Caption Contest Winners
The Captain kramerica Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

(AFP/File/Hector Mata)
The Winners:
First: yetanotherjohn (Time Magazine 2006 Person of the Year) – Some say that the Libby conviction has gone to special prosecutor Fitzgerald’s head.
Second: Jay Tea – “Hey, is DC hiring?”
Third: Gollum – It was no real surprise that his boots were “Dickies.”
Honorable Mention:
FormerHostage – Capitano “South” America…fighting crime that American Super Heros don’t want to.
Wyatt Earp – “Look, it’s Captain Anorexia!”
McGehee – “Will perform acts of heroism for food.”
chuckster – John Edwards criticizes Ann Coulter’s “faggot” remark as childish, immature and downright nasty!
The Fill in The Blank Award
Hodink – “I served with Captain America. I knew Captain America. Captain America was a friend of mine.Imposter__________, you’re no Captain America.”(I was originally thinking ‘Ann Coulter’ for the blank, but given ‘Hillary Rodham Clintons’ recent invocation of the name JFK I might change my mind — rodney dill)
Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel
Michael Richards recovers his career as Captain Kramerica.
I just knew Rumsfeld would be back.
AP BREAKING: There have been reports of a casualty from another Dick Cheney hunting trip
Suddenly Britney Spears rehab takes a turn for the worse.