Caption Contest Winners
The Get The Flock Outta Here Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The Get The Flock Outta Here Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: JazzShaw – Unfortunately for Larry the Lamb’s owner, his agent didn’t mention that the gig was an appearance on Sarah Palin’s Alaska.
Second: Robert Bowman – Cuban turn by turn navigation. “tur~~~~~n le~~~~~ft ahead” (GPS: Global Positioning Sheep – rodney)
Third: FormerHostage – Can GEICO really save you 15% on car insurance?
charles austin – Shear lunacy.
anjin-san – The final, conclusive proof that Obama is a Marxist surfaces… (Four legs good, two wheels better – rodney)
Maggie Mama – Warning to all tourists: Calling for “Take Out” loses something in translation.
Jeff – Date night in Arkansas
Peterh – Oh, what a night……
Stormy Dragon – After months of saving, Jose was finally able to afford the lambskin seat covers he’d always wanted.
Some of the earliest prophylactic’s utilizing lamb intestines originated in the middle east. It wasn’t until centuries later that the west improved the design by removing them from the sheep first.
What’s this Global Shwarmaing you speak of Al?
Wild Hogs… Tender Lambs… The Sequel
Some people just live to screw with the TSA.
The Thursday Contest is in the chain gang.
Thanks for the HM, RD. I enjoy reusing captions.
****Some of the earliest prophylactic’s utilizing lamb intestines originated in the middle east. It wasn’t until centuries later that the west improved the design by removing them from the sheep first.****Bottom of the barrel for some, allah’s honest truth for others…..
No love for my “lam on the Cuban exile”? I worked all night on that one!
That would make it another Cuban Miss(ex)ile crisis Franklin.
did you and Franlin stage that pun over launch at your pad?
No group think was involved
We were actually at the bay, eating pig roast.