President Joe Biden meets with President-elect Donald Trump, Wednesday, November 13, 2024, in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith) President Joe Biden meets with President-elect Donald Trump, Wednesday, November 13, 2024, in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

America Has Two Presidents

Our transitions are too long.

South Korea Update

Comparative Incumbencies

The US was not exceptional.

French Elections Leave  Quel Désordre

The far right won the first round. The far left won the second. It’s a mess.

French Elections

The basics.

Design Matters

UK 2024 edition.

Repeat After Me: US Parties are Weak

Weak and presidentialized.

Faith In Democracy on the Decline

People around the world are more skeptical about governing institutions.

Nope Labels

Who could have seen this coming?

Thoughts on the US Presidential Primary System

The system isn’t very good.

On Parties

Because I think it is really important.

An Observation about American Democracy

The ongoing Republican debacle and what it says about representative democracy in the US.

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

Argentine Presidential Elections Start Today

The first of a potential three rounds.

Federal Court Declares Portion of Mississippi’s Constitution Unconstitutional

Permanent felon disenfranchisement is unconstitutional.

On Hand-Counting of Ballots

It’s a really bad method

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Matthew Shugart on the Downballot.

Finland’s Ordinary Election

A refreshing instance of normal democratic politics amid interesting times.

On the Number of Parties 4: The Oddity of Two, Part 3 (Thinking About Just Two)

A post about thinking in a comparative way.

On the Number of Parties 4: The Oddity of Two, Part 1

A real example of American exceptionalism.

On Spurious Majorities and Other Thoughts on Electoral System Critiques

Because sometimes the comment box is just too small.

Alaska Voters Had Real Choices and Made Them

Every vote counted, with refreshing results.

Voting Alone is Not Democracy

Putin provides an example for a Politics 101 class.

Sarah Palin, Ranked Choice Voting, and the Perils of N=1 Analysis

More details from the Alaska special election.

The Lack of Competition for House Seats

Yet another reminder of the pathologies of American institutions.

Fixing the Primary Problem

Could Alaska point the way to a solution?

The free high-resolution photo of technology, symbol, brand, product, font, 3d, angle, question, problem, graphics, support, issue, puzzles, question mark, problem solution, product design, automotive design , taken with an unknown camera 04/06 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. The free high-resolution photo of technology, symbol, brand, product, font, 3d, angle, question, problem, graphics, support, issue, puzzles, question mark, problem solution, product design, automotive design , taken with an unknown camera 04/06 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

Q&A Time

Hopefully answering a reader question (but probably just making it all worse).

Multiparty Presidentialism

No, presidentialism does not lock us into two parties.

America’s Four Parties

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans truly represent most Americans. Fixing that is exceedingly unlikely.

Elections with Foregone Conclusions

Greatest democracy in the world, right?

On the Number of Parties 3: More Sophisticated Counting

The effective number of parties.

On the Number of Parties 2: Basic Counting, Part 2

This time: some multi-party examples.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Arend Lijphart on the “Peaceful Political Revolution in America” podcast.

On the Number of Parties 1: Basic Counting, Part 1

Counting is not necessarily as straightforward as it may seem.

A Republic, not a Constitutional Monarchy

Barbados provides an illustration of a frequently misunderstood concept.

Canada and Single-Seat Plurality Elections

Canada has more parties than the US, but still suffers representation problems due to FPTP elections.

“A Republic, not a Democracy” Redux

The Strzok hearing provides a return to this timeworn favorite.

A “Republic v. Democracy” Lexicon

Concepts, basic applications, and even a bibliography! Merry Festivus, everyone.

Madison’s Defintion(s) of Republic

More on the whole “republic not a democracy” discussion.