Beltway Traffic Jam
Late Jam today, owing to some after-work errands and then lack of Internet access when I got home.
- Jen is approaching 50,000 visitors and is going to celebrate with some Thunderbird.
- Rob Tagorda notes that the Europeans haven’t been very cooperative, either.
- Henry Farrell passes on news of a good sale on books.
- Dan Drezner agrees that we’re in the Golden Age of animation.
- Steven Taylor disapproves of twisted logic.
- Jeff Goldstein explains al Qaeda logic.
- Bryan tries to decypher liquored-up NASCAR logic.
- Steve Verdon examines academic donations to political parties.
- Jeff Quinton examines gross, inflated movies.
- Steve Bainbridge argues that lawyers aren’t completely worthless.
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I’m running out of ways to say thanks for the linkage. Maybe I’ll hunt down foreign translations for the future….I’m assuming, of course, that you’ll continue to link to me. 😉
So, let’s get the French out of the way – Merci beaucoup, mon ami!