The Myth Of Implosion

Waiting for the other side to self-destruct has always been ridiculous and dangerous.

A Status Quo Election

Our long national nightmare is not over.

Defining and Discussing Fascism, Part II

Hitler comparisons.

Not Your Father’s GOP

Beyond politics, there’s culture.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

But What About Trump?

Biden is old and in diminished capacity. His opponent is old, in diminished capacity, and a horrible human being.

Is Joe Biden Fit to Serve?

The Replace Biden bandwagon continues rolling. Evidence is mounting that he needs to get on it.

Should Sonia Sotomayor Retire?

Of party, duty, age, and political roulette.

Trump Fatigue

Fighting a cult of personality is exhausting.

About That Cult Thing…

Cults of personality are not the same as cults.

The Raft of the Medusa

The Washington Post proves that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t cover some stories neutrally.

Hitler and OTB

A stroll through the archives.

(Last) Sunday’s Discussion Question Revisited

Wherein I finally reveal my answer (spoiler: it is hardly surprising). And, also, wherein despite the goal of brevity, I fail at that goal.

The Biggest Trump Indictment

The one we’ve all been waiting for.

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Pence

The past just won’t let him be.

Cheney in ’24?

Thoughts on the scenarios.

Is Partisanship a “What” or a “Why”?

The conversation continues. (Warning: it is over 3000 words).

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Political Dialog in the Age of Trump

It’s difficulty to have have a conversation with an albatross hanging over it.

Republicans Afraid To Speak Out Against Trump Are As Bad The Trump Cultists

Those Republicans who recognize how bad President Trump is for he nation but are afraid to speak out against him are as bad as the true believers of Cult45.

Poll Finds Republicans Think Trump Is A Better President Than Lincoln

Further evidence that the Republican Party has turned into a cult of personalty built around Donald Trump.

McConnell And Senate Republicans Block Election Security Bills

The evidence is clear that Russia interfered in the election in 2016 and intends to do so again. Despite this, Mitch McConnell is blocking legislation designed to enhance election security.

Trump’s Mexico Tariffs And Republican ‘Profiles In Courage’

The GOP Senators standing up against the President’s tariffs on Mexico are being called courageous. I’m wondering what took them so long to stand up.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Keeps Lying, The Truth Keeps Dying

Two years into his Presidency, Donald Trump continues to set the wrong kind of records.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Ends 2018 With An Astounding Number Of Lies Under His Belt

The fact that this President is a congenital liar is well-known. The actual number of lies less than two years into his Presidency, though, is astounding.

Republican Voters Don’t Care About Russian Interference In American Elections

Three new polls show that Republicans basically agree with the leader of their party when it comes to the issue of Russian interference in American elections.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Flip Flop

Donald Trump is signaling a big shift in his immigration position.

Donald Trump Calls For Ban On All Muslim Immigration

Donald J. Trump continues to turn the dial higher and higher on his fascist demagoguery.

Republicans Underestimating Hillary Clinton?

Republicans seem to be thinking that Hillary Clinton will be an easier General Election candidate than the evidence suggests she is likely to be.

Putin Makes Waves At G-20 Summit Over Ukraine, Reportedly Leaving Early

Vladimir Putin’s reception at the G-20 Summit in Australia has been less than warm thanks to recent events in Ukraine.

Army Spokesman: Don’t Criticize President Over Sequester

Reminding government employees that they are employees of the government is suddenly controversial.

No, It’s Not Fascism

Unsurprisingly, Obama Re-Elect Will Accept SuperPAC Aid

The Obama Campaign is being criticized for agreeing to play the SuperPAC game like everyone else does.

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

The Death Of Kim Jong-il: Intelligence Failures And What Comes Next

How can we know what happens next in North Korea when we didn’t even know Kim Jong-il had died?

67% Of Registered Voters Say Sarah Palin Unqualified To Be President

Another poll confirms that Sarah Palin continues to be viewed negatively by the majority of American voters, but that doesn’t seem to matter to supporters who seem have a degree of adulation usually reserved for celebrities than serious politicians.

Turkey’s Islamist Democracy

Turkey reformed its constitution over the weekend, in what Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised “will go down in history as a turning point in Turkish democracy.” But there’s strong disagreement over which way it’s headed.

Politics of Spite

The End of Fascism