Blogging During DOGEtime

In the interests of full disclosure.

Fear and Loathing in DC

Federal workers are afraid and in the dark.

Presidential Appointees and the Hatch Act

The Secretary of the Navy supports the man who hired him. Who knew?

Colleges and Anti-Israel Protests

Administrations are struggling to handle the biggest wave of student protests in generations.

Porn, Public Employees, and the First Amendment

I know a fireable offense when I see it.

Liberal Professors Fleeing Florida

The DeSantis crackdown on academic freedom is having its desired effect.

Dan Patrick’s Response to the Texas A&M Faculty Suspension Controversy

His column in the Houston Chronicle fails to impress.

An Authoritarian Tale

Don’t offend the Lt. Governor in Texas.

DeSantis Policies Come Home to Roost at New College

He’s getting what he wants.

Are eBooks Books and eLibraries Libraries?

A pending lawsuit seeks to settle those questions.

The Limits of Academic Freedom

UPenn law professor Amy Wax as a test case.

Ben Sasse to Leave Senate to Become Florida President

The Nebraska Republican got an offer he can’t refuse.

QEII and the Empire

How much blame did the 70-year constitutional monarch share?

Princeton Fires Creepy, Lying Professor Who Happened to be Conservative

There’s much more to the story than meets the eye.

Florida Abolishes Professor Tenure

Because they’re indoctrinating the youth with their biased agendas and liberal, unfactual diastribes.

Dan Patrick’s Attack on Tenure in Texas

His attacks are, in fact, the best case for tenure.

ODU Prof Out After Minor-Attracted People’ Backlash

Academic freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

Florida’s Campus Speech Law

Ron DeSantis and friends are afraid of higher education.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Suing for Tenure at Place She Doesn’t Work

A truly bizarre controversy at Chapel Hill.

Transphobia, Academic Freedom, and the First Amendment

The 6th Circuit is allowing a professor fired for misgendering a transwoman to sue his state university.

Yale Fires Prof for Trump Mental Health ‘Diagnoses’

What at first blush appears a case of hypocrisy and cancel culture is a violation of professional ethics.

President Trump Arrives on Capitol Hill President Donald J. Trump arrives on Capitol Hill to attend a Senate Republican policy luncheon Tuesday, May 19, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Trump Arrives on Capitol Hill President Donald J. Trump arrives on Capitol Hill to attend a Senate Republican policy luncheon Tuesday, May 19, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

Trump’s Purging Pentagon of Perceived Enemies?

Presidents have appointed loyalists since time immemorial. Has this one gone too far?

What is American Patriotism?

There’s an inherent tension in our national ethos.

Fresno State English Professor Calls Barbara Bush ‘Racist’ and Wishes Rest of Family Would Die Soon

Randa Jarrar was classless and contemptible, which is protected by the First Amendment. As a tenured state employee so is her job.

Another Professor Fired After Another Stupid Tweet

A stupid comment about Hurricane Harvey cost a Florida professor his job.

Bureaucratic Insurgency

There are growing signs that the Deep State is seeking to thwart legal orders from President Trump. This is dangerous.

Melissa Harris-Perry Doesn’t Understand TV

The host of a weekend show on MSNBC is angry that the network wants her to talk about the presidential race.

Racial Tensions Getting Ugly at University of Missouri

Massive boycotts and protests likely spell the end of Tim Wolfe’s tenure as president.

Hate Speech and Academic Freedom

Should a professor who says she “hates Republicans” keep her job?

‘Open and Free’ Compared to What?

The “open and free” Internet is an ideal type, not a myth.

American Studies Association Israel Boycott is Righteous but Wrongheaded

While I concur with the “intent, justice, legality, and morality” of the decision, I nonetheless oppose it.

Obama’s Confused Syria Strategy

Humanitarian wars have their own grammar but not their own logic.

Back to School

Your humble host is making a career move.

Politics and Political Science

It would be nice if people who make authoritative decisions had some idea what they are talking about.

Naomi Schaefer Riley and Mob Rule

A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.

Paying Adjunct Professors Like Real Professors

The MLA is pushing to guarantee adjunct professors $40,000 a year.

The ‘Anti-Israel’ Charge

Vehement disagreement with the policy views of a country and prejudice based on immutable traits are not the same.

Oral History, Confidentiality, and the Courts

The Obama Justice Department is siding against historians trying to protect the confidentiality of their sources.

Political Warfare in WI

Is asking to see a professor’s e-mails a legitimate open records request or is it an attempt at silencing a critic?

Professor Fired for Catholic Beliefs?

The Fox News headline “University of Illinois Instructor Fired Over Catholic Beliefs” is grossly misleading.