Passing the ERA By Fiat

Amending the Constitution with one simple trick.

On Qualification for Cabinet Positions

A general conversation and a lot of specifics about RFK. Jr.

A Lame-Duck Session SCOTUS Nominee?

Could Democrats replace their oldest Justice before it’s too late?

Final 2024 Predictions

A low confidence Election Day forecast.

Jazz Shaw, 1959-2024

The longtime conservative blogger is gone at 65.

The Other Undecided Voters

They have a preference but may not vote.

The Threat of Yesterday’s Assassination Attempt

And some reminders from where the violent rhetoric emanates.

Maine Joins ‘National Popular Vote’ Compact

A longstanding project inches forward.

Should Sonia Sotomayor Retire?

Of party, duty, age, and political roulette.

Hitler and OTB

A stroll through the archives.

This is Fascistic

Another sad data point about current politics.

Thanksgiving Traditions

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo Under Investigation

The DC district attorney’s office is looking into allegations of masssive tax fraud.

Chris Christie 2024?!

Can the fat man take down the elephant in the room?

When Does Politics Stop Being Politics?

When we do it, it’s negotiation. When they do it, it’s hostage taking—and terrorism.

Scalia Law School is Conservative!

The New York Times looks into ties between a DC area law school and the Supreme Court.

Patrick Lang, 1940-2023

An old soldier has faded away.

Rod Dreher Canceled

Things finally got too weird for his benefactor.

The Electric Mismatch

Cheap, big, fast: pick two.

OTB at 20

A look back at two decades of blogging.

Gay Wedding Cake Baker Back in Court

Here we go again.

Thanksgiving Traditions

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

Doug Mataconis

His final resting place pays tribute to his love of OTB and the Yankees.

Non-Majority Presidents

Are plurality winners less legitimate than popular vote losers?

Content Moderation, Free Speech, and Community

Unlimited dialog makes conversations harder.

Sarah Palin Defamation (Sort of) Dismissed

The bar for defaming public officials is too high.

Clarence Thomas’ Continuing Conflict

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Alas.

January 6th Yeah But-ism

Yes the riots were a disgrace but the Democrats . . . .

Winnie the Pooh and Bambi Enter Public Domain

But only the original books, not the Disney adaptations.

Happy Thanksgiving from OTB

Family, football, feasting, and flashbacks.

9/11 at 20

Two decades after a day we’ll not forget.

Doug Update

What we know thus far.

Doug Mataconis, 1968-2021

The longtime OTB front-pager has passed far too soon.

Census Results Likely a Boost for GOP

The long shift of population from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt continues—with the unusual exception of California.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden Declares Armenian Genocide a Genocide

The President has overturned decades of US foreign policy and alienated a NATO ally for, well, reasons.

Florida Governor Bans Vaccine Passports

He probably lacks the legal authority. And business interests in is state will fight hard against him.

COVID Passports Redux

Competing analogies and externalities.

CPAC as a Leading Indicator

The annual gathering showed us what the Republican Party would become years ago.

Doug Update

‘Anonymous’ Still Anonymous

Some guy you never heard of is the guy.

Ginsburg, Garland, and Court Packing

Two related discussions.

SCOTUS Refuses to Block Trump’s Illegal Wall

The Supreme Court isn’t taking much of a break this year.

Supreme Court Upholds ‘Faithless Elector’ Laws

States can punish Electors who substitute their judgment for those of the voters.

Interpreting Interpretation

A too-long discourse on how courts should function.

Our Awful Criminal Justice System

A stroll down memory lane.

Doug Checked in

On the Act of Voting

A discussion of what #NeverTrump means, on Sanders v. Trump, and some about the philosophy of voting.

lego people crowd lego people crowd

Analysis vs Advocacy

A recurring source of friction in the OTB conversation.