U.S. Military Operations Having Little Impact On Taliban

The military surge in Afghanistan appears to be having little impact on the Taliban.

Wikileaks Didn’t Reveal That Many Secrets, SecDef Says

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged in a newly released letter that the Wikileaks Afghan War document dump wasn’t as damaging as the Pentagon initially claimed. So what was the uproar all about?

Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

AP: Combat In Iraq Is Not Over

AP staff have been instructed “combat in Iraq is not over, and we should not uncritically repeat suggestions that it is, even if they come from senior officials. The situation on the ground in Iraq is no different today than it has been for some months.”

Obama’s Shadow War on Terror

Barack Obama has significantly widened his predecessor’s global war on terrorism, even if he’s no longer calling it that.

Doing Our Best to Boost Property Values in Dubai

Now we’re doubling down on the Karzai government.

Tough Questions on Afghanistan

We need to ask ourselves some tough questions on Afghanistan.

Endless War Causing Trouble At The Top ?

Are new war strategies putting too much strain on commanders in the field ?

Afghanistan Is Not Like Iraq, Even If The Same General Is In Charge

The odds that David Petraeus will be able to pull off a miracle in Afghanistan like he did in Iraq are very slim.

War Declarations