All of the legal remedies are impossible.
Progressive activists are preparing to “democracy-proof” the country.
Political grandstanding over dubious claims of privilege.
Yes, every special election is a very special snowflake, but trends do emerge
This is the logical result of Trump’s legal arguments & that should give everyone pause
The Lawfare podcast offers a great primer on the eve of oral arguments
A few predictions that are going to disappoint just about everyone.
The highest court has agreed to expedite a ruling on a novel question.
It’s going to be up to the American people to keep Trump out of the White House.
The party’s 2012 nominee is an indicator of how fall it has fallen.
The mainstream media isn’t and shouldn’t become a counterpart to the right-wing infotainment complex.
Jonathan Turley’s defense of the impeachment inquiry is not impressive.
America survived a civil war and the turmoil of the 1960s. Can we rebound again?
The problem is not the indictment; it is the indicted.