Donald Trump’s Own Appointees Are Telling World Leaders To Ignore His Tweets

President Trump’s tweets, other public statements, and actions are causing world leaders to doubt the reliability of the United States on the world stage.

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Admits Paying Off Porn Star Alleged To Have Affair With Trump

Donald Trump’s lawyer admits to making a six-figure payment on the eve of the 2016 election to a porn star that Trump was alleged to have had an affair with. That just raises a host of other questions.

A Second Brexit Vote? Some Britons Are Asking For One

As Brexit negotiations go on and the consequences of Britain leaving the European Union become clearer, some Britons are starting to ask for a chance at a second referendum.

The Downside of Uber

The rise of ‘car sharing’ services has greatly benefitted consumers but had a devastating effect on taxi drivers.

Donald Trump Reportedly Won’t Visit United Kingdom Unless Theresa May Bans Protests

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular in the United Kingdom, and that’s apparently causing him to eschew visiting the United States’s most important ally.

European Allies Rebuffing American Efforts To Renegotiate Iran Nuclear Deal

America’s closest European allies are rebuffing the Trump Administration’s efforts to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran. They’re right to do so.

Notorious Mass Murderer Charles Manson Dead at 83

Charles Manson, who led a cult-like “family” to a series of murders in 1969 and subsequently spent more than 40 years in prison, has died at the age of 83.

Signs Of Russian Meddling In Brexit Vote

It appears Russia attempted to influence last year’s Brexit vote in the same manner it did the 2016 election in the United States.

Eight Killed and Nearly A Dozen Injured In New York City Terror Attack

A month that was highlighted by the capture of the ISIS capital city of Raqqa ends with an apparent lone wolf ISIS-inspired attack in New York City

Bregrets, They’ve Had A Few: Brits Beginning To Regret Brexit?

At least some portion of the British public appears to be having some second thoughts about Brexit.

Trump Slump? International Travel To U.S. Suffers Noticeable Drop Since January

Commerce Department figures report a measurable drop in international travel to the United States since the start of 2017.

London Underground Bombed By Presumed Terrorists

The London subway was hit by a bomb during the morning rush hour. Authorities are treating it as a terrorist attack.

United Nations Passes Watered Down North Korean Sanctions

The Trump Administration’s effort to impose sanctions against North Korea suffered a significant defeat in the United Nations Security Council.

Legendary Comedian Jerry Lewis Dead At 91

A loss for the world of comedy.

At Least Thirteen Dead, Dozens Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In Spain

At least thirteen dead in an apparent terrorist attack in Spain.

Van Attack Outside London Mosque Kills One, Injures Ten, In Apparent Anti-Muslim Attack

A van struck a crowd outside a London mosque late last night in an attack by a man who said he wanted to kill Muslims.

Trump May Cancel Trip To United Kingdom Due To Planned Protests

Reports are indicating that President Trump may cancel or delay his trip to the United Kingdom due to planned protests.

British Election Leads To Hung Parliament, Theresa May Forms Uncertain Coalition

A massive political miscalculation by Theresa May leads to an uncertain future in the United Kingdom.

Donald Trump Undermines Defense Of His Muslim Ban In Morning Tweetstorm

President Trump took to Twitter again this morning and promptly shot himself in the foot.

London Attack Leads To Another Incoherent Trump Twitter Tirade

President Trump responded to last night’s terror attacks by taking to Twitter.

Six Killed, Dozens Injured, In Late Night Terror Attack In London

Another night of terror in the United Kingdom.

James Bond Actor Roger Moore Dead At 89

Roger Moore, who played James Bond for a longer period and in more films than any other actor to date, has died at the age of 89.

Bombing At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, England Kills 22, Wounds Dozens

A night of carnage and depravity in the United Kingdom.

Donald Trump’s Persecution Complex

After news of the appointment of a special counsel in the Russia investigation, Donald Trump’s persecution complex was on full display.

British Prime Minister Calls For Snap Election On June 8th

A political surprise in Great Britain as Prime Minister Theresa May calls a snap election for June 8th.

At Least Three Dead, Twenty Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In London

An apparent terror attack outside Parliament in London.

Britain To Trigger Beginning Of Brexit Process On March 29th

British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she will formally invoke Article 50 of the European Union treaty on March 29th, thus officially beginning a Brexit process likely to take years.

Chuck Berry, Rock And Roll Pioneer, Dies At 90

A pioneer of Rock & Roll has passed away.

Scottish First Minister Calls For Another Scottish Independence Vote

Scotland’s First Minister is calling for another independence vote in the wake of the beginning of the Brexit process, but she’s unlikely to get it.

Older Brother Of Kim Jong-Un Murdered In Kuala Lumpur

North Korean Intrigue…….

Trump’s Defense of Putin

The President throws the US under the bus to defend Putin.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump To Take First Weekend As POTUS Off

Donald Trump will take some time off after taking the Oath of Office.

British Prime Minister Theresa May Aiming For A ‘Hard Brexit’

British Prime Minister Theresa May made it clear that she intends to move forward with Brexit.

An Excellent Question (The New Love for Assange)

What is the deal with the love-fest for Julian Assange?

Carrie Fisher Dies At 60

Rest in Peace, Princess. May the Force be with you.

Has 2016 Really Been An Unusually Bad Year For Celebrity Deaths?

It seems as though 2016 has taken many more celebrities lives than past years.

George Michael, Pop Music Superstar, Dies At 53

Another music superstar has passed away.

Leonard Cohen, Legendary Singer, Songwriter, And Poet, Dead At 82

Another great loss for music in what has been a difficult year.

Gene Wilder, Comedian And Film Actor, Dies At 83

A skilled comedian and unlikely leading man has passed away at the age of 83.

French ‘Burkini’ Ban Provokes Backlash

For largely irrational reasons, French police are arresting women on the beach for wearing swimsuits that are compatible with their faith.

Summer Olympics Were Lowest Rated Since 2000

Despite being much more conveniently located for viewers in the United States, viewership for the just-concluded Olympics were the lowest they’ve been in sixteen years.

Anti-Trump Republicans Get Behind Campaign Of Some Guy Nobody’s Ever Heard Of

The latest desperation bid from anti-Trump Republicans is guaranteed to make a GOP civil war more likely.

Attempted Coup Rocks Turkey, But Fails To Overthrow Government

Turkey’s government appears to have rebuffed a coup attempt, but questions remains about the stability of the government going forward.

Theresa May Set To Become Next British Prime Minister On Wednesday

A quick succession of events this morning means that Theresa May will become Britain’s Prime Minister far sooner than anticipated.

Tories Set To Pick Between Two Women To Replace David Cameron

Regardless of the outcome of the Conservative Party’s leadership race, the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom will be a woman.

20 Dead In Bangladesh Attack Claimed By ISIS

A third major ISIS-inspired or planned attack in three weeks.