Muslims Shocked—SHOCKED!—Trump is Pro-Israel

Of leopards and faces.

Trump Wins Pennsylvania, Likely the Presidency

The 45th President looks to be the 47th.

Final 2024 Predictions

A low confidence Election Day forecast.

Models Moving Trumpward

A modest disturbance in the force.

Are We Seeing a Realignment?

Subtle demographic changes may have created a tipping point.

Electoral College Insanity: Florida Edition

Trump is significantly outpeforming his 2020 results in New York and Florida. It doesn’t matter.

Smith’s Newest Filing

More on Trump’s attempt to subvert the 2020 election.

The Other Undecided Voters

They have a preference but may not vote.

Republican Electoral College Advantage May Be Shrinking

The skews may offset.

The Elusive ‘Likely Voter’

Where the science and art of polling intersect.

Paths to Electoral College Victory

Does it really all come down to Pennsylvania?

Electoral College Bias

It could all come down to Pennsylvania.

The Undecided Voter: Iconoclast Edition

Alan Dershowitz is trying to make up his mind.

James Earl Jones, 1931-2024

The legendary star of stage and screen is gone at 93.

Vehicle-to-Everything Technology

A regional pilot program could be expanding.

Some Polls

Things continue to be tight, yet Harrisward.

Election Tabs

Kamala’s New Map

Democrats suddenly have multiple paths to victory.

Trump Losing . . . And Losing It

He’s not taking his change in fortunes very well.

Not Your Father’s GOP

Beyond politics, there’s culture.

Reflecting on a Stupid Conspiracy Theory

Reflections on reflections.

Is Donald Trump Okay?

That’s not a rhetorical question.

No Joe-mentum

The Democrats are in a good place heading into their convention.

Harris Has a Slight Lead

The reset is real.

A Rebooted Race

We’re back to Square 1.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Some Brief(ish) Thoughts On Kamala Harris’s Potential Running Mates

Taking a closer look at Cooper, Kelly, and Shapiro

Weekend Tabs

Polls, Damn Polls, and Aggregators

There’s something for everyone in the post-debate surveys.

Polls Continue Trumpward Shift

The slide continues.

More Post-Debate Polling

More polling that contradicts the panic.

More Data

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

SCOTUS Makes Corruption Easier

Apparently, ex post facto payments are cool.

Trump Leads Biden Going into Tonight’s Debate

He’s doing better in all the swing states but one than in 2020.

Kennedy Won’t Qualify for Debate

That’s some catch, that Catch-22.

Crystal Ball Moves Trumpward

It all comes down to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office. President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office.

Biden is a Fibber*

*Parenthetically, his opponent wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the ass.

Republicans Expect and Experience Higher Inflation than Democrats

A weird report might explain a puzzling finding in the polls.

Trump’s Path to 270

It’s depressingly short.

Congressional Typologies

Grouping House Members by their voting patterns.

Politics, Memory, and Reality

Americans look back more fondly on the Trump economy than they did in 2020.

Sunday Afternoon Tabs

The number of open tabs is just getting silly.

Is Our Problem a Lack of Public Virtue?

Are we betraying the Founders?

Biden Has Lowest Approval in History, Should Still Win

A famed political forecaster doesn’t believe the polls.

Maine Joins ‘National Popular Vote’ Compact

A longstanding project inches forward.

Will Biden’s Israel Policy Matter in November?

Many Democrats are worried about the fallout.

If Inflation is Down, Why Are Prices Up?

Shockingly, most people aren’t economists.