Cheney Booed at Nats Game

Vice President Dick Cheney got booed after a weak first pitch at the Nats’ home opener.

Photo Vice President Cheney throws out the first pitch at Nationals home opener, gets booed. (Getty Images) The first pitch of the Washington Nationals’ second season at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium was low and away, bouncing in the dirt before being scooped up by catcher Brian Schneider.

For that, Vice President Cheney received a round of boos from the home crowd this afternoon. But the catcalls didn’t last long before the fans cheered for the Nationals, who took the field in their white uniforms with red trim against the New York Mets.

My guess is someone is getting fired over this. I nominate this woman:

“This is our team,” declared Lynette Jackson, 50, of D.C., who called in sick to her job with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services so she could attend the game with her family. “I called in to ask for leave and didn’t tell them why.”

Hint: If you’re going to play hookey from work, don’t announce it in the town’s biggest newspaper.

Update (4/12): Jane Hamsher, John Aravosis, Ezra Klein, and others note that the booing started as soon as Cheney walked onto the field. A video at Crooks and Liars confirms. I figured as much.

That’s not surprising, exactly, now is it? The administration is doing very badly in the polls and the vice president is among its least popular figures. And D.C. isn’t exactly friendly territory even for relatively popular Republicans. Even when one selects out the demographic that can afford to attend professional sporting events, the Beltway is hostile territory.

As to the pitch, it would not at all surprise me if Cheney were wearing a bullet proof vest under that Nats jacket. Plus, he’s a fat old man.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. jacob says:

    I guess cheney didn’t have to call in sick he just had bush declare it a holiday.

  2. scottage says:

    ESPN was great! Their comment was that his aim really hasn’t improved. Gotta love it.

  3. mary says:

    cheney does not have to call in sick, becuase we all know he has intense mental illness everyday….

  4. jacob says:

    Actually, he was booed long and loudly well before his pathetic pitching attempt and the booing continued as he gimped off the field. No one likes this dirtbag and it is now becoming painfully obvious to anyone with eyes and ears.

  5. Chip says:

    At least he didn’t hit anybody in the face!

  6. davod says:

    My, we have the grinches, or is it grouches, out today. Gimped off the field?

  7. Julian says:

    Hey, maybe the majority of these booing fans are losers, and therefore have to lie to get off work to attend a baseball game (and most likely should be setting aside the exorbitant amount of money they paid for the tickets, of which I’m sure they can barely afford, for their children’s education). This type of conduct would be expected in DC towards a Republican VP, but to behave in this manner in front of injured veterans fighting for freedom is disgusting. Congratulations DC, you continue to prove your sincere lack of wisdom.

  8. ICallMasICM says:

    Federal worker fired for blowing off work? I’m laughing so hard I’m going to bust a gut.

  9. jacob says:

    This type of conduct would be expected in DC towards a Republican VP, but to behave in this manner in front of injured veterans fighting for freedom is disgusting.

    Your stupid indignation is just that. Why are you not indignant about the liar that put them in this awful condition to begin with. Here’s a clue you love to call him president. Oh, and fighting for freedom, gimme a break, go read what your moron in chief has said about this particular illegal invasion. I think first it was for WMD and then…… well perhaps you can recall all the lies.

  10. LJD says:

    You trolls are getting nasty. Why not just take up arms against your country so we can expedite the path you’re heading down…

  11. ICallMasICM says:

    ‘Why not just take up arms against your country so we can expedite the path youâ??re heading downâ?¦ ‘

    Mommy and Daddy might not pay for that, plus you’d have to get off the couch.