The far right won the first round. The far left won the second. It’s a mess.
People around the world are more skeptical about governing institutions.
The ongoing Republican debacle and what it says about representative democracy in the US.
Permanent felon disenfranchisement is unconstitutional.
A refreshing instance of normal democratic politics amid interesting times.
A post about thinking in a comparative way.
More on the US party system.
Because sometimes the comment box is just too small.
More details from the Alaska special election.
Yet another reminder of the pathologies of American institutions.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans truly represent most Americans. Fixing that is exceedingly unlikely.
Counting is not necessarily as straightforward as it may seem.
Barbados provides an illustration of a frequently misunderstood concept.
Canada has more parties than the US, but still suffers representation problems due to FPTP elections.
Concepts, basic applications, and even a bibliography! Merry Festivus, everyone.