Caption Contest
Rodney Dill
Monday, August 4, 2008
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

(AFP/File/Paul J. Richards)
Winners will be announced Thursday PM
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About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.
You’re okay,You’re okay. All your hands are clean, so I will be able to shake them now. You up there, didn’t you just come out of the Port-O-Potty? I’ll pass on you.
WWOD? (What would Obama do?)
Ho-Bama, Hey-Bama, Bama-Bama-Ho,
Bama-Hey, Bama-Ho-Bama.
Hey Bair-ee, Bair-ee,
won’t you smile at me,
Bama-Ho, Bama-Hey Superstar.
Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama met an untimely end when he was overwhelmed by the teeming masses of brainless zombies.
Obama: “Cuh-Cooo, Chu-COOOO”
Crowd: “ooooooooooohhhh”
I can rule a mob of zombies with a microphone a microphone a microphone……..
Obama: “Today…i’ll….belaunching…my…rock n’ roll style…’Put your hands on it tour’. Okay ladies…..and gents…..”
Obama: “Okay gang….get….your fresh brewed coolaide here..”
Hey, isn’t that Gov. Crist between Ryan Seacrest and Jay from Jay & Silent Bob?
Obama thought bubble: “Damn, these voters all look like the presidents on dollar bills.”
Obama: “Who touched me? Who touched the hem of my jacket?”
[That said, my vote is that d’Inger wins the thread.]
Obamamaniacs–Like zombies…but with absolutely no interest whatsoever in brains. (VIA IMAO)
Heal me, Savior! Heal me!
Mommy, look! A [negro]! Can we touch it?!
“Obama, how did you find Jesus?”
Reporters reception of Obama
Only Elvis would have more panties thrown towards him.
Obama uses his Jedi mind powers to tell voters ‘This is the change you have been looking for’.
Obama offered them forgiveness for their sins of racism, without reparations.
It was at that moment that the thought occurred to Obama, ‘Why shouldn’t I be on Mt. Rushmore’?
Obama thought bubble: “Damn, all these people and not one baby mama in the whole bunch.”
Um, Anderson, I think it is considered inappropriate to comment on entries before the contest is over.
Obama thought bubble: “If I can keep ’em looking up the way I’m pointing, maybe they won’t notice the $2,000 Italian shoes I picked up on my European victory tour.”
Obama licked his finger and determined that the political winds were blowing in the direction of offshore drilling.
He probably shouldn’t take that for granite.
I don’t have any problem with it. If you like one say so. I always liked having someone say they appreciated one of my captions in other contests.
“Finally, a surge I can support. One that is all about me.”
“Yes and the new dollar coin with my likeness will be called the Oboomie, and will be worth as much as the Canadian Loonie.”
Obama: “Oooh, all these women reaching out to touch me! I must be in heaven.”
Obama: “Let’s see; Allah says I can have 72 virgins. I’ll have that one…then the blonde over there and then her and then…”
Typical [guilty, liberal,] white people.
Heh, I thought it was Crist too. So, on that note, my entry:
“Florida’s Gov. Crist hedges his Vice Presidential bets.”
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me, heal me, heal me.
Listening to you I get the music.
Gazing at you I get the heat.
Following you I climb the mountain.
I get excitement at your feet!
Right behind you I see the millions.
On you I see the glory.
From you I get opinions.
From you I get the story.
Listening to you I get the music.
Gazing at you I get the heat.
Following you I climb the mountain.
I get excitement at your feet!
(Talk about the blind leading the blind…. or real life imitating art)
Typical white people, trying to rub his head for luck.
Lady in front: Oops, that is not your hand that I’m shaking, is it?
Obama: No, but don’t stop on my account.
Obama: “So what i’m saying to you, the American people, is that I am right here, right now going to start drilling for oil…who’s with me?”
Wrinkled forehead dude next to the guy in the red: “scu…scuse me Mr. Obama…did you clear that with Nancy?”
Senator Obama learned the hard way that too much personal magnetism was a dangerous thing.
Why anyone might confuse Senator Obama for a teenage pop star or a reality show star is beyond me.
Well, to be fair the German people always seem to be a little too anxious to follow a strong leader.
I’m sorry people, but I only have one small bottle of Purell.
Oh, and that sort of a salute thing really doesn’t go over too well anymore.
Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
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(I know it was here some time back but I cannot find it, how do I add an avatar?)
avatar: I don’t know how it used to be done, but you can register at and some sites will pick it up.
Let me feel the power!
Now, Now folks. I only have so much charisma to go around.
No, I am not King reincarnated. But if it helps you to think so, I’m not about to stop you.
Whistle With Obama went well. “Ok, let’s all whistle ‘Michael Row The Boat Ashore.’ No smiling. Just whistle.”
Obama: “If this is Jerusalem, then where’s the donkey I’m supposed to ride?”
Obama – “There is one candidate who usually looks rumpled and very casual Friday. Ok, folks. Please point to the candidate who usually looks fabulous.”
“Now, now, let’s not push and shove. We have enough complimentary tire pressure gauges for everybody who’s come here today.”
Thoughts from the crowd: “Lemme touch him! Does the color rub off?” “Does it?” “Ach du lieber, ess ist ein Gotterdammerung!”