Bill Richardson Visits North Korea
New Mexico Governor and Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson will be spending the next week on a diplomatic trip to North Korea.
U.S. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat running for president, and his delegation arrived in Pyongyang, North Korea’s official KCNA news agency said on Sunday.
The White House said on April 3 Richardson would lead a U.S. delegation to the North to oversee the return of remains of American troops from the Korean War at the invitation of Pyongyang.
Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, visited North Korea in the 1990s and in 2005.
The trip has the blessing of the U.S. government, which is involved in negotiations to dismantle the North’s nuclear weapons program together with South Korea, Japan, Russia and China.
The tentative schedule for Gov. Richardson’s trip is here. As noted in the article, the primary purpose of the trip seems to be related solely towards the recovery of American’s KIA during the Korean War. Still, this trip highlights Governor Richardson’s extraordinary experience in foreign diplomacy. Hopefully it will bolster his campaign–or at least convince the media that they might consider actually, you know, covering the most experienced candidate in the race.
Thanks for posting this. I’m just coming across it now. For the sake of debate and democracy I hope the media spends a little more time covering Richardson rather than choosing the candidates before us by not covering any others.