John Kelly Says He Warned Trump Of Impeachment If He Hired “Yes” Men

John Kelly, President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, is speaking out nearly a year after leaving office

Leader Of ISIS Believed Killed In Raid In Syria

There’s apparently big news in the fight against ISIS.

Government in the Private Interest

A current defense of Trump raises an ancient political question.

The Fundamental Dishonesty of the House GOP “Protest”

They know how Congress works, but are banking on the fact that many Americans don’t.

Federal Judge Rejects Republican Argument Against Impeachment Inquiry

A Federal District Court Judge gave the House of Representatives, and the nation, a big win yesterday.

tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard

No, Medicare-for-All Wouldn’t Be a Tax Cut

We shouldn’t need bad arguments to sell good policies.

Executive Privilege and Impeachment

George Washington invented the concept and was quite clear that it did not apply to impeachment proceedings.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

DNC Sets Criteria For December Debate

The stage for the sixth Democratic debate in December is likely to be much smaller.

Where Has the Decade Gone?

No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

Tulsi Gabbard Won’t Run For Re-Election, Will Focus On Doomed White House Run

Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who is basically a non-entity in the race for the Democratic nomination, will not be running for re-election.

newspaper newspaper

Trump Orders Feds to Cancel NYT and WaPo Subscriptions

The President is tired of all the fake news.

Another Unknown Candidate Drops Out Of Presidential Race

We won’t have whats-his-name to kick around anymore.

Texas Case Pits Transgender Rights Against Parental Rights

A custody case out of Texas raises issues about how to react to and treat a child who identifies as a gender different from their biological sex.

Poll Finds Little Support For Trump’s Syria Retreat

President Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw troops from Syria isn’t receiving much public support.

Republicans Grow Increasingly Desperate In Defense Of Trump

The GOP’s efforts to defend the President are becoming more desperate and pathetic by the day.

EU to Grant ‘Flextension’ on Brexit

The UK is being given yet more time to figure out the obvious.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic

Post-Debate National Polls Show Biden Rebounding

The first round of polls after last week’s debate has good news for the former Vice-President.

Russia And Turkey Divide Up Northern Syria As U.S. Retreats

As American forces retreat, Russia and Turkey are dividing up northern Syria like,well,a turkey.

Top U.S. Diplomat Confirms Quid Pro Quo On Ukraine Aid

A top U.S. diplomat involved in Ukraine policy confirmed the existence of a quid pro quo regarding U.S aid to Ukraine.

ISIS A Big Winner After Trump’s Retreat

ISIS is quickly taking advantage of the abrupt American withdrawal from northern Syria.

Polling Shows Growing Support For Trump’s Impeachment And Removal

New polling is showing increased public support for President Trump’s impeachment and removal

Trudeau Holds On To Power In Minority Government

Justin Trudeau lost his majority but will still hold on to power in Canada, the question is how long it will last.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Netanyahu Fails In Effort To Form New Israeli Government

After a close election, Benjamin Netanyahu has given up on his effort to form a government.

Final State Department Review Finds No Wrongdoing Regarding Clinton Emails

In what is hopefully the final review of the mater, an internal State Department view finds no wrongdoing with regard to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Mark Kelly Becoming A Strong Challenger To Martha McSally In Arizona

Former Astronaut Mark Kelly is posing a big challenge to Senator Martha McSally in Arizona.

Canadians Head To The Polls

It’s Election Day in Canada and the outcome is far from certain.

Trump Reverses Decision To Hold G-7 Summit At His Miami Golf Resort

After coming under fire for a decision designed primarily to benefit himself and his family, President Trump has decided to walk back the decision to hold the next G-7 Summit at one of his properties.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Parliament Hands Boris Johnson Another Brexit Defeat

Rather than getting a final vote on his Brexit deal, Prime Minister Boris johnson suffered another defeat.

Roy Moore’s Senate Bid Not Going So Well

Roy Moore’s second bid for the Senate isn’t going so well.

Elizabeth Warren And The Commander In Chief Test

So far at least, Elizabeth Warren is not doing a good job of articulating her foreign policy positions. That needs to change if she’s going to be a serious candidate.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Diversion Of Funds To Border Wall

A Federal Court has struck down the President’s diversion of funds for his border wall.

A Photo for Friday: “My Khe”

Happy Friday from the eastern hemisphere.

Trump Seeks To Enrich Himself By Scheduling G-7 Summit At Trump Property

In what seems to be clear violations of the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, the President is seeking to enrich himself and his family,

Rick Perry Leaving Energy Department

Confirming earlier rumors, Rick Perry announced that he’d be leaving his position as Secretary of Energy at the end of the year.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Pence And Pompeo ‘Ceasefire’ Benefits Turks, Syria, And Russia, Screws Kurds

American negotiators are claiming a ceasefire in northern Syria. The Turks, Syrians, and Russians are the winners, the Kurds are the losers, and we look like schmucks.

U.K. And E.U. Reach New Brexit Deal, But Will It Pass Parliament.

The United Kingdom and European Union have apparently reached a new Brexit deal, but it’s unclear if Boris Johnson can get it through Parliament.

Trump’s Unhinged Behavior On Full Display At Meeting With Pelosi

As the vultures continue to circle above the White House, the President continues to lash out.

Trump’s Lies Continue To Mount

As he reaches his 1,000th day in office, Trump’s lies pile up at an astronomical rate.

Trump’s Bizarre, Unhinged Letter to Erdogan

There’s no rational explanation for this.

The Problem with Trump: A Postscript

His letter to Erdogan.

Congressman Elijah Cummings Dead At 68

An iconic and honorable Member of Congress has passed away.

Fourth Democratic Debate Garners 8.3 Million Voters

The fourth Democratic debate saw a viewership dip from September, but there are likely some good reasons for that.

Fearful Of Trump, Republicans Refuse To Answer A Simple Question

Fear of Donald Trump and his minions is making it hard for Republicans to answer a simple question.