Making Childhood Diseased Again

The anti-vax threat from the incoming administration.

On Fentanyl and the Border

Spoiler: tariff threats and other “one weird trick” approaches won’t work.

Jimmy Carter Proves The Simpsons Right*

* if you are an African parasite

The Toll of Abortion Politics

Simplistic solutions to complex problems lead to human suffering.

American Physicians Make a Lot of Money!

They average more than any other occupation and considerably more than their European counterparts.

Making Cheap Booze More Expensive

A study has found significant health benefits.

Rural Hospitals Not Offering Obstetric Care

A growing trend has healthcare professionals and communities concerned.

America’s Unique Medical Debt Problem

We charge patients way more than other counties.

Inflation Reduction Act Passes Senate

And a comment on news coverage of the passage.

HHS: States Must Allow Emergency Abortions

The agency says a 1986 law overrides state restrictions.

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Doctoring Ain’t All it’s Cracked Up to Be

The rat race of becoming a physician and maintaining one’s license is more intense than popularly understood.

Yale Fires Prof for Trump Mental Health ‘Diagnoses’

What at first blush appears a case of hypocrisy and cancel culture is a violation of professional ethics.

Elizabeth Warren Isn’t Talking As Much About ‘Medicare For All’

“Medicare For All” is the centerpiece of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for President, but she’s not talking about it as much as she used to.

Democrats Growing Skeptical Of ‘Medicare For All’

Even as candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders continue to base their campaigns on it, Democrats appear to be growing skeptical of ‘Medicare For All.’

Democrats Open Fire On Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ Plan

Elizabeth Warren’s fellow Democrats aren’t so thrilled with her ‘Medidare For All’ plan.

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ Plan Is Utopian And Probably Unconstitutional

Senator Elizabeth Warren released a more detailed version of her ‘Medicare For All” plan late last week. It leaves much to be desired.

tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard

No, Medicare-for-All Wouldn’t Be a Tax Cut

We shouldn’t need bad arguments to sell good policies.

Fifth Circuit Appears Skeptical Of Constitutionality Of PPACA

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard argument yesterday in a case that could radically impact health care coverage for millions of Americans.

The Politics of Ending Private Insurance

Is the Sanders-Warren position too extreme for the general election?

Smoke and Mirrors on Health Care

The White House clearly doesn’t have a plan beyond attacking Obamacare to score political points.

Second Parkland Shooting Survivor Commits Suicide

A male sophomore makes two suicides in less than a week.

Obamacare Court Victory Could Backfire On Republicans

Republicans scored a win in Court last week, but it seems likely to lead to a political loss in the long-term.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Affordable Care Act As Unconstitutional

Eight years after it was signed into law, a Federal Judge has ruled the Affordable Care Act to be unconstitutional.

Australia On Course To Wipe Out Cervical Cancer Due To HPV Vaccine

Thanks in large part to an aggressive public health education program and vaccination, Australia is on course to effectively eradicate cervical cancer.

Wage Stagnation and Total Compensation

Total compensation has been going up and the non-wage portion of said compensation is basically “eating up all” of the past increases since approximately 1974 resulting in a stagnant hourly wage.

Trump Administration Hands Democrats A Gift On Pre-Existing Condition Coverage

The Trump Administration’s new legal position on coverage for people with pre-existing conditions could pose political problems in the fall.

Trump Administration Won’t Defend Obamacare, Says Mandate Is Unconstitutional

The Trump Administration is declining to defend the Affordable Care Act in Court, arguing that the individual mandate is now unconstitutional because the tax penalty has been eliminated.

Another Appalling Display Of Trumpidian Ignorance

Just when you think the President has hit rock bottom, it gets worse.

States Renew An Old Argument Against Obamacare

A group of twenty states have revived an old argument to mount a new legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans Give Up On Repealing Obamacare

After spending much of 2017 trying to do it, Republicans are giving up on any effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act before the midterms.

Senate Tax Plan Will Include Provision To Eliminate Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

For some reason, Senate Republicans want to attach a bad health care reform idea onto an already controversial tax reform bill.

Maine Voters Vote To Expand Medicaid, Making An End Run Around Governor LePage

Voters in Maine hand their conservative Governor a setback.

Senators Say They Have Bipartisan Deal To Save Obamacare Subsidies

Republican Lamar Alexander and Democratic Senator Patty Murray say they’ve reached a bipartisan deal to fix an important part of the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Admitting Defeat On Health Care Reform

At least for now, Republicans seem to be giving up on repealing and replacing the PPACA. That’s not going to make the base happy.

Tom Price, Trump’s HHS Secretary, Resigns Amid Private Jet Scandal

Trump loses his HHS Secretary amid a growing scandal involving the use of private and government jets by Cabinet officials.

Senate Cancels Vote On Graham-Cassidy Health Care Reform Bill

What was essentially the final effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is officially dead.

Latest Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Affordable Care Act Basically Dead

The latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act appears to be dead.

Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill Likely Dead As McCain Announces Opposition

The GOP’s effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears to suffer a fatal blow as Senator John McCain announced his opposition to what is the last gasp of that effort in the Senate.

Fate Of Latest Attempt To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare Remains Unclear

Senate Republicans have ten days to act on their last-ditch attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare, and it’s not at all clear if they have the votes to do so.

Senate Republicans Considering One Last Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

Senate Republicans are considering one more last-ditch effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Republicans Accept Defeat On Obamacare ‘Repeal And Replace’

The effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is dead for now.

Americans Want Congress To Move On From Trying To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

A new poll shows that most Americans want Republicans want to move on from their failed effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Once Again Fails On Health Care Reform

Seven years of rhetoric on health care reform ended early this morning with a narrow vote on a bill that even Republicans didn’t really support.

Senate Votes To Proceed On Health Care Bill That Doesn’t Exist Yet

In a vote close enough to require the Vice-President to cast a tie-breaking vote, the Senate voted to proceed to debate on a health care bill even though nobody seems to know what bill they’ll ultimately be voting on.

Senate To Move Ahead On Health Care Reform Votes That Seem Unlikely To Succeed

The Senate isn’t giving up in its efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act, despite the fact that it seems clear that the votes aren’t there.

Senate GOP’s Plan C On Health Care Dies In Less Than A Day

What looks like it will be the Senate GOP’s last effort on the issue of health care reform died less than a day after being put on the table.

McConnell Pulls The Plug On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

With the defection of two more Senators, the latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act has gone down in flames.

Americans Favor Obamacare Over GOP Replacements Two-To-One

New polling indicates that the Affordable Care Act has gained in popularity with the American public, while Republican reform efforts are viewed overwhelmingly negatively.

Senate GOP Releases Revised Version Of Obamacare ‘Repeal And Replace’ Bill

Senate Republicans have introduced their latest version of a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.