Trump’s core policies will drive inflation
Shady accounting practices from well before he entered politics are coming back to bite him in the ass.
The IRS has finally created a website to allow some people to do it for free.
There’s momentum for changing the most controversial Trump era tax change.
Some New York Republicans are fighting for their constituents and against the GOP leadership.
The largest adjustment since the tax code was indexed in 1985.
Is that right? If so, is it reasonable?
A new meme started by Republican leaders is mostly false.
The Schumer-Manchin compromise includes a massive increase in the tax collection budget.
An interesting but rather misleading report from a Biden Treasury official.
For now, at least, it can shift millions of its earnings to Luxembourg.
President Biden’s pollster has made an amazing discovery.
A Trump-era policy designed to screw over blue states may actually be a good one.
A George Mason economist has an intriguing idea but maybe he has it backwards.
The Times investigation sheds more light on what most of us already knew.
The California Supreme Court has struck down a state law purporting to require a candidate for President to release their tax returns,
Contrary to the promises of December 2017, the Republican tax cuts are not paying for themselves. Instead, they are helping lead us to trillion-dollar deficits.
A Federal Judge rejected the President’s effort to block a New York City prosecutor from obtaining copies of his tax returns.
Late last week, a Federal Judge in California placed on hold a state law requiring candidates to provide copies of their tax returns.
President Trump and the Republican Party have spent the last three years lying about the Federal budget deficit and the economy.
Late last week, a Federal Judge blocked a California law requiring candidates for President and other offices to make copies of their tax returns public.
The Trump campaign and several other parties have filed lawsuits challenging California’s new law requiring candidates for President to release copies of their tax returns.
Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit seeking to block a New York State law that would allow Congress to obtain copies of his state tax returns.
President Obama wanted to end it but his former VP used it to his advantage.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed into law a bill that will make it easier for Congress to get President Trump’s tax returns.
As expected, the House Ways & Means Committee is suing Treasury Secretary Mnuchin over his refusal to provide the committee with copies of the President’s tax returns.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has informed Congress that he will not comply with a subpoena seeking the President’s tax returns, meaning that we’re headed for a court battle.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted to issue a subpoena the President’s tax returns, but whether it will ever see them is unclear.
The Treasury Secretary is declining to comply with a Congressional request for the President’s tax returns. Whether this is proper is a question that will have to be resolved by the courts.
Those making under $66,000 aren’t supposed to have to pay. But good luck figuring out how to avoid it.
A bipartisan bill will protect the tax preparation industry at the expense of the citizenry.
Are people fleeing blue states to avoid repressive taxes? It depends who you’re asking.