan’s freakish obsession, in the end, repeatedly demanding the medical records of a former governor turned author/reality show star is just creepy. It’s not only irrelevant to any political discussion, but should also be considered well within the bounds of privacy for the Palin family. I’m no fan of hers, by any stretch, but people’s families should really be left alone in politics.
You’re right about the “transparent administration,” thing, mantis, and I’m sorry. He even won an award for it.
In an event closed to the public, of course.
“In an event closed to the press, of course.”
again mantis…she is the one who parades the kid around as a prop. she, by her own actions, has erased the typical bounds and made the young child part of her political ambition. normally i would agree with you 100% on this. in this case the normal rules do not apply because she changed them.
normally i would agree with you 100% on this. in this case the normal rules do not apply because she changed them.
The rules of common decency should still apply, even if you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t follow them herself.
So that article was sick, and that site is often sick.
You know what else is sick? Trying to make people who don’t publish Wonkette, don’t even read Wonkette, nonetheless responsible?
Talk about herd animals …
mantis – i think if Palin is making a claim, that Trig is proof of her anti-choice bonafides, then it simply due-diligence to verify that her claim is true. as I said – the passage quoted above is beyond the fray. asking Palin to back up her claim is not.
i think if Palin is making a claim, that Trig is proof of her anti-choice bonafides, then it simply due-diligence to verify that her claim is true.
First of all, why? Who cares? Second, what information are you hoping to find? What difference would it make?
asking Palin to back up her claim is not.
What claim? That she did not abort Trig? That much is apparent.
Hey Norm — by that logic, can we look at Michelle Obama’s medical records to see if she and Barack have put their pro-choice beliefs into action?
Seems fair to me…
Jesus, now I’m defending Sarah Palin.
I don’t really care where the hell Trig came from, Palin and her husband are caring for him. I’m not sure of the wisdom of her being on the road constantly, but you know what? Not my damn business is it? Marriages, families, parent-child relationships, as long as the cops aren’t having to come by to break up fights it’s no one else’s business.
It’s like any battle: minimize collateral damage, aim for the target and make sure civilians are out of the way. Trig is decidedly a civilian.
“That Trig is her daughter’s child. You’re unfamiliar with this?”
Can you point me to a quote by Sullivan where he says he believes this to be true?
mantis has it wrong. Sullivan hasn’t said that, he just repeatedly “questions” the circumstances. The “Trig is Bristol’s son” was all over the place, even after she had her own son less than nine months later, and the “Trig is Bristol and Todd’s son” came out of the sewers of Kos.
Sullivan very carefully never puts forth his own theories, he just repeatedly brings up his “questions” that have been thoroughly answered and none of his goddamned business.
I’m thinking of calling him Andrew “f’g uteri — how do they work?” Sullivan.
Can you point me to a quote by Sullivan where he says he believes this to be true?
I said it was his theory. Any attempts to wave away Sullivan’s obsession as just “asking questions” are exactly the same as those from the quasi-birthers who are just “asking questions.” He’s made it quite clear he thinks she’s lying about the pregnancy, and has at the very least implied that Trig is or at least could be Bristol’s.
Your not defending Sarah, you defending the proper and decent thing to do, regardless of who the public figure is,
By your logic we can attack Comrade Obama’s family since he uses them for photo ops and props as well.
Be careful what you say, some of the right wingers can be pretty nasty as well.
Anyone who defends Sullivan’s just askin’ questions line is no better than a truther or a birther. Sullivan, as he tends to do has made a decision that Palin is a liar (which is correct) and weird (which is subjective, but I would agree), and has done his usual which is to then conclude that everything that Palin does must then be a weird lie.
It’s the same reason he thinks everything Obama does is 11 dimensional chess and that Paul Ryan is a financial wizard.
Sometimes a weirdo is just a weirdo.
That said, Dodd needs to call tech support since his browser is stuck on 2004.
Yeah you don’t ever read wonkette do you? It’s entire point is to be vulgar and insensitive (and I mean that as a general complement, the presence of those who will stomp on societies sacred cows is actually damn valuable).
So why are you upset about this?
Trig’s decidedly unlikely to be surfing wonkette. Casualty avoided.
Andrew Sullivan’s obsession with Trig is completely ridiculous and I cringe every time I see him bring it up..
well put at legal insurrection:
sort of runic rhyme said…
Let’s see:
Retarded child institutionalized ☻ heartless Republican mom
Retarded child kept at home but away from public events ☻ an embarrassment to a shallow mom politician
Retarded child loved at home and included in family events, private or public ☻ a prop for a mean and manipulating Republican mom politician
Lefty logic is difficult at first, but easy once you realize the answer is predetermined and always the same.
Lefty humor, pretty much a null set.
That would be true if the internet wasn’t easily searched and more or less eternal. I don’t know if Trig will ever be able to surf and comprehend, but it’s guaranteed that other people he knows will. I just don’t think the kid needs other kids telling him his mother isn’t his mother.
Wonkette is basically a cross between the Onion and 4chan. It’s shtick is mostly tasteless and juvenile. I’m sort of torn at the idea of spreading outrage based on a low-brow satire site, but I suppose if they had mainstream advertising as part of the Gawker network they become fair game.
You can argue she opened the door. That does not mean anyone should go through it. Let’s leave people’s kids/grandkids out of the conversation.
Further proof that the Left will stoop to filthy mud slinging to smear Palin or anybody who refutes their vile POV.
Hey, Norm: Michelle Obama keeps talking about childhood obesity, and trotting her kids out in public. Can we talk about them being little porkers, or how they would be if their mother didn’t need to keep them fit so she can use them as props?