A Modest Proposal on Legislative Proposals
Ok, the context of my proposal are issues that Doug Mataconis has blogged about:
- James Clyburn Uses Arizona Shootings To Call For Return Of “Fairness Doctrine”
- Democratic Congressman Says He Will Introduce Bill To Ban “Crosshairs” Maps
And, no doubt, there are other examples.
So here’s the proposal: can we pass legislation that creates a 14-day waiting period (at least) between when a tragedy happens and when members of Congress are allowed to start proposing legislation to “fix” whatever it is that they thing caused said tragedy?
I endorse that idea
And how exactly would we distinguish between a bill to return to the fairness doctrine because Clyburn doesn’t like Glenn Beck and might coincidentally stop psychotic shooters from a bill to return to the fairness doctrine because Clyburn is afraid of psychotic shooters who listen to Glenn Beck?
Me too. Can we include use of the names of victims in legislation in this waiting period?
Charles Heller, one of the co-founders of the pro gun-rights Arizona Citizens Defense League, tells me that the group has put together model legislation that would require the state to help train members of Congress and their staff in the use of firearms.
“Our model legislation is called the Giffords-Zimmerman Act,” said Heller. (Giffords staffer Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, was killed on Saturday.) “It would require the Arizona Department of Public Safety to provide firearms training, using firearms confiscated by the state, to members of Congress and people who work for them. Facilities would be made available to them in a way that wouldn’t interfere with the training of police and other safety employees.”
I cringe every time I read in a title “A Modest Proposal…” because I don’t want to read about eating children.
Yes, I read my Swift long ago.
It’s too bad we can’t propose this proposal until fourteen days have passed, by which time it will be too late.
Well played, PD Shaw, well played.
“can we pass legislation that creates a 14-day waiting period (at least) between when a tragedy happens and when members of Congress are allowed to start proposing legislation to “fix” whatever it is that they thing caused said tragedy?”
You’ll regret that after the Zombie apocalypse.
Unless you won’t have to wait 14 days to fix the 14 days waiting period.
In any case, except for the already mentioned Zombie apocalypse, 14 days is not long enough.