Sharron Angle: Sharia Law Has Already “Taken Hold” In America
More wackiness from the Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada:
One of the last questioners asked about “Muslims taking over the U.S.,” including a question about Angle’s stance on the proposed mosque near Ground Zero in New York.
“We’re talking about a militant terrorist situation, which I believe isn’t a widespread thing, but it is enough that we need to address, and we have been addressing it,” Angle said.
“Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don’t know how that happened in the United States. It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States.”
I’m sure that Angle’s assertion that they are living under Sharia Law would come as a surprise to the residents of Dearborn and Frankford. Or, is it, as Steve Benan asks, that Angle believes that any community that has a lot of Muslims in it is by definition living under Sharia ?
Either way, it’s simply delusional.
I respect anyone who runs a blog, but please, don’t post an excerpt and then disregard the thrust of the quote. First of all she did not say ANY community, she said two specific ones. Put away the straw man.
Her statement,
” We’re talking about a militant terrorist situation, which I believe isn’t a widespread thing, but it is enough that we need to address, and we have been addressing it,”
is spot on. You don’t agree with that? All you need to do is open the papers and it seems weekly lately we see, packed away on p. 13, once in a while making it to p. 3, the FBI or local LE making terror related arrests.
As to Dearborn MI (I am not familiar with Frankford) I would suggest that you go to some back issues of the news and see the arrest of four Christians:
“Four Christian missionaries who were arrested at Dearborn’s Arab American Festival last month were arraigned Monday on misdemeanor charges of disturbing the peace….The four were arrested on June 18 while handing out Christian literature and videotaping themselves. ”
That is not Constitutional law, that IS Sharia law. The only difference was the penalty perhaps a fine instead of the requisite lashings or stonings. btw, the 6th Circuit Ct granted a TRO against any enforcement of Dearborn’s rules preventing the handing out of the literature.
OK, one incident? How about another:
“The Thomas More Law Center announced today that a federal lawsuit has been filed against a Dearborn, Michigan high school, Fordson High School, and its Muslim principal, Imad Fadlallah, over the firing of Gerald Marszalek because of Marszalek’s connection to a Christian volunteer coach”
One more?
“An Islamic group says it will file a federal lawsuit Wednesday against a Wayne County (Dearborn again) judge who ordered a Muslim woman to remove her head scarf.
“No hats allowed in the courtroom,” Wayne Circuit Judge J. William Callahan is heard telling Raneen Albaghdady …”
Are you seeing a pattern? Do you still dispute Angle’s notion that Sharia law is gaining a foothold in Dearborn? Did you ever think you would live to see the day in the USA that someone would be arrested for handing out religious material in a public place? Or that a judge would face a lawsuit for enforcing rules that should to everyone?
O, and to all those women who have to wear the veil or headscarves (under threats from family members) , they might agree that they are living under a form (so far a small one) of Sharia.
We need people who are willing to stand up and say, America became great as a Melting Pot, not as ghettos where people stay in there tribes. Come here and become Americans or go back to where you think it is better. Sharron Angle is operating under the American values that have served us well for 234 years, those that defend the goings on of Dearborn are the extremists.
Ever think why there is no great friction on the North American continent as opposed to Europe, Africa or Asia? I suggest its because we don’t have the tribe mentality, but under the guise of ‘multiculturalism’ we may be headed there.
Yes, I do dispute it.
I wouldn’t want Christian Missionaries coming up to me with their bible thumping either, does that make me Muslim ?
Courtrooms all across America make exceptions to the “no headcoverings” rule for devout Jews who wear Yarmulkes, I see no reason why they shouldn’t make similar exceptions for Muslims.
Dearborn Michigan happens to be a community with a large Arab Muslim population. It’s not a big deal as far as I’m concerned.
Face facts Doug. The remaining Americans who have not been beheaded and dumped in the desert are either under Sharia, or will be when Obama’s work is done. Why do you have your head in the sand?
FYI, you misspelled Steve Benen’s name in the post.
I like how the first poster establishes a “pattern” by listing:
*an incident in which a federal suit is being filed due to a Christian feeling he was being discriminated against for being Christian
*an incident in which a federal suit is being filed due to a Muslim feeling she was being discriminated against for being Muslim
The only “pattern” is that people who feel they are being discriminated against due to their religion are able to file federal lawsuits alleging said discrimination. That happens in Dearborn and in every other city in the US. It’s not sharia; it’s standard federal law.
“That is not Constitutional law, that IS Sharia law.”
The four missionaries were given a trial by jury and acquitted of the disturbing the peace charges. One was convicted of failure to obey a police officer and the sentence was “time served” (one day in jail). If that IS Sharia law, it’s pretty weak tea. What’s more, there’s nothing unique about people being arresting for this sort of thing. For example, there have been multiple cases where members of Jews for Jesus have been arrested for handing out pamphlets.
“Ever think why there is no great friction on the North American continent as opposed to Europe, Africa or Asia? I suggest its because we don’t have the tribe mentality, but under the guise of ‘multiculturalism’ we may be headed there.”
We don’t have a tribe mentality here? The debates over the proposed Muslim community center or about immigration tend to suggest that we at least have a bit of one. This mentality isn’t some new product of “multiculturalism”, either, given our historic treatments of Chinese, Irish, and other immigrants, not to mention our ongoing issues with race.
When it comes to “tribe mentality” it’s hard to top the almost constant whining from a number of OTB posters about supposed persecution on Christians in America…
@ mataconis
“I wouldn’t want Christian Missionaries coming up to me with their bible thumping either, does that make me Muslim ?”
No, but what you want has nothing to do with the missionaries rights under our laws. Nobody really cares what you “want” in regards to how a citizen’s rights are to be upheld. Just as no one cares what I “want” when Muslims want to build a mosque at ground zero. You going to accept making that against the law, too? Your statement is irrelevant, non-responsive, and hypocritical considering your staunch defense of the park51 issue.
“Dearborn Michigan happens to be a community with a large Arab Muslim population. It’s not a big deal as far as I’m concerned.”
No, Doug. It never is. Hey, maybe we shoud start arresting Muslims in communities with large Protestant populations. When the call for prayer goes out over the loudspeakers, the police should rightfully arrest the muslims for disturbing the peace. Since the cities all have a large population of Christians, obviously Doug will have no problem with it.
Mataconis, you are a contrary and someone not given to telling the turth. You would be considered a troll on any rational blog. All I hear from you is attacks on those who defend our way of life. If your picture is an idication, I understand. I wish you would get honest and admit your are a lefty. How come not critique of the BS spouted by open communists who defiled the Mall at the Captital?
I suggest someone ask Molly Norris what she thinks about this. Oh wait…
Everyone has made some good pionts, but the fact of the matter is that the main problem that Angle si trying to point out is the mixing of religion and government. We all have the right to religion as stated in the first amendment, but when religion interfears with government matters that is when feelings get hurt.