Biden is old and in diminished capacity. His opponent is old, in diminished capacity, and a horrible human being.
The fine line between xenophobia and patriotism.
Yet more evidence the man is unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.
Most no longer believe it’s possible to get ahead through hard work.
It’s not nearly as far-fetched as most of us would like to believe.
The North Dakota governor really, really wants to be on TV.
America survived a civil war and the turmoil of the 1960s. Can we rebound again?
Ends up that some mature democracies believe in letting legitimate legal proceedings to, well, proceed.
Don’t blame the primary author of The Federalist for our current mess.
We’re getting weird policies almost nobody is asking for.
A post about thinking in a comparative way.
The primary calendar debate shows, yet again, that parties don’t fully control candidate selection.
Spoiler alert: the GOP has already failed this test multiple times.
The margins for 2024 are likely to be slim. But that hides a larger story.